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Machine Genre - Sports / Soccer

MAME: 0.272 - Released: 2024-11-29T19:06:23 - Machines: 47515 - rom: 355153 - disk: 1357 - Lists: 718 - Software: 138591 - rom: 234761 - disk: 11192

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Status: good

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
ar_soccWorld Trophy Soccer (Arcadia, V 3.0)1989Arcadia Systemsar_bios 
asoccerAmerican Soccer (Japan)1987Universalidsocceridsoccer
bestleagBest League (bootleg of Big Striker, Italian Serie A)1993bootlegbigstrikbigstrik
bestleawBest League (bootleg of Big Striker, World Cup)1993bootlegbigstrikbigstrik
bigstrikBig Striker1992Jaleco  
bssoccerBack Street Soccer (KRB-0031 PCB)1996SunA (Unico license)  
bssocceraBack Street Soccer (KRB-0032A PCB)1996SunA (Unico license)bssoccerbssoccer
cpsoccerPro Soccer (DECO Cassette) (US)1983Data East Corporationdecocass 
cpsoccerjPro Soccer (DECO Cassette) (Japan)1983Data East Corporationcpsoccercpsoccer
driblingDribbling (set 1)1983Model Racing  
driblingaDribbling (set 2)1983Model Racingdriblingdribling
driblingamDribbling (Automave)1983Model Racing (Automave license)driblingdribling
driblingoDribbling (Olympia)1983Model Racing (Olympia license)driblingdribling
driblingvmDribbling (Videomac bootleg, Brazil)1983bootleg (Videomac)driblingdribling
dsoccr94Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware)1994Irem (Data East Corporation license)  
dsoccr94jDream Soccer '94 (Japan, M92 hardware)1994Iremdsoccr94dsoccr94
dsoccr94kDream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware)1994Irem (Data East Corporation license)dsoccr94dsoccr94
euroch92Euro Champ '92 (World)1992Taito Corporation Japan  
euroch92jEuro Champ '92 (Japan)1992Taito Corporation Japaneuroch92euroch92
exctscc2Exciting Soccer II1984Alpha Denshi Co.  
exctsccrExciting Soccer1983Alpha Denshi Co.  
exctsccraExciting Soccer (alternate music)1983Alpha Denshi Co.exctsccrexctsccr
exctsccrbExciting Soccer (bootleg)1983bootleg (Kazutomi)exctsccrexctsccr
exctsccrjExciting Soccer (Japan)1983Alpha Denshi Co.exctsccrexctsccr
exctsccrjoExciting Soccer (Japan, older)1983Alpha Denshi Co.exctsccrexctsccr
exctsccruExciting Soccer (US)1983Alpha Denshi Co.exctsccrexctsccr
footchmpFootball Champ / Euro Football Champ (World)1990Taito Corporation Japan  
fsoccerFighting Soccer (version 4)1988SNK  
fsoccerbFighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg)1988bootlegfsoccerfsoccer
fsoccerbaFighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg, alt)1988bootlegfsoccerfsoccer
fsoccerjFighting Soccer (Japan)1988SNKfsoccerfsoccer
gghostGoalie Ghost1984Bally/Sente  
goalx3Goal! Goal! Goal!1995Visconeogeo 
htherojHat Trick Hero (Japan)1990Taito Corporationfootchmpfootchmp
htherouHat Trick Hero (US)1990Taito Corporationfootchmpfootchmp
idsoccerIndoor Soccer (set 1)1985Universal  
idsocceraIndoor Soccer (set 2)1985Universalidsocceridsoccer
idsoccertIndoor Soccer (Tecfri)1985Universal (Tecfri license)idsocceridsoccer
kickgoalKick Goal (set 1)1995TCH / Proyesel  
kickgoalaKick Goal (set 2)1995TCH / Proyeselkickgoalkickgoal
kicknrunKick and Run (World)1986Taito Corporation  
kicknrunuKick and Run (US)1986Taito America Corpkicknrunkicknrun
kickoffKick Off - Jaleco Cup (Japan)1988Jaleco  
kyustrkrLast Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker1989East Technology  
mexico86Mexico 86 (bootleg of Kick and Run, set 1)1986bootlegkicknrunkicknrun
neocup98Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory1998SNKneogeo 
pc_wcupNintendo World Cup (PlayChoice-10)1990Technos Japan (Nintendo license)playch10 
pgoalPleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219)1996Saurusneogeo 
pkscramPK Scramble1993Cosmo Electronics Corporation  
powrplayPower Play1985Cinematronics  
prosoccrPro Soccer1983Data East Corporation  
pwrkickPower Kick (Japan)1994Sunwise  
socbrawlSoccer Brawl (NGM-031)1991SNKneogeo 
socbrawlhSoccer Brawl (NGH-031)1991SNKsocbrawlsocbrawl
soccerAtari Soccer1980Atari  
ssidekiSuper Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou1992SNKneogeo 
ssideki2Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football (NGM-061 ~ NGH-061)1994SNKneogeo 
ssideki3Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Chousen1995SNKneogeo 
ssideki4The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero1996SNKneogeo 
stonebalStone Ball (4 Players, v1-20 13/12/1994)1994Art & Magic  
stonebal2Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 7/11/1994)1994Art & Magicstonebalstonebal
stonebal2oStone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 21/10/1994)1994Art & Magicstonebalstonebal
tehkanwcTehkan World Cup (set 1)1985Tehkan  
tehkanwcbTehkan World Cup (set 2, bootleg?)1985Tehkantehkanwctehkanwc
tehkanwcdTehkan World Cup (set 4, earlier)1985Tehkantehkanwctehkanwc
tehkanwchTehkan World Cup (1986 year hack)1986hacktehkanwctehkanwc
twsoc96Tecmo World Soccer '961996Tecmoneogeo 
vshootJ-League Soccer V-Shoot (Japan)1994Namco  
vssoccerVs. Soccer (set SC4-2 A)1985Nintendo  
vssocceraVs. Soccer (set SC4-3 ?)1985Nintendovssoccervssoccer
wsfWorld Soccer Finals (rev 4)1990Leland Corporation  
wsf3World Soccer Finals (rev 3)1990Leland Corporationwsfwsf
xtheballX the Ball1991Rare  

Status: imperfect

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
11beatEleven Beat1998Hudsonaleck64 
bigstrkbBig Striker (bootleg)1992bootlegbigstrikbigstrik
bigstrkbaBig Striker (bootleg w/Italian teams)1992bootlegbigstrikbigstrik
cupfinalTaito Cup Finals (Ver 1.0O 1993/02/28)1993Taito Corporation Japan  
dynashotDynamic Shoot Kyousou1988Jaleco  
eurogaelEuro League (Gaelco bootleg, Modular System)1989bootleg (Gaelco / Ervisa)twcup90twcup90
evosoccEvolution Soccer2001Evogacrysbios 
fivesideFive a Side Soccer (ver UAA)1995Konami  
footbpowFootball Power (version 1.2)1999Gaelco  
footbpow11Football Power (version 1.1)1999Gaelcofootbpowfootbpow
goal92Goal! '921992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
gstrik2Grand Striker 2 (Europe and Oceania)1996Human Amusement  
gstrik2jGrand Striker 2 (Japan)1996Human Amusementgstrik2gstrik2
hthero93Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0J 1993/02/28)1993Taito Corporationcupfinalcupfinal
hthero93uHat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0A 1993/02/28)1993Taito Corporationcupfinalcupfinal
hthero94Hat Trick Hero '94 (Ver 2.2A 1994/05/26)1994Taito America Corporationintcup94intcup94
hthero95Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.5J 1994/11/03)1994Taito Corporationpwrgoalpwrgoal
hthero95aHat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17)1994Taito Corporation Japanpwrgoalpwrgoal
hthero95uHat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.5A 1994/11/03)1994Taito America Corporationpwrgoalpwrgoal
intcup94International Cup '94 (Ver 2.2O 1994/05/26)1994Taito Corporation Japan  
jleagueThe J.League 1994 (Japan, Rev A)1994Segasvfsvf
jleagueoThe J.League 1994 (Japan)1994Segasvfsvf
kicknkickKick & Kick (GNA36 VER. EAA)2001Konamisys573 
kickoffbKick Off - World Cup (bootleg)1988bootleg (Comodo)kickoffkickoff
lbgrandeLibero Grande (World, LG2/VER.A)1997Namco  
mp_twcupTecmo World Cup (Mega Play)1993Segamegaplay 
primglexPrime Goal EX (Japan, PG1/VER.A)1996Namco  
prmrsocrPremier Soccer (ver EAB)1993Konami  
prmrsocrjPremier Soccer (ver JAB)1993Konamiprmrsocrprmrsocr
pwrgoalTaito Power Goal (Ver 2.5O 1994/11/03)1994Taito Corporation Japan  
scfinalsSuper Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13, single PCB)1993Taito Corporation Japan  
scfinalsoSuper Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, single PCB)1993Taito Corporation Japanscfinalsscfinals
scfinalsocSuper Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, F3 Cartridge)1993Taito Corporation Japanscfinalsscfinals
sfchampSuper Football Champ (Ver 2.5O)1995Taitocoh1000t 
sfchampjSuper Football Champ (Ver 2.4J)1995Taitosfchampsfchamp
sfchampoSuper Football Champ (Ver 2.4O)1995Taitosfchampsfchamp
sfchampuSuper Football Champ (Ver 2.4A)1995Taitosfchampsfchamp
soccerssSoccer Superstars (ver EAC)1994Konamikonamigx 
soccerssaSoccer Superstars (ver AAA)1994Konamisoccersssoccerss
soccerssjSoccer Superstars (ver JAC)1994Konamisoccersssoccerss
soccerssjaSoccer Superstars (ver JAA)1994Konamisoccersssoccerss
soccerssuSoccer Superstars (ver UAC)1994Konamisoccersssoccerss
svfSuper Visual Football: European Sega Cup (Rev A)1994Sega  
svfoSuper Visual Football: European Sega Cup1994Segasvfsvf
svsSuper Visual Soccer: Sega Cup (US, Rev A)1994Segasvfsvf
twcup90Tecmo World Cup '90 (World set 1)1989Tecmo  
twcup90aTecmo World Cup '90 (Europe set 1)1989Tecmotwcup90twcup90
twcup90bTecmo World Cup '90 (Europe set 2)1989Tecmotwcup90twcup90
twcup90b1Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 1)1989bootlegtwcup90twcup90
twcup90b2Worldcup '90 (hack)1989bootlegtwcup90twcup90
twcup90b3Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 3)1989bootlegtwcup90twcup90
twcup90baEuro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 2)1989bootlegtwcup90twcup90
twcup90bbWorld Cup '90 (European hack, different title)1989bootlegtwcup90twcup90
twcup90cTecmo World Cup '90 (Europe set 3)1989Tecmotwcup90twcup90
twcup90tTecmo World Cup '90 (trackball set 1)1989Tecmotwcup90twcup90
twcupmilTecmo World Cup Millennium (Japan)2000Tecmocoh1002m 
vsnetscrVersus Net Soccer (ver EAD)1996Konamikonamigx 
vsnetscraVersus Net Soccer (ver AAA)1996Konamivsnetscrvsnetscr
vsnetscrebVersus Net Soccer (ver EAB)1996Konamivsnetscrvsnetscr
vsnetscrjVersus Net Soccer (ver JAB)1996Konamivsnetscrvsnetscr
vsnetscruVersus Net Soccer (ver UAB)1996Konamivsnetscrvsnetscr
wpksocv2World PK Soccer V2 (ver 1.1)1996Jaleco  

Status: preliminary

NameDescriptionYearManufacturerRom ofClone of
cupsocSeibu Cup Soccer (set 1)1992Seibu Kaihatsu  
cupsocaSeibu Cup Soccer (set 2)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
cupsocbSeibu Cup Soccer (set 3)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
cupsocsSeibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (set 1)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
cupsocs2Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (set 2)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
cupsocsbSeibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 1)1992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
cupsocsb2Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 2)1992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
cupsocsb3Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 3)1992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
cupsocsb4Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 4)1992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
cupsocsb5Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 5)1992bootlegcupsoccupsoc
footchmpblFootball Champ / Euro Football Champ (World) (bootleg)1992bootlegfootchmpfootchmp
gfootbalGaelco Football2002Gaelco / Zigurat  
gstrikerGrand Striker (Europe, Oceania)1993Human  
gstrikeraGrand Striker (Americas)1993Humangstrikergstriker
gstrikerjGrand Striker (Japan)1993Humangstrikergstriker
heatof11Heat of Eleven '98 (ver EAA)1998Konami  
kick4cshKick '4' Cash (Export)2004Seganaomi 
mexico86aMexico 86 (bootleg of Kick and Run, set 2)1986bootlegkicknrunkicknrun
mexicoiMexico 86 (Italian speech)1986Zaccariamexicomexico
mt_gsocrGreat Soccer (Mega-Tech, SMS based)198?Segamegatech 
mt_wcsocWorld Championship Soccer (Mega-Tech)1989Segamegatech 
nss_ssocSuper Soccer (Nintendo Super System)1992Human Inc.nss 
olysoc92Olympic Soccer '92 (set 1)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
olysoc92aOlympic Soccer '92 (set 2)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
olysoc92bOlympic Soccer '92 (set 3)1992Seibu Kaihatsucupsoccupsoc
pestaPro Evolution Soccer The Arcade (ver EAA)2002Konamikpython 
tehkanwccTehkan World Cup (set 3, bootleg)1985bootlegtehkanwctehkanwc
twcup94Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 1)1994Tecmo  
twcup94aTecmo World Cup '94 (set 2)1994Tecmotwcup94twcup94
twcup94bTecmo World Cup '94 (set 3)1994Tecmotwcup94twcup94
twcup98Tecmo World Cup '98 (JUET 980410 V1.000)1998Tecmostvbios 
twsoc98Tecmo World Soccer '98 (JUET 980410 V1.000)1998Tecmotwcup98twcup98
vgoalsocV Goal Soccer (Europe)1994Tecmo  
vgoalsocaV Goal Soccer (US/Japan/Korea)1994Tecmovgoalsocvgoalsoc
vicshootVictory Shoot1995Taito Corporation  
vs2Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0, Export, USA)1997Sega  
vs2_2kVirtua Striker 2 Ver. 2000 (Rev C)1999Seganaomi 
vs2_2koVirtua Striker 2 Ver. 20001999Segavs2_2kvs2_2k
vs2002exVirtua Striker 2002 (Export) (GDT-0002)2002Sega / Amusement Visiontriforce 
vs2002jVirtua Striker 2002 (Japan) (GDT-0001)2002Sega / Amusement Visiontriforce 
vs2002t3Virtua Striker 2002 (Type 3) (GDT-0012)2004Sega / Amusement Visiontriforce 
vs215Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, Export, USA)1997Segavs2vs2
vs215oVirtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, Japan, test/debug?)1997Segavs2vs2
vs298Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0, Japan)1998Sega  
vs29815Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5, Japan)1998Segavs298vs298
vs299Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Export, USA)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs29915Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Step 1.5, Export, USA, Revision B)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs29915aVirtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5, Export, USA)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs29915jVirtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Step 1.5, Japan, Revision B)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs299aVirtua Striker 2 '99 (Export, USA, Revision A)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs299jVirtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Japan, Revision B)1998Segavs2v991vs2v991
vs2v991Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Export, USA, Revision B)1998Sega  
vs4Virtua Striker 4 (Export, Rev A) (GDT-0015A)2005Segatriforce 
vs42006Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) (GDT-0020D)2006Segatriforce 
vs42006bVirtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev B) (GDT-0020B)2006Segavs42006vs42006
vs42k6exVirtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Export) (GDT-0021)2006Segatriforce 
vs4eVirtua Striker 4 (Asia, Rev B) (GDT-0014B)2005Segavs4vs4
vs4eoVirtua Striker 4 (Asia) (GDT-0014)2004Segavs4vs4
vs4jVirtua Striker 4 (Japan, Rev E) (GDT-0013E)2005Segatriforce 
vs4jcVirtua Striker 4 (Japan, Rev C) (GDT-0013C)2004Segavs4jvs4j
vs4oVirtua Striker 4 (Export) (GDT-0015)2004Segavs4vs4
vstrik3Virtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)2001Seganaomi2 
vstrik3cVirtua Striker 3 (World, Rev B)2001Amusement Vision / Seganaomi2 
vstrik3coVirtua Striker 3 (World)2001Amusement Vision / Segavstrik3cvstrik3c
vstrikerVirtua Striker (Revision A)1994Sega  
vstrikeroVirtua Striker1994Segavstrikervstriker
wccf116World Club Champion Football Serie A 2001-2002 Ver.2 (Japan) (CDP-10001C)2003Hitmaker / Seganaomigd 
wccf1dupWorld Club Champion Football Serie A 2001-2002 DIMM FIRM Ver.3.03 (CDP-10003)2002Hitmaker / Seganaomigd 
wccf212eWorld Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Ver.2.12 (Italy) (CDV-10002)2004Hitmaker / Seganaomigd 
wccf234jWorld Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Ver.2.34 (Japan) (CDV-10008)2004Hitmaker / Seganaomigd 
wccf2chkWorld Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Drive Checker (CDV-10007)2004Hitmaker / Seganaomigd 
wccf310jWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 (Asia) (CDV-10013)2005Seganaomigd 
wccf322eWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver.3.22 (Export) (CDV-10015P)2005Seganaomigd 
wccf331eWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver.1.1 (Export) (CDV-10015)2005Segawccf322ewccf322e
wccf331jWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver.1.1 (Japan) (CDV-10020)2005Segawccf341jwccf341j
wccf341jWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver.1.2 (Japan) (CDV-10021)2006Seganaomigd 
wccf400jWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2005-2006 (Japan) (CDV-10025)2006Seganaomigd 
wccf420eWorld Club Champion Football European Clubs 2005-2006 (Export) (CDV-10027)2006Seganaomigd 
wldkicksWorld Kicks (World, WK2 Ver.A)2000Namconaomi 
wldkicksjWorld Kicks (Japan, WK1 Ver.A)2000Namcowldkickswldkicks
wldkickspjWorld Kicks PCB (Japan, WKC1 Ver.A)2000Namcowldkickswldkicks
wldkickspwWorld Kicks PCB (World, WKC2 Ver.A)2000Namcowldkickswldkicks
wldkicksuWorld Kicks (US, WK3 Ver.A)2000Namcowldkickswldkicks
wsweWorld Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style2002Konamikpython 
wswe2k3World Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game 20032003Konamikpython 

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