Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
4dwarrio | 4-D Warriors (315-5162) | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | | |
airbustr | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World) | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco license) | | |
airbustrb | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg | airbustr | airbustr |
airbustrj | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan) | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco license) | airbustr | airbustr |
airwolf | Airwolf | 1987 | Kyugo | | |
airwolfa | Airwolf (US) | 1987 | Kyugo (United Amusements license) | airwolf | airwolf |
aliensec | Alien Sector | 1985 | Namco | | |
alpha1v | Alpha One (Vision Electronics) | 1988 | Vision Electronics | | |
androdun | Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049) | 1992 | Visco | neogeo | |
ar_sprg | Space Ranger (Arcadia, V 2.0) | 1987 | Arcadia Systems | ar_bios | |
area88 | Area 88 (Japan) | 1989 | Capcom | unsquad | unsquad |
area88r | Area 88 (Japan Resale Ver.) | 1989 | Capcom | unsquad | unsquad |
astrofl | Astro Flash (Japan) | 1986 | Sega | transfrm | transfrm |
attackf | Attack (bootleg of Defender) | 1980 | bootleg (Famaresa) | defender | defender |
backfirt | Back Fire (Tecmo, bootleg) | 1988 | Tecmo | | |
bakutotu | Bakutotsu Kijuutei | 1988 | Namco | | |
baraduke | Baraduke | 1985 | Namco | aliensec | aliensec |
batlzone | Battle Zone (bootleg of Mayday) | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game) | mayday | mayday |
bioship | Bio-ship Paladin | 1990 | UPL (American Sammy license) | | |
blazeon | Blaze On (World) | 1992 | A.I (Atlus license) | | |
blazeonj | Blaze On (Japan) | 1992 | A.I (Atlus license) | blazeon | blazeon |
blazstar | Blazing Star | 1998 | Yumekobo | neogeo | |
blkheart | Black Heart | 1991 | UPL | | |
blkheartj | Black Heart (Japan) | 1991 | UPL | blkheart | blkheart |
bomber | Bomber (bootleg of Scramble) | 198? | bootleg (Alca) | scramble | scramble |
brain | Brain | 1986 | Coreland / Sega | | |
cavenger | Cosmic Avenger | 1981 | Universal | | |
cawing | Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) | 1990 | Capcom | | |
cawingb2 | Carrier Air Wing (bootleg with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205, set 2) | 1990 | bootleg | cawing | cawing |
cawingbl | Carrier Air Wing (bootleg with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205, set 1) | 1990 | bootleg | cawing | cawing |
cawingj | U.S. Navy (Japan 901012) | 1990 | Capcom | cawing | cawing |
cawingr1 | Carrier Air Wing (World 901009) | 1990 | Capcom | cawing | cawing |
cawingu | Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) | 1990 | Capcom | cawing | cawing |
cawingur1 | Carrier Air Wing (USA 901012) | 1990 | Capcom | cawing | cawing |
chimerab | Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 1) | 1993 | Jaleco | | |
chimeraba | Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 2) | 1993 | Jaleco | chimerab | chimerab |
choplift | Choplifter (8751 315-5151) | 1985 | Sega (licensed from Dan Gorlin) | | |
chopliftbl | Choplifter (bootleg) | 1985 | bootleg | choplift | choplift |
chopliftu | Choplifter (unprotected) | 1985 | Sega (licensed from Dan Gorlin) | choplift | choplift |
chukatai | Chuka Taisen (World) (P0-028-A PCB) | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
chukataij | Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-028-A PCB) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | chukatai | chukatai |
chukataija | Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | chukatai | chukatai |
chukataiu | Chuka Taisen (US) (P0-028-A PCB) | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | chukatai | chukatai |
cobracom | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 5) | 1988 | Data East Corporation | | |
cobracoma | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) | 1988 | Data East Corporation | cobracom | cobracom |
cobracomb | Cobra-Command (World/US) | 1988 | Data East Corporation | cobracom | cobracom |
cobracomj | Cobra-Command (Japan) | 1988 | Data East Corporation | cobracom | cobracom |
cobracomjb | Cobra-Command (Japan, bootleg) | 1988 | bootleg | cobracom | cobracom |
cosmccop | Cosmic Cop (World) | 1991 | Irem | | |
cotton | Cotton (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0181a) | 1991 | Success / Sega | | |
cottond | Cotton (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0181a set) | 1991 | bootleg | cotton | cotton |
cottonj | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0179b) | 1991 | Success / Sega | cotton | cotton |
cottonja | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0179a) | 1991 | Success / Sega | cotton | cotton |
cottonjad | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179a set) | 1991 | bootleg | cotton | cotton |
cottonjd | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179b set) | 1991 | bootleg | cotton | cotton |
cottonu | Cotton (set 3, US) (FD1094 317-0180) | 1991 | Success / Sega | cotton | cotton |
cottonud | Cotton (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0180 set) | 1991 | bootleg | cotton | cotton |
dambustr | Dambusters (US, set 1) | 1981 | South West Research | | |
dambustra | Dambusters (US, set 2) | 1981 | South West Research | dambustr | dambustr |
dambustruk | Dambusters (UK) | 1981 | South West Research | dambustr | dambustr |
darius | Darius (World, rev 2) | 1986 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
dariuse | Darius Extra Version (Japan) | 1986 | Taito Corporation | darius | darius |
dariusj | Darius (Japan, rev 1) | 1986 | Taito Corporation | darius | darius |
dariuso | Darius (Japan) | 1986 | Taito Corporation | darius | darius |
dariusu | Darius (US, rev 2) | 1986 | Taito America Corporation | darius | darius |
dbreed | Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware) | 1989 | Irem | | |
dbreedjm72 | Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware) | 1989 | Irem | dbreed | dbreed |
dbreedm72 | Dragon Breed (World, M72 hardware) | 1989 | Irem | dbreed | dbreed |
defcmnd | Defense Command (bootleg of Defender) | 1980 | bootleg | defender | defender |
defence | Defence Command (bootleg of Defender) | 1981 | bootleg (Outer Limits) | defender | defender |
defender | Defender (Red label) | 1980 | Williams | | |
defenderb | Defender (Blue label) | 1980 | Williams | defender | defender |
defenderg | Defender (Green label) | 1980 | Williams | defender | defender |
defenderj | T.T Defender | 1980 | Williams (Taito Corporation license) | defender | defender |
defenderom | Operacion Defender (bootleg of Defender) | 1981 | bootleg (Operamatic) | defender | defender |
defenderw | Defender (White label) | 1980 | Williams | defender | defender |
defenseb | Defense (bootleg of Defender) | 198? | bootleg | defender | defender |
ecofghtr | Eco Fighters (World 931203) | 1993 | Capcom | | |
ecofghtra | Eco Fighters (Asia 931203) | 1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
ecofghtrd | Eco Fighters (World 931203 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 1993 | bootleg | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
ecofghtrh | Eco Fighters (Hispanic 931203) | 1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
ecofghtru | Eco Fighters (USA 940215) | 1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
ecofghtru1 | Eco Fighters (USA 931203) | 1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) | 1991 | Jaleco | | |
edfa | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) | 1991 | Jaleco | edf | edf |
edfp | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (Japan, prototype) | 1991 | Jaleco | edf | edf |
edfu | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (North America) | 1991 | Jaleco | edf | edf |
exzisus | Exzisus (Japan, dedicated) | 1987 | Taito Corporation | | |
exzisusa | Exzisus (Japan, conversion) | 1987 | Taito Corporation | exzisus | exzisus |
exzisust | Exzisus (TAD license) | 1987 | Taito Corporation (TAD license) | exzisus | exzisus |
fantzn2 | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (MC-8123, 317-0057) | 1988 | Sega | | |
fantzn2x | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version) | 2008 | Sega / M2 | | |
fantzn2xp | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version, prototype) | 2008 | Sega / M2 | fantzn2x | fantzn2x |
fantzone | Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected) | 1986 | Sega | | |
fantzone1 | Fantasy Zone (unprotected) | 1986 | Sega | fantzone | fantzone |
fantzonee | Fantasy Zone (FD1089B 317-0016) | 1986 | Sega | fantzone | fantzone |
fantzonep | Fantasy Zone (317-5000) | 1986 | Sega | fantzone | fantzone |
fantzoneta | Fantasy Zone (Time Attack, bootleg) | 2008 | bootleg | fantzone | fantzone |
forgottn | Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) | 1988 | Capcom | | |
forgottna | Forgotten Worlds (World) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnj | Forgotten Worlds (Japan) (English prototype) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnu | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnua | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. A) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnuaa | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. AA) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnuc | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. C) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
forgottnue | Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. E) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
gallop | Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M84 hardware) | 1991 | Irem | cosmccop | cosmccop |
gallopm72 | Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) | 1991 | Irem | cosmccop | cosmccop |
galwars2 | Galaxy Wars II (bootleg of Defender) | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | defender | defender |
gensitou | Genshitou 1930's | 1989 | SNK | prehisle | prehisle |
gigandes | Gigandes | 1989 | East Technology | | |
gigandesa | Gigandes (earlier) | 1989 | East Technology | gigandes | gigandes |
gradius | Gradius (Japan, ROM version) | 1985 | Konami | nemesis | nemesis |
gradius2 | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan New Ver.) | 1988 | Konami | vulcan | vulcan |
gradius2a | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Old Ver.) | 1988 | Konami | vulcan | vulcan |
gradius2b | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Older Ver.) | 1988 | Konami | vulcan | vulcan |
gradius3 | Gradius III (World, program code R) | 1989 | Konami | | |
gradius3a | Gradius III (Asia) | 1989 | Konami | gradius3 | gradius3 |
gradius3j | Gradius III (Japan, program code S) | 1989 | Konami | gradius3 | gradius3 |
gradius3js | Gradius III (Japan, program code S, split) | 1989 | Konami | gradius3 | gradius3 |
gunhohki | Mahou Keibitai Gun Hohki (Japan) | 1992 | Irem | mysticri | mysticri |
hachamf | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) | 1991 | NMK | | |
hachamfa | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 2) | 1991 | NMK | hachamf | hachamf |
hachamfb | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, unprotected, bootleg Thunder Dragon conversion) | 1991 | bootleg | hachamf | hachamf |
hachamfp | Hacha Mecha Fighter (Location Test Prototype, 19th Sep. 1991) | 1991 | NMK | hachamf | hachamf |
hellfire | Hellfire (2P set) | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | | |
hellfire1 | Hellfire (1P set) | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | hellfire | hellfire |
hellfire1a | Hellfire (1P set, older) | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | hellfire | hellfire |
hellfire2a | Hellfire (2P set, older) | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | hellfire | hellfire |
hvyunit | Heavy Unit (World) | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | | |
hvyunitj | Heavy Unit (Japan, newer) | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | hvyunit | hvyunit |
hvyunitja | Heavy Unit (Japan, alternate ROM format) | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | hvyunit | hvyunit |
hvyunitjo | Heavy Unit (Japan, older) | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | hvyunit | hvyunit |
hvyunitu | Heavy Unit -U.S.A. Version- (US) | 1988 | Kaneko / Taito | hvyunit | hvyunit |
hyprduel | Hyper Duel (Japan set 1) | 1993 | Technosoft | | |
hyprduel2 | Hyper Duel (Japan set 2) | 1993 | Technosoft | hyprduel | hyprduel |
insectx | Insector X (World) | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
insectxbl | Insector X (bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg (Nagoya Kaihatsu) | insectx | insectx |
insectxj | Insector X (Japan) | 1989 | Taito Corporation | insectx | insectx |
ironclad | Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype) | 1996 | Saurus | neogeo | |
ironclado | Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype, bootleg) | 1996 | bootleg | ironclad | ironclad |
kamikazesp | Kamikaze (Euromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Euromatic S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
lasthope | Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support) | 2005 | NG:DEV.TEAM | neogeo | |
lostwrld | Lost Worlds (Japan) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
lostwrldo | Lost Worlds (Japan Old Ver.) | 1988 | Capcom | forgottn | forgottn |
lresort | Last Resort | 1992 | SNK | neogeo | |
lresortp | Last Resort (prototype) | 1992 | SNK | lresort | lresort |
macross2 | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II | 1993 | Banpresto | | |
macross2g | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (Gamest review build) | 1993 | Banpresto | macross2 | macross2 |
macross2k | Macross II (Korea) | 1993 | Banpresto | macross2 | macross2 |
markham | Markham | 1983 | Sun Electronics | | |
mars | Mars | 1981 | Artic | | |
megablst | Mega Blast (World) | 1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
megablstj | Mega Blast (Japan) | 1989 | Taito Corporation | megablst | megablst |
megablstu | Mega Blast (US) | 1989 | Taito America Corporation | megablst | megablst |
metalb | Metal Black (World) | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
metalba | Metal Black (World, single PCB) | 1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | metalb | metalb |
metalbj | Metal Black (Japan) | 1991 | Taito Corporation | metalb | metalb |
mimonkey | Mighty Monkey | 1982 | Universal Video Games | | |
mimonsco | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Super Cobra hardware) | 1982 | bootleg | mimonkey | mimonkey |
mimonscr | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Scramble hardware) | 1982 | bootleg | mimonkey | mimonkey |
mimonscra | Mighty Monkey (Kaina Games, bootleg on Scramble hardware) | 1982 | bootleg (Kaina Games) | mimonkey | mimonkey |
mshuttle | Moon Shuttle (US? set 1) | 1981 | Nichibutsu | | |
mshuttle2 | Moon Shuttle (US? set 2) | 1981 | Nichibutsu | mshuttle | mshuttle |
mshuttlea | Moon Shuttle (US, version A) | 1981 | Nichibutsu | mshuttle | mshuttle |
mshuttlej | Moon Shuttle (Japan set 1) | 1981 | Nichibutsu | mshuttle | mshuttle |
mshuttlej2 | Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) | 1981 | Nichibutsu | mshuttle | mshuttle |
mustang | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990) | 1990 | UPL | | |
mustangb | US AAF Mustang (bootleg, set 1) | 1990 | bootleg | mustang | mustang |
mustangb2 | US AAF Mustang (TAB Austria bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg (TAB Austria) | mustang | mustang |
mustangb3 | US AAF Mustang (Lettering bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg (Lettering) | mustang | mustang |
mustangs | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990 / Seoul Trading) | 1990 | UPL (Seoul Trading license) | mustang | mustang |
mysticri | Mystic Riders (World) | 1992 | Irem | | |
mysticrib | Mystic Riders (bootleg?) | 1992 | Irem | mysticri | mysticri |
nemesis | Nemesis (ROM version) | 1985 | Konami | | |
nemesisuk | Nemesis (World?, ROM version) | 1985 | Konami | nemesis | nemesis |
offensiv | Offensive (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Video Dens) | scramble | scramble |
ordyne | Ordyne (World) | 1988 | Namco | | |
ordynej | Ordyne (Japan) | 1988 | Namco | ordyne | ordyne |
ordyneje | Ordyne (Japan, English Version) | 1988 | Namco | ordyne | ordyne |
p47 | P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World) | 1988 | Jaleco | | |
p47a | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World) | 1988 | Jaleco | p47 | p47 |
p47bl | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World, bootleg) | 1988 | bootleg | p47 | p47 |
p47j | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan) | 1988 | Jaleco | p47 | p47 |
p47je | P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan, Export) | 1988 | Jaleco | p47 | p47 |
parodius | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 1) | 1990 | Konami | | |
parodiusa | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (Asia) | 1990 | Konami | parodius | parodius |
parodiuse | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 2) | 1990 | Konami | parodius | parodius |
parodiusj | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (Japan) | 1990 | Konami | parodius | parodius |
pballoon | Pioneer Balloon | 1982 | SNK | | |
pballoonr | Pioneer Balloon (Rock-Ola license) | 1982 | SNK (Rock-Ola license) | pballoon | pballoon |
pc_grdue | Gradius (PlayChoice-10, older) | 1986 | Konami | pc_grdus | pc_grdus |
pc_grdus | Gradius (PlayChoice-10) | 1986 | Konami | playch10 | |
pistoldm | Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan) | 1990 | Namco | | |
prehisle | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) | 1989 | SNK | | |
prehisleb | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, bootleg) | 1989 | bootleg | prehisle | prehisle |
prehislek | Wonsido 1930's (Korea) | 1989 | SNK (Victor license) | prehisle | prehisle |
prehisleu | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) | 1989 | SNK | prehisle | prehisle |
preisle2 | Prehistoric Isle 2 | 1999 | Yumekobo / Saurus | neogeo | |
progear | Progear (USA 010117) | 2001 | Cave (Capcom license) | | |
progeara | Progear (Asia 010117) | 2001 | Cave (Capcom license) | progear | progear |
progearj | Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117) | 2001 | Cave (Capcom license) | progear | progear |
progearjbl | Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117) (decrypted bootleg) | 2001 | bootleg | progear | progear |
progearjd | Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 2001 | bootleg | progear | progear |
progearud | Progear (USA 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 2001 | bootleg | progear | progear |
pulstar | Pulstar | 1995 | Aicom | neogeo | |
rabiolep | Rabio Lepus (Japan) | 1987 | V-System Co. | | |
rezon | Rezon | 1992 | Allumer | | |
rezono | Rezon (earlier) | 1991 | Allumer | rezon | rezon |
rpunch | Rabbit Punch (US) | 1987 | V-System Co. (Bally/Midway/Sente license) | rabiolep | rabiolep |
rtype | R-Type (World) | 1987 | Irem | | |
rtype2 | R-Type II (World) | 1989 | Irem | | |
rtype2j | R-Type II (Japan) | 1989 | Irem | rtype2 | rtype2 |
rtype2jc | R-Type II (Japan, revision C) | 1989 | Irem | rtype2 | rtype2 |
rtypeb | R-Type (World bootleg) | 1987 | bootleg | rtype | rtype |
rtypej | R-Type (Japan) | 1987 | Irem | rtype | rtype |
rtypejp | R-Type (Japan prototype) | 1987 | Irem | rtype | rtype |
rtypeleo | R-Type Leo (World) | 1992 | Irem | | |
rtypeleoj | R-Type Leo (Japan) | 1992 | Irem | rtypeleo | rtypeleo |
rtypeu | R-Type (US) | 1987 | Irem (Nintendo of America license) | rtype | rtype |
sauro | Sauro (set 1) | 1987 | Tecfri | | |
sauroa | Sauro (set 2) | 1987 | Tecfri | sauro | sauro |
saurob | Sauro (set 3) | 1987 | Tecfri | sauro | sauro |
saurobl | Sauro (bootleg) | 1987 | bootleg | sauro | sauro |
sauroc | Sauro (set 4, easier) | 1987 | Tecfri | sauro | sauro |
saurop | Sauro (Philko license) | 1987 | Tecfri (Philko license) | sauro | sauro |
saurorr | Sauro (Recreativos Real S.A. license) | 1987 | Tecfri (Recreativos Real S.A. license) | sauro | sauro |
sbsgomo | Space Battle Ship Gomorrah | 1990 | UPL | bioship | bioship |
scobra | Super Cobra | 1981 | Konami | | |
scobrab | Super Cobra (bootleg, set 1) | 1981 | bootleg (Karateco) | scobra | scobra |
scobrae | Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) (encrypted, KONATEC XC-103SS CPU) | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | scobra | scobra |
scobrae2 | Super Cobra (encrypted) | 1981 | Konami | scobra | scobra |
scobras | Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | scobra | scobra |
scobrase | Super Cobra (Sega) | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | scobra | scobra |
scorpionmc | Scorpion (Moon Cresta hardware) | 19?? | bootleg? (Dorneer) | scorpion | scorpion |
scrabbleo | Scrabble (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Okapi?) | scramble | scramble |
scramb2 | Scramble (bootleg, set 1) | 1981 | bootleg | scramble | scramble |
scramb3 | Scramble (bootleg, set 2) | 1981 | bootleg | scramble | scramble |
scramblb | Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | 1981 | bootleg | scramble | scramble |
scramble | Scramble | 1981 | Konami | | |
scramblebb | Scramble (bootleg?) | 1981 | bootleg? | scramble | scramble |
scramblebf | Scramble (Karateco, French bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Karateco) | scramble | scramble |
scrambleo | Scramble (Okapi bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Okapi) | scramble | scramble |
scrambler | Scramble (Reben S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Reben S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
scrambles | Scramble (Stern Electronics, set 1) | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | scramble | scramble |
scrambles2 | Scramble (Stern Electronics, set 2) | 1981 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | scramble | scramble |
scrambp | Impacto (Billport S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Billport S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
scramce | Scramble (Centromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Centromatic S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
scrampt | Scramble (Petaco S.A., Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
scramrf | Scramble (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco) | scramble | scramble |
seawolft | Sea Wolf (Tecfri) | 1987 | Tecfri | sauro | sauro |
skyarmy | Sky Army | 1982 | Shoei | | |
skykid | Sky Kid (new version) | 1985 | Namco | | |
skykidd | Sky Kid (CUS60 version) | 1985 | Namco | skykid | skykid |
skykiddx | Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1) | 1986 | Namco | | |
skykiddxo | Sky Kid Deluxe (set 2) | 1986 | Namco | skykiddx | skykiddx |
skykido | Sky Kid (old version) | 1985 | Namco | skykid | skykid |
skykids | Sky Kid (Sipem) | 1985 | Namco (Sipem license) | skykid | skykid |
skywolf | Sky Wolf (set 1) | 1987 | bootleg | airwolf | airwolf |
skywolf2 | Sky Wolf (set 2) | 1987 | bootleg | airwolf | airwolf |
skywolf3 | Sky Wolf (set 3) | 1987 | bootleg | airwolf | airwolf |
soldivid | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness | 1997 | Psikyo | | |
soldividk | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness (Korea) | 1997 | Psikyo | soldivid | soldivid |
spcmission | Space Mission (SegaSA / Sonic, Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 198? | bootleg (SegaSA / Sonic) | scramble | scramble |
spctrek | Space Trek (Video Game S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Video Game S.A.) | scramble | scramble |
startrkd | Star Trek (bootleg of Defender) | 1981 | bootleg | defender | defender |
stdragon | Saint Dragon (set 1) | 1989 | Jaleco | | |
stdragona | Saint Dragon (set 2) | 1989 | Jaleco | stdragon | stdragon |
stdragonb | Saint Dragon (bootleg) | 1989 | bootleg | stdragon | stdragon |
strahl | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (World) | 1992 | UPL | | |
strahlj | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) | 1992 | UPL | strahl | strahl |
strahlja | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 2) | 1992 | UPL | strahl | strahl |
strahljbl | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan, bootleg) | 1992 | bootleg | strahl | strahl |
strfbomb | Strafe Bomb (bootleg of Scramble) | 1981 | bootleg (Omni) | scramble | scramble |
suprheli | Super Heli (bootleg of Super Cobra) | 1981 | bootleg | scobra | scobra |
syvalion | Syvalion (Japan) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | | |
syvalionp | Syvalion (World, prototype) | 1988 | Taito Corporation | syvalion | syvalion |
syvalionu | Syvalion (US, PS2 Taito Legends 2) | 1988 | Taito America Corporation | syvalion | syvalion |
syvalionw | Syvalion (World, PS2 Taito Legends 2) | 1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | syvalion | syvalion |
tengai | Tengai (World) | 1996 | Psikyo | | |
tengaij | Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan) / Tengai (World) | 1996 | Psikyo | tengai | tengai |
tfrceac | Thunder Force AC | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | | |
tfrceacb | Thunder Force AC (bootleg) | 1990 | bootleg | tfrceac | tfrceac |
tfrceacj | Thunder Force AC (Japan) | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | tfrceac | tfrceac |
tfrceacjpb | Thunder Force AC (Japan, prototype, bootleg) | 1990 | Technosoft / Sega | tfrceac | tfrceac |
thndrx2 | Thunder Cross II (World) | 1991 | Konami | | |
thndrx2a | Thunder Cross II (Asia) | 1991 | Konami | thndrx2 | thndrx2 |
thndrx2j | Thunder Cross II (Japan) | 1991 | Konami | thndrx2 | thndrx2 |
thunderx | Thunder Cross (set 1) | 1988 | Konami | | |
thunderxa | Thunder Cross (set 2) | 1988 | Konami | thunderx | thunderx |
thunderxb | Thunder Cross (set 3) | 1988 | Konami | thunderx | thunderx |
thunderxj | Thunder Cross (Japan) | 1988 | Konami | thunderx | thunderx |
tornado1 | Tornado (bootleg of Defender, set 1) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | defender | defender |
transfrm | Transformer | 1986 | Sega | | |
tstrike | Thunder Strike (set 1) | 1991 | East Coast Coin Company | | |
tstrikea | Thunder Strike (set 2, older) | 1991 | The Game Room | tstrike | tstrike |
turtship | Turtle Ship (North America) | 1988 | Philko (Sharp Image license) | | |
turtshipj | Turtle Ship (Japan) | 1988 | Philko (Pacific Games license) | turtship | turtship |
turtshipk | Turtle Ship (Korea) | 1988 | Philko | turtship | turtship |
turtshipkn | Turtle Ship (Korea, 88/9) | 1988 | Philko | turtship | turtship |
turtshipko | Turtle Ship (Korea, older) | 1988 | Philko | turtship | turtship |
twinactn | Twin Action | 1995 | Afega | | |
twinfalc | Twin Falcons | 1989 | Philko (Poara Enterprises license) | | |
uecology | Ultimate Ecology (Japan 931203) | 1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | ecofghtr |
unsquad | U.N. Squadron (USA) | 1989 | Capcom | | |
vastar | Vastar (set 1) | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | | |
vastar2 | Vastar (set 2) | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | vastar | vastar |
vastar3 | Vastar (set 3) | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | vastar | vastar |
vastar4 | Vastar (set 4) | 1983 | Orca (Sesame Japan license) | vastar | vastar |
vsgradus | Vs. Gradius (US, set GR E) | 1986 | Konami | | |
vsskykid | Vs. Super SkyKid | 1985 | Namco | | |
vulcan | Vulcan Venture (New) | 1988 | Konami | | |
vulcana | Vulcan Venture (Old) | 1988 | Konami | vulcan | vulcan |
vulcanb | Vulcan Venture (Oldest) | 1988 | Konami | vulcan | vulcan |
whizz | Whizz | 1989 | Philko | twinfalc | twinfalc |
xmultipl | X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) | 1989 | Irem | | |
xmultiplm72 | X Multiply (Japan, M72 hardware) | 1989 | Irem | xmultipl | xmultipl |
zedblade | Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok | 1994 | NMK | neogeo | |
zero | Zero (bootleg of Defender, set 1) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | defender | defender |
zero2 | Zero (bootleg of Defender, set 2) | 1980 | bootleg (Amtec) | defender | defender |
zerowing | Zero Wing (2P set) | 1989 | Toaplan | | |
zerowing1 | Zero Wing (1P set) | 1989 | Toaplan | zerowing | zerowing |
zerowingw | Zero Wing (2P set, Williams license) | 1989 | Toaplan (Williams license) | zerowing | zerowing |