Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom of | Clone of |
99lstwar | '99: The Last War (set 1) | 1985 | Crux / Proma | repulse | repulse |
99lstwara | '99: The Last War (set 2) | 1985 | Crux / Proma | repulse | repulse |
99lstwark | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) | 1985 | Crux / Kyugo | repulse | repulse |
alieninv | Alien Invasion | 19?? | bootleg (Margamatics) | invaders | invaders |
alieninvp2 | Alien Invasion Part II | 19?? | bootleg | invaders | invaders |
androidpo | Android (prototype, early build) | 198? | Nasco | androidp | androidp |
asideral | Ataque Sideral (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | uniwars | uniwars |
astrians | Astrians (clone of Swarm) | 1980 | bootleg (BGV Ltd.) | galaxian | galaxian |
astrob | Astro Blaster (version 3) | 1981 | Sega | | |
astrob2 | Astro Blaster (version 2) | 1981 | Sega | astrob | astrob |
astrob2a | Astro Blaster (version 2a) | 1981 | Sega | astrob | astrob |
astrob2b | Astro Blaster (version 2b) | 1981 | Sega | astrob | astrob |
astrobf | Astro Blaster (French) | 1981 | Sega | astrob | astrob |
astrobg | Astro Blaster (German) | 1981 | Sega | astrob | astrob |
ataqandr | Ataque Androide - Moon Cresta (FAR S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1980? | bootleg (FAR S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
attckufo | Attack UFO | 1980 | Ryoto Electric Co. | | |
avefenix | Ave Fenix (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Video Game) | phoenix | phoenix |
avefenixl | Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Laguna) | phoenix | phoenix |
avefenixrf | Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | phoenix | phoenix |
batman2 | Batman Part 2 | 1981 | bootleg | phoenix | phoenix |
bcruzm12 | Battle Cruiser M-12 | 1983 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | | |
blkhole | Black Hole | 1981 | TDS & MINTS | | |
canyon | Canyon Bomber | 1977 | Atari | | |
canyonp | Canyon Bomber (prototype) | 1977 | Atari | canyon | canyon |
castfant | Astro Fantasia (DECO Cassette) (US) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | decocass | |
caterplr | Caterpillar (bootleg of Centipede) | 1980 | bootleg (Olympia) | centiped | centiped |
centipdb | Centipede (bootleg, set 1) | 1980 | bootleg | centiped | centiped |
centipdb2 | Centipede (bootleg, set 2) | 1980 | bootleg | centiped | centiped |
centipdd | Centipede Dux (hack) | 1989 | hack (Two-Bit Score) | centiped | centiped |
centiped | Centipede (revision 4) | 1980 | Atari | | |
centiped1 | Centipede (revision 1) | 1980 | Atari | centiped | centiped |
centiped2 | Centipede (revision 2) | 1980 | Atari | centiped | centiped |
centiped3 | Centipede (revision 3) | 1980 | Atari | centiped | centiped |
centipedj | Centipede (Japan, revision 3) | 1980 | Atari | centiped | centiped |
challeng | Challenger | 1981 | Centuri | | |
cloud9 | Cloud 9 (prototype) | 1983 | Atari | | |
cnebula | Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | decocass | |
condor | Condor (Sidam bootleg of Phoenix) | 1981 | bootleg (Sidam) | phoenix | phoenix |
condorn | Condor (S C Novar bootleg of Phoenix) | 1981 | bootleg (S C Novar) | phoenix | phoenix |
condorva | Condor (Valadon Automation bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Valadon Automation) | phoenix | phoenix |
cosmicin | Cosmic Invaders (bootleg of Space Invaders) | 1978 | bootleg | invaders | invaders |
cosmicm2 | Cosmic Monsters 2 | 1979 | bootleg (Universal) | invaders | invaders |
cosmicmo | Cosmic Monsters (version II) | 1979 | bootleg (Universal) | invaders | invaders |
cosmogng | Cosmo Gang the Video (US) | 1991 | Namco | | |
cosmogngj | Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan) | 1991 | Namco | cosmogng | cosmogng |
csuperas | Super Astro Fighter (DECO Cassette) (US) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | decocass | |
cterrani | Terranean (DECO Cassette) (US) | 1981 | Data East Corporation | decocass | |
deadeye | Dead Eye | 1978 | Meadows Games, Inc. | | |
destroyr | Destroyer (Atari, version O2) | 1977 | Atari | | |
destroyr1 | Destroyer (Atari, version O1) | 1977 | Atari | destroyr | destroyr |
dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 (US) | 1983 | Nintendo of America | | |
dkong3abl | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Ambush hardware) | 1983 | bootleg | dkong3 | dkong3 |
dkong3b | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) | 1984 | bootleg | dkong3 | dkong3 |
dkong3hs | Donkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.0a) | 1983 | hack (Braze Technologies) | dkong3 | dkong3 |
dkong3j | Donkey Kong 3 (Japan) | 1983 | Nintendo | dkong3 | dkong3 |
dtfamily | Diet Family | 2001 | SemiCom | | |
eagle | Eagle (set 1) | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
eagle2 | Eagle (set 2) | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
eagle3 | Eagle (set 3) | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Centuri license) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
enigma2 | Enigma II | 1981 | Zilec Electronics (Game Plan license) | | |
enigma2a | Enigma II (Space Invaders hardware) | 1984 | Zilec Electronics | enigma2 | enigma2 |
enigma2b | Phantoms II (Space Invaders hardware) | 1981 | Zilec Electronics | enigma2 | enigma2 |
exerion | Exerion | 1983 | Jaleco | | |
exerionb | Exerion (bootleg, set 1) | 1983 | bootleg | exerion | exerion |
exerionb2 | Exerion (bootleg, set 2) | 1983 | bootleg | exerion | exerion |
exerionba | Exerion (Assa, bootleg) | 1983 | bootleg (Assa) | exerion | exerion |
exeriont | Exerion (Taito) | 1983 | Jaleco (Taito America license) | exerion | exerion |
exerizer | Exerizer (Japan) | 1987 | Jaleco | skyfox | skyfox |
exerizerb | Exerizer (bootleg) | 1987 | bootleg | skyfox | skyfox |
exodus | Exodus (bootleg?) | 19?? | bootleg? (Subelectro) | redufo | redufo |
falcon | Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) | 1980 | bootleg | phoenix | phoenix |
falconz | Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) | 1980 | bootleg (Digimatic) | phoenix | phoenix |
fantastc | Fantastic (Galaga conversion on Galaxian hardware) | 198? | Taito do Brasil | | |
fantazia | Fantazia (bootleg?) | 1980 | bootleg (Subelectro) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
fcombat | Field Combat | 1985 | Jaleco | | |
fenixn | Fenix (Niemer bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Niemer) | phoenix | phoenix |
fireone | Fire One | 1979 | Exidy | | |
floritas | Floritas (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
floritasm | Floritas (Multivideo Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg (Multivideo) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
fspiderb | Frog & Spiders (bootleg?) | 1981 | Taito Corporation | | |
galactica2 | Galactica-2 (bootleg of Moon Alien Part 2) | 1980 | bootleg (Cirsa) | moonal2 | moonal2 |
galaga | Galaga (Namco rev. B) | 1981 | Namco | | |
galaga88 | Galaga '88 | 1987 | Namco | | |
galaga88a | Galaga '88 (02-03-88) | 1987 | Namco | galaga88 | galaga88 |
galaga88j | Galaga '88 (Japan) | 1987 | Namco | galaga88 | galaga88 |
galagamf | Galaga (Midway set 1 with fast shoot hack) | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | galaga | galaga |
galagamk | Galaga (Midway set 2) | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | galaga | galaga |
galagamw | Galaga (Midway set 1) | 1981 | Namco (Midway license) | galaga | galaga |
galagao | Galaga (Namco) | 1981 | Namco | galaga | galaga |
galaktron | Galaktron (Petaco S.A.) | 1979 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | galaxian | galaxian |
galap1 | Space Invaders Galactica (hack of 'Galaxian (Namco set 2)') | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
galap2 | GX Part 2 (hack of Galaxian) | 1979 | hack (International Scientific) | galaxian | galaxian |
galap4 | Galaxian Part 4 (hack) | 1979 | hack (G.G.I) | galaxian | galaxian |
galapx | Galaxian Part X (hack of 'Moon Alien') | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
galartic | Galaxian (Artic System bootleg) | 1979 | bootleg (Artic System) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxbsf | Galaxian (bootleg, set 1) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxbsf2 | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxcirsa | Galaxian (Cirsa Spanish bootleg) | 1979 | bootleg (Cirsa) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxiamv | Diviertate Galaxia (Multivideo, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg (Multivideo) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxian | Galaxian (Namco set 1) | 1979 | Namco | | |
galaxiana | Galaxian (Namco set 2) | 1979 | Namco | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianbl | Galaxian (bootleg, set 2) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianbl2 | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianem | Galaxian (Electromar Spanish bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Electromar) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxiani | Galaxian (Irem) | 1979 | Namco (Irem license) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianiii | Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianm | Galaxian (Midway set 1) | 1979 | Namco (Midway license) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianmo | Galaxian (Midway set 2) | 1979 | Namco (Midway license) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxianrp | Galaxian (Rene Pierre bootleg) | 1979 | bootleg (Valadon Automation / Rene Pierre) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxiant | Galaxian (Taito) | 1979 | Namco (Taito license) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxrcgg | Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Covadonga Spanish bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Covadonga) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxrf | Galaxian (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxrfgg | Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.) | galaxian | galaxian |
galaxyx | Galaxy X (bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
galemp | Galaxy Empire (bootleg?) | 1980 | bootleg (Taito do Brasil) | uniwars | uniwars |
galmonst | Galaxy Monsters (Laguna S.A. Spanish bootleg of Space Invaders) | 1978 | bootleg (Laguna S.A.) | invaders | invaders |
galturbo | Galaxian Turbo (hack of 'Super Galaxians') | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
griffon | Griffon (Videotron bootleg of Phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Videotron) | phoenix | phoenix |
gteikoku | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu | 1980 | Irem | uniwars | uniwars |
gteikokub | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 1) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
gteikokub2 | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 2) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
gteikokub3 | Gingateikoku no Gyakushu (bootleg set 3) | 1980 | bootleg (Honly) | uniwars | uniwars |
guts | Guts n' Glory (prototype) | 1989 | Atari Games | | |
highsplt | SF-HiSplitter (set 1) | 1979 | Nintendo | | |
highsplta | SF-HiSplitter (set 2) | 1979 | Nintendo | highsplt | highsplt |
highspltb | SF-HiSplitter (alt sound) | 1979 | Nintendo | highsplt | highsplt |
imago | Imago (cocktail set) | 1984 | Acom | | |
imagoa | Imago (no cocktail set) | 1983 | Acom | imago | imago |
invaddlx | Space Invaders Deluxe | 1980 | Taito (Midway license) | invadpt2 | invadpt2 |
invader4 | Space Invaders Part Four (bootleg of Space Attack II) | 1980 | bootleg | invaders | invaders |
invaderl | Space Invaders (Logitec) | 1978 | Taito / Logitec | invaders | invaders |
invaders | Space Invaders / Space Invaders M | 1978 | Taito / Midway | | |
invadersem | Space Invaders (Electromar, Spanish) | 19?? | Electromar | invaders | invaders |
invadrmr | Space Invaders (Model Racing) | 1978 | Taito / Model Racing | invaders | invaders |
invrvnge | Invader's Revenge (set 1) | 1980? | Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. | | |
invrvngea | Invader's Revenge (set 2) | 1980? | Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. | invrvnge | invrvnge |
invrvngeb | Invader's Revenge (set 3) | 1980? | Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. | invrvnge | invrvnge |
invrvngedu | Invader's Revenge (Dutchford, single PCB) | 1980? | Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. (Dutchford license) | invrvnge | invrvnge |
jspecter | Jatre Specter (set 1) | 1979 | Taito / Jatre | invaders | invaders |
jspecter2 | Jatre Specter (set 2) | 1979 | Taito / Jatre | invaders | invaders |
junofrst | Juno First | 1983 | Konami | | |
junofrstg | Juno First (Gottlieb) | 1983 | Konami (Gottlieb license) | junofrst | junofrst |
kamakazi3 | Kamakazi III (hack of 'Super Galaxians') | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
kamikazp | Kamikaze (Potomac Games, bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg (Potomac Games) | galaxian | galaxian |
kingball | King & Balloon (US) | 1980 | Namco | | |
kingballj | King & Balloon (Japan) | 1980 | Namco | kingball | kingball |
magworm | Magic Worm (bootleg of Centipede, set 1) | 1980 | bootleg (Sidam) | centiped | centiped |
majest12j | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (Japan) | 1990 | Taito Corporation | ssi | ssi |
majest12u | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code, Rev 1) | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | ssi | ssi |
majest12ua | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code) | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | ssi | ssi |
majest12ub | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, earlier code base) | 1990 | Taito America Corporation | ssi | ssi |
mcwars | Macro-Cosm Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
megatack | Megatack (set 1) | 1980 | Centuri (Game Plan license) | | |
megatacka | Megatack (set 2) | 1980 | Centuri (Game Plan license) | megatack | megatack |
meteora | Meteor (Alca bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980? | bootleg (Alca) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
millipdd | Millipede Dux (hack) | 1989 | hack (Two-Bit Score) | milliped | milliped |
milliped | Millipede | 1982 | Atari | | |
millpac | Millpac (bootleg of Centipede) | 1980 | bootleg? (Valadon Automation) | centiped | centiped |
minivadr | Mini Vaders | 1990 | Taito Corporation | | |
mltiwars | Multi Wars (bootleg of UniWar S) | 1980 | bootleg (Gayton Games) | uniwars | uniwars |
monsterz | Monster Zero (set 1) | 1982 | Nihon Game | | |
monsterza | Monster Zero (set 2) | 1982 | Nihon Game | monsterz | monsterz |
moonal2 | Moon Alien Part 2 | 1980 | Namco / Nichibutsu | | |
moonal2b | Moon Alien Part 2 (older version) | 1980 | Namco / Nichibutsu | moonal2 | moonal2 |
moonaln | Moon Alien | 1979 | Namco / Nichibutsu (Karateco license?) | galaxian | galaxian |
mooncmw | Moon War (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 198? | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncptc | Moon Cresta (Petaco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | 1980? | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrecm | Moon Cresta (Centromatic Spanish bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Centromatic) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncreg | Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg, set 1) | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncreg2 | Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg, set 2) | 1980 | bootleg (Electrogame S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrgx | Moon Cresta (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrs2 | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrs3 | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 3) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrs4 | Moon Crest (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg (SG-Florence) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrsb | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrsl | Cresta Mundo (Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg (Laguna S.A.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrst | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) | 1980 | Nichibutsu | | |
mooncrstg | Moon Cresta (Gremlin) | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Gremlin license) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrsto | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, old rev) | 1980 | Nichibutsu | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrstso | Moon Cresta (SegaSA / Sonic) | 1980 | bootleg (Sonic) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrstu | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, encrypted) | 1980 | Nichibutsu USA | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrstuk | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK) | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrstuku | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK, unencrypted) | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | mooncrst | mooncrst |
mooncrstuu | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, unencrypted) | 1980 | Nichibutsu USA | mooncrst | mooncrst |
moonqsr | Moon Quasar | 1980 | Nichibutsu | | |
mouncrst | Moune Creste (Jeutel French bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980? | bootleg (Jeutel) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
nextfase | Next Fase (bootleg of Phoenix) | 1981 | bootleg (Petaco S.A.) | phoenix | phoenix |
omegab | Omega (bootleg?) | 19?? | bootleg? | theend | theend |
omni | Omni | 19?? | bootleg (Videa System) | pisces | pisces |
orbite | Orbite (prototype) | 1979? | Model Racing | | |
ozmawars | Ozma Wars (set 1) | 1979 | SNK | | |
ozmawars2 | Ozma Wars (set 2) | 1979 | SNK | ozmawars | ozmawars |
ozmawarsmr | Ozma Wars (Model Racing bootleg) | 1979 | bootleg (Model Racing) | ozmawars | ozmawars |
ozon1 | Ozon I | 1983 | Proma | | |
pajaroes | Pajaro del Espacio (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | 1980 | bootleg (PSV S.A.) | uniwars | uniwars |
phoenix | Phoenix (Amstar, set 1) | 1980 | Amstar | | |
phoenix2 | Phoenix (Amstar, set 2) | 1980 | Amstar | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenix3 | Phoenix (T.P.N. bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (T.P.N.) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixa | Phoenix (Centuri, set 1) | 1980 | Amstar (Centuri license) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixass | Phoenix (Assa, Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Assa) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixb | Phoenix (Centuri, set 2) | 1980 | Amstar (Centuri license) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixbl | Phoenix (bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixc | Phoenix (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation) | 1981 | bootleg? (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixc3 | Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 2) | 1981 | bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixc4 | Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 3) | 1981 | bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixdal | Phoenix (D&L bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (D&L) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixgu | Phoenix (G. Universal Video bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg? (G. Universal Video) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixha | Phoenix (Hellomat Automaten bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Hellomat Automaten) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixj | Phoenix (Taito Japan) | 1980 | Amstar (Taito Japan license) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixs | Phoenix (Sonic, Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenixt | Phoenix (Taito) | 1980 | Amstar (Taito license) | phoenix | phoenix |
phoenxp2 | Phoenix Part 2 | 1981 | bootleg | phoenix | phoenix |
pisces | Pisces | 19?? | Subelectro | | |
piscesb | Pisces (bootleg) | 19?? | bootleg | pisces | pisces |
pleiadsb2 | Pleiads (bootleg set 2) | 1981 | bootleg (ESG) | pleiads | pleiads |
pleiadss | Pleiads (Famaresa, Spanish bootleg) | 1981 | bootleg (Famaresa) | pleiads | pleiads |
polaris | Polaris (latest version) | 1980 | Taito | | |
polarisa | Polaris (second revision) | 1980 | Taito | polaris | polaris |
polarisb | Polaris (first revision) | 1980 | Taito | polaris | polaris |
polarisbr | Polaris (Brazil) | 1981 | Taito do Brasil | polaris | polaris |
polariso | Polaris (original version) | 1980 | Taito | polaris | polaris |
pprobe | Planet Probe (prototype?) | 1985 | Crux / Kyugo? | | |
radarscp | Radar Scope (TRS02, rev. D) | 1980 | Nintendo | | |
radarscp1 | Radar Scope (TRS01) | 1980 | Nintendo | radarscp | radarscp |
radarscpc | Radar Scope (TRS02?, rev. C) | 1980 | Nintendo | radarscp | radarscp |
redufo | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO | 1981 | Artic | | |
redufob | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 1) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo |
redufob2 | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 2) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo |
redufob3 | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 3) | 1981 | bootleg | redufo | redufo |
repulse | Repulse | 1985 | Crux / Sega | | |
retofinv | Return of the Invaders | 1985 | Taito Corporation | | |
retofinvb | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, with MCU) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv |
retofinvb1 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 1) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv |
retofinvb2 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 2) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv |
retofinvb3 | Return of the Invaders (bootleg, without MCU, set 3) | 1985 | bootleg | retofinv | retofinv |
retofinvbv | Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg, without MCU) | 1985 | bootleg (Video Dens) | retofinv | retofinv |
rundeep | Run Deep | 1988 | Cream Co., Ltd. | thedeep | thedeep |
saturnzi | Saturn | 1983 | Zilec Electronics / Jaleco | | |
sbomber | Space Bomber (ver. B) | 1998 | Psikyo | | |
sbombera | Space Bomber | 1998 | Psikyo | sbomber | sbomber |
searthie | Super Earth Invasion (set 3) | 1980 | bootleg (Electrocoin) | invaders | invaders |
searthin | Super Earth Invasion (set 1) | 1980 | bootleg (Competitive Video) | invaders | invaders |
searthina | Super Earth Invasion (set 2) | 1980 | bootleg (Competitive Video) | invaders | invaders |
sgalwars | Super Galactic Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) | 1979 | bootleg (Competitive Video) | galaxian | galaxian |
shollow | Satan's Hollow (set 1) | 1981 | Bally Midway | | |
shollow2 | Satan's Hollow (set 2) | 1981 | Bally Midway | shollow | shollow |
sinvemag | Super Invaders (Emag bootleg set 1) | 1978 | bootleg (Emag) | invaders | invaders |
sinvemag2 | Super Invaders (Emag bootleg set 2) | 1978 | bootleg (Emag) | invaders | invaders |
sinvzen | Super Invaders (Zenitone-Microsec) | 1980? | Taito / Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. | invaders | invaders |
sirio2 | Sirio II (Calfesa S.L. Spanish bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980? | bootleg (Calfesa S.L.) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
sitv | Space Invaders (TV Version rev 2) | 1978 | Taito | invaders | invaders |
sitv1 | Space Invaders (TV Version rev 1) | 1978 | Taito | invaders | invaders |
skybase | Sky Base | 1982 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | | |
skyfox | Sky Fox | 1987 | Jaleco (Nichibutsu USA license) | | |
skyraidr | Sky Raider (bootleg of UniWar S) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
slither | Slither (set 1) | 1982 | Century II (GDI license) | | |
slithera | Slither (set 2) | 1982 | Century II (GDI license) | slither | slither |
smooncrs | Super Moon Cresta (Gremlin, bootleg) | 1980? | bootleg (Gremlin) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
solfight | Solar Fight (bootleg of Ozma Wars) | 1979 | bootleg | ozmawars | ozmawars |
sonofphx | Son of Phoenix (bootleg of Repulse) | 1985 | bootleg (Associated Overseas MFR, Inc.) | repulse | repulse |
spacbat2 | Space Battle (bootleg set 2) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
spacbatt | Space Battle (bootleg set 1) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
spaceat2 | Space Attack II (bootleg of Super Invaders) | 1980 | bootleg (Video Games UK) | invaders | invaders |
spaceatt | Space Attack (bootleg of Space Invaders) | 1978 | bootleg (Video Games GmbH) | invaders | invaders |
spaceatt2k | Space Attack (bootleg of Space Invaders, 2k roms) | 1978 | bootleg (Video Games GmbH) | invaders | invaders |
spaceattbp | Space Attack (bootleg of Space Invaders, bproms) | 1978 | bootleg (Video Games GmbH) | invaders | invaders |
spacecr | Space Cruiser | 1981 | Taito Corporation | | |
spacedx | Space Invaders DX (US, v2.1) | 1994 | Taito Corporation | | |
spacedxj | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.1) | 1994 | Taito Corporation | spacedx | spacedx |
spacedxo | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.0) | 1994 | Taito Corporation | spacedx | spacedx |
spacefev | Space Fever (new version) | 1979 | Nintendo | | |
spacefevo | Space Fever (old version) | 1979 | Nintendo | spacefev | spacefev |
spacefevo2 | Space Fever (older version) | 1979 | Nintendo | spacefev | spacefev |
spacelnc | Space Launcher | 1979 | Nintendo | | |
spacempr | Space Empire (bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg | uniwars | uniwars |
spaceph | Space Phantoms (bootleg of Ozma Wars) | 1979 | bootleg? (Zilec Games) | ozmawars | ozmawars |
spacezap | Space Zap (Midway) | 1980 | Midway | | |
spacian2 | T.T Spacian Part-2 | 1979 | Namco / Taito | galaxian | galaxian |
spcdrag | Space Dragon (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
spceking | Space King | 1978 | Taito / Leijac Corporation | invaders | invaders |
spctbird | Space Thunderbird | 1981? | bootleg (Fortrek) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
speakres | Speak & Rescue | 1980 | Sun Electronics | | |
speakresb | Speak & Rescue (bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg | speakres | speakres |
sraider | Space Raider | 1982 | Universal | | |
ssi | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code, Rev 1) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | | |
ssia | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | ssi | ssi |
ssib | Super Space Invaders '91 (World, earlier code base) | 1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | ssi | ssi |
sstarcrs | Super Star Crest | 1980? | bootleg (Taito do Brasil) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
starfght | Star Fighter | 1979 | bootleg (Jeutel) | galaxian | galaxian |
starfgmc | Starfighter (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 198? | bootleg (Samyra Engineering) | mooncrst | mooncrst |
starw | Star Wars (bootleg of Galaxy Wars, set 1) | 1979 | bootleg | galxwars | galxwars |
starw1 | Star Wars (bootleg of Galaxy Wars, set 2) | 1979 | bootleg (Yamashita) | galxwars | galxwars |
stera | Steraranger (bootleg of Moon Cresta) | 1980 | bootleg | mooncrst | mooncrst |
stratvox | Stratovox (set 1) | 1980 | Sun Electronics (Taito license) | speakres | speakres |
stratvoxa | Stratovox (set 2) | 1980 | Sun Electronics (Taito license) | speakres | speakres |
stratvoxb | Stratovox (bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg | speakres | speakres |
superg | Super Galaxians (hack of 'Galaxian (Namco set 2)') | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
supergs | Super Galaxians (Silver Systems) | 1979 | hack | galaxian | galaxian |
superinv | Super Invaders (bootleg set 1) | 1978 | bootleg | invaders | invaders |
supershp | Super Ship | 19?? | bootleg | pisces | pisces |
swarm | Swarm (bootleg?) | 1979 | bootleg? (Subelectro) | galaxian | galaxian |
tactcian | Tactician (set 1) | 1982 | Konami (Sega license) | | |
tactcian2 | Tactician (set 2) | 1981 | Konami (Sega license) | tactcian | tactcian |
teetert | Teeter Torture (prototype) | 1982 | Exidy | | |
tempest | Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware) | 1980 | Atari | | |
tempest1 | Tempest (rev 1) | 1980 | Atari | tempest | tempest |
tempest1r | Tempest (rev 1, Revised Hardware) | 1980 | Atari | tempest | tempest |
tempest2 | Tempest (rev 2) | 1980 | Atari | tempest | tempest |
tempest3 | Tempest (rev 3) | 1980 | Atari | tempest | tempest |
temptube | Tempest Tubes | 1980 | hack (Duncan Brown) | tempest | tempest |
thedeep | The Deep (Japan) | 1987 | Woodplace Inc. | | |
theend | The End | 1980 | Konami | | |
theends | The End (Stern Electronics) | 1980 | Konami (Stern Electronics license) | theend | theend |
theendss | The End (SegaSA / Sonic) | 1981 | bootleg (Sonic) | theend | theend |
ultrainv | Ultra Invaders | 1980 | Taito / Konami | invaders | invaders |
uniwars | UniWar S | 1980 | Irem | | |
uniwarsa | UniWar S (bootleg) | 1980 | bootleg (Karateco) | uniwars | uniwars |
vautour | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | phoenix | phoenix |
vautourz | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) | 1980 | bootleg | phoenix | phoenix |
vautourza | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | phoenix | phoenix |
vueloesp | Vuelo Espacial (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | 1980 | bootleg (Centromatic) | uniwars | uniwars |
warofbug | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze | 1981 | Armenia / Food and Fun Corp | | |
warofbugu | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze (US) | 1981 | Armenia / Super Video Games | warofbug | warofbug |
wizwarz | Wiz Warz (prototype) | 1984 | Mylstar | | |
wotw | War of the Worlds | 1981 | Cinematronics | | |
wotwc | War of the Worlds (color) | 1981 | Cinematronics | wotw | wotw |
yamato | Yamato (set 1) | 1983 | Sega | | |
yamatoa | Yamato (set 2) | 1983 | Sega | yamato | yamato |
yamatou | Yamato (US) | 1983 | Sega | yamato | yamato |
zerotime | Zero Time (Petaco S.A.) | 1979 | bootleg? (Petaco S.A.) | galaxian | galaxian |
zerotimea | Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 1) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
zerotimeb | Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 2) | 1979 | bootleg | galaxian | galaxian |
zerotimed | Zero Time (Datamat) | 1979 | bootleg (Datamat) | galaxian | galaxian |
zerotimemc | Zero Time (Marti Colls) | 1979 | bootleg (Marti Colls) | galaxian | galaxian |