Name | Description | Year | Manufacturer | Rom | Clone | Sample |
005 | 005 | 1981 | Sega | | | 005 |
09825_67907 | Hewlett-Packard HP-09825-67907 | | | | | |
100lions | 100 Lions (10219211, NSW/ACT) | 2006 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
100lionsa | 100 Lions (30223811, ASP) | 2006 | Aristocrat | 100lions | 100lions | |
10yard | 10-Yard Fight (World, set 1) | 1983 | Irem | | | |
10yard85 | 10-Yard Fight '85 (US, Taito license) | 1985 | Irem (Taito license) | 10yard | 10yard | |
10yardj | 10-Yard Fight (Japan) | 1983 | Irem | 10yard | 10yard | |
110dance | Retro Dance Mat (110 song Super StepMania + 9-in-1 games) (PAL) | 200? | <unknown> | | | |
11beat | Eleven Beat | 1998 | Hudson | aleck64 | | |
1292apvs | 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System | 1976 | Radofin | | | |
136094_0072 | Atari 136094-0072 XGA | | | | | |
136095_0072 | Atari 136095-0072 XGA | | | | | |
1392apvs | 1392 Advanced Programmable Video System | 1976 | Radofin | 1292apvs | 1292apvs | |
15lions | 15 Lions (10166211, Queensland) | 2004 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
1801vp1_014 | 1801VP1-014 | | | | | |
1801vp1_065 | 1801VP1-065 | | | | | |
1801vp1_128 | 1801VP1-128 FDC | | | | | |
18w | 18 Wheeler (set 1) | 1979 | Midway | | | |
18w2 | 18 Wheeler (set 2) | 1979 | Midway | 18w | 18w | |
18wheelr | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (deluxe, Rev A) | 2000 | Sega | naomi | | |
18wheelro | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (deluxe) | 2000 | Sega | 18wheelr | 18wheelr | |
18wheelrt | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (deluxe, Rev T) | 2000 | Sega | 18wheelr | 18wheelr | |
18wheels | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (standard) | 2000 | Sega | 18wheelr | 18wheelr | |
18wheelu | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (upright) | 2000 | Sega | 18wheelr | 18wheelr | |
1941 | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) | 1990 | Capcom | | | |
1941j | 1941: Counter Attack (Japan) | 1990 | Capcom | 1941 | 1941 | |
1941r1 | 1941: Counter Attack (World) | 1990 | Capcom | 1941 | 1941 | |
1941u | 1941: Counter Attack (USA 900227) | 1990 | Capcom | 1941 | 1941 | |
1942 | 1942 (Revision B) | 1984 | Capcom | | | |
1942a | 1942 (Revision A) | 1984 | Capcom | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942abl | 1942 (Revision A, bootleg) | 1984 | bootleg | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942b | 1942 (First Version) | 1984 | Capcom | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942h | Supercharger 1942 | 1991 | hack (Two Bit Score) | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942iti | 1942 (Itisa bootleg) | 1984 | bootleg (Itisa) | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942p | 1942 (Tecfri PCB, bootleg?) | 1984 | bootleg | 1942 | 1942 | |
1942w | 1942 (Williams Electronics license) | 1985 | Capcom (Williams Electronics license) | 1942 | 1942 | |
1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro) | 1987 | Capcom | | | |
1943b | 1943: Battle of Midway (bootleg, hack of Japan set) | 1987 | bootleg | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943bj | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) | 1987 | bootleg | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943j | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B) | 1987 | Capcom | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943ja | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | 1987 | Capcom | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943jah | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) | 1987 | Capcom | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943kai | 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | 1987 | Capcom | | | |
1943mii | 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US) | 1987 | Capcom | | | |
1943u | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C) | 1987 | Capcom | 1943 | 1943 | |
1943ua | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) | 1987 | Capcom | 1943 | 1943 | |
1944 | 1944: The Loop Master (Europe 000620) | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | | | |
1944d | 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 2000 | bootleg | 1944 | 1944 | |
1944j | 1944: The Loop Master (Japan 000620) | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | 1944 | 1944 | |
1944u | 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620) | 2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | 1944 | 1944 | |
1945kiii | 1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB) | 2000 | Oriental Soft | | | |
1945kiiin | 1945k III (newer, OPCX1 PCB) | 2000 | Oriental Soft | 1945kiii | 1945kiii | |
1945kiiio | 1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB) | 1999 | Oriental Soft | 1945kiii | 1945kiii | |
1945kiiipt | 1945k III (Promat license, OPCX1 PCB) | 1999 | Promat | 1945kiii | 1945kiii | |
19in1 | 19 in 1 MAME bootleg (BAR-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
19xx | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Europe 960104) | 1996 | Capcom | | | |
19xxa | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 960104) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxar1 | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 951207) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxb | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Brazil 951218) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxd | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) | 1996 | bootleg | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxh | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Hispanic 951218) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxj | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 960104, yellow case) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxjr1 | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxjr2 | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951207) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
19xxu | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207) | 1996 | Capcom | 19xx | 19xx | |
1on1gov | 1 on 1 Government (Japan) | 2000 | Tecmo | coh1002m | | |
2020bb | 2020 Super Baseball (set 1) | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | neogeo | | |
2020bba | 2020 Super Baseball (set 2) | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | 2020bb | 2020bb | |
2020bbh | 2020 Super Baseball (set 3) | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | 2020bb | 2020bb | |
20pacgal | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | | | |
20pacgalr0 | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | 20pacgal | 20pacgal | |
20pacgalr1 | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.01) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | 20pacgal | 20pacgal | |
20pacgalr2 | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.02) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | 20pacgal | 20pacgal | |
20pacgalr3 | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.03) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | 20pacgal | 20pacgal | |
20pacgalr4 | Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.04) | 2000 | Namco / Cosmodog | 20pacgal | 20pacgal | |
21064 | DEC Alpha 21064 | | | | | |
22vp931 | Philips 22VP931 | | | | | |
22vp932 | Philips 22VP932 | | | | | |
24_130 | 24 v1.30 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 | |
24_140 | 24 v1.40 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 | |
24_144 | 24 v1.44 | 2009 | Stern | 24_150 | 24_150 | |
24_150 | 24 v1.50 | 2009 | Stern | | | |
240in1ar | Mini Arcade Machine (Thumbs Up, 240IN1ARC) | 201? | Thumbs Up | | | |
24c01 | 24C01 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c02 | 24C02 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c04 | 24C04 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c08 | 24C08 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c128 | 24C128 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c16 | 24C16 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c256 | 24C256 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c512 | 24C512 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24c64 | 24C64 I2C Memory | | | | | |
24cdjuke | Midcoin Juke Box 24CD | 1988 | Midcoin | | | |
25pacman | Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00) | 2006 | Namco / Cosmodog | | | |
25pacmano | Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00) | 2005 | Namco / Cosmodog | 25pacman | 25pacman | |
265games | 265-in-1 Handheld Game (SPG2xx based) | 201? | <unknown> | | | |
28010 | Parallel EEPROM 28010 (131072x8) | | | | | |
28020 | Parallel EEPROM 28020 (262144x8) | | | | | |
2804 | Parallel EEPROM 2804 (512x8) | | | | | |
28040 | Parallel EEPROM 28040 (524288x8) | | | | | |
280zzzap | 280-ZZZAP | 1976 | Dave Nutting Associates / Midway | | | |
2816 | Parallel EEPROM 2816 (2048x8) | | | | | |
28256 | Parallel EEPROM 28256 (32768x8) | | | | | |
28512 | Parallel EEPROM 28512 (65536x8) | | | | | |
2864 | Parallel EEPROM 2864 (8192x8) | | | | | |
2joysnd | PET Dual Joysticks and Sound | | | | | |
2mindril | Two Minute Drill (Ver 2.93A 1994/02/16) | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | | | |
2mindrila | Two Minute Drill (Ver 2.2A 1993/10/18) | 1993 | Taito America Corporation | 2mindril | 2mindril | |
2spicy | 2 Spicy | 2007 | Sega | lindbios | | |
30test | 30 Test (remake) | 1997 | Namco | | | |
315_5296 | Sega 315-5296 I/O | | | | | |
315_5338a | Sega 315-5338A I/O Controller | | | | | |
315_5641_pcm | Sega 315-5641 PCM | | | | | |
315_5649 | Sega 315-5649 I/O Controller | | | | | |
32x | Genesis with 32X (USA, NTSC) | 1994 | Sega | | | |
32x_mcd | Mega-CD with 32X (Europe, PAL) | 1995 | Sega | 32x_scd | 32x_scd | |
32x_mcdj | Mega-CD with 32X (Japan, NTSC) | 1994 | Sega | 32x_scd | 32x_scd | |
32x_scd | Sega CD with 32X (USA, NTSC) | 1994 | Sega | | | |
32xe | Mega Drive with 32X (Europe, PAL) | 1994 | Sega | 32x | 32x | |
32xj | Mega Drive with 32X (Japan, NTSC) | 1994 | Sega | 32x | 32x | |
386i | 386i | 1990 | Convergent Technologies | ngen | ngen | |
386sc | 386 SC Rev A2 | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
386sc2c | 386 motherboard using the Symphony chipset | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
386schg | 386-SC-HG | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
386sxvhcom | 80386SX-VH-COM | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
39in1 | 39 in 1 MAME bootleg (GNO-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | | | |
3b1 | UNIX PC Model 3B1 | 1985 | AT&T | | | |
3b2_300 | 3B2/300 | 1984 | AT&T | | | |
3b2_310 | 3B2/310 | 1985 | AT&T | 3b2_300 | 3b2_300 | |
3b2_400 | 3B2/400 | 1985 | AT&T | 3b2_300 | 3b2_300 | |
3b2_600 | 3B2/600 | 1987 | AT&T | | | |
3bagfull | 3 Bags Full (5VXFC790, Victoria) | 1996 | Aristocrat | | | 3bagfull |
3bagfullnz | 3 Bags Full (3VXFC5345, New Zealand) | 1996 | Aristocrat | 3bagfull | 3bagfull | 3bagfull |
3bagfullu | 3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) | 1998 | Aristocrat | 3bagfull | 3bagfull | 3bagfull |
3c505 | 3Com EtherLink Plus | | | | | |
3cdpoker | 3 Cards Poker 96 (V1.6) | 1995 | Armaly Labs | | | |
3cdpokera | 3 Cards Poker 96 (V1.0) | 1995 | Armaly Labs | 3cdpoker | 3cdpoker | |
3countb | 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043) | 1993 | SNK | neogeo | | |
3do | 3DO (NTSC) | 1993 | The 3DO Company | | | |
3do_pal | 3DO (PAL) | 1993 | The 3DO Company | 3do | 3do | |
3dobios | 3DO BIOS | 1993 | The 3DO Company | | | |
3in1semi | New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan) (set 1) | 1998 | SemiCom / XESS | | | |
3in1semia | New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan) (set 2) | 1998 | SemiCom / XESS | 3in1semi | 3in1semi | |
3kokushi | Sankokushi (Japan) | 1996 | Mitchell | | | |
3lilpigs | 3 Lil' Pigs | 199? | Doyle & Assoc. | | | |
3on3dunk | 3 On 3 Dunk Madness (US, prototype? 1997/02/04) | 1996 | Video System Co. | | | |
3siud | 3SIUD-1.1 | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
3stooges | The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1) | 1984 | Mylstar | | | |
3stoogesa | The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 2) | 1984 | Mylstar | 3stooges | 3stooges | |
3super8 | 3 Super 8 (Italy) | 1993? | <unknown> | | | |
3wishrd | Three Wishes Red (Russia) (Atronic) | 2002 | Atronic | | | |
3wonders | Three Wonders (World 910520) | 1991 | Capcom | | | |
3wondersb | Three Wonders (bootleg) | 1991 | bootleg | 3wonders | 3wonders | |
3wondersbi | Three Wonders (Italian bootleg) | 1991 | bootleg (Impeuropex) | 3wonders | 3wonders | |
3wondersh | Three Wonders (hack) | 1991 | bootleg | 3wonders | 3wonders | |
3wondersr1 | Three Wonders (World 910513) | 1991 | Capcom | 3wonders | 3wonders | |
3wondersu | Three Wonders (USA 910520) | 1991 | Capcom | 3wonders | 3wonders | |
3x3puzzl | 3X3 Puzzle (Enterprise) | 1998 | Ace Enterprise | | | |
3x3puzzla | 3X3 Puzzle (Normal) | 1998 | Ace Enterprise | 3x3puzzl | 3x3puzzl | |
3xtwin | Emerald Technology 3XTwin Twinax Emulation Card | | | | | |
4000_260 | 4000/260 | 1995 | ADDS | | | |
4004clk | 4004 Nixie Clock | 2008 | John L. Weinrich | | | |
40love | Forty-Love (World) | 1984 | Taito Corporation | | | |
40lovebl | Forty-Love (bootleg) | 1984 | bootleg | 40love | 40love | |
40lovej | Forty-Love (Japan) | 1984 | Taito Corporation | 40love | 40love | |
486apio | 486 APIO | 199? | EFA | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
486ccv | 486-CCV | 199? | Diamond Flower, Inc. (DFI) | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
486igb21 | 486IG-B-2-1 | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
486wb6a3 | 486WB6A3.B1 | 199? | Silicon Valley Computer, Inc. | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
48in1 | 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.09, HPH-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
48in1a | 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.02, HPH-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
48in1b | 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.09, HPH-V000, alt flash) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
48in1c | 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.08, HPH-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
4d410 | 4D/410 | 1991 | Silicon Graphics Inc | | | |
4dmshl3g | 4DMS HL3G-L4-VI | 199? | EFA | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
4dmuhl3s | 4DMU HL3S | 199? | EFA | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
4dparprn | Fourth Dimension Parallel Printer Interface | | | | | |
4dwarrio | 4-D Warriors (315-5162) | 1985 | Coreland / Sega | | | |
4enlinea | Cuatro en Linea (rev. A-07) | 1991 | Compumatic / CIC Play | | | |
4enlinea_cga | ISA8 CGA - 4enlinea | | | | | |
4enlineb | Cuatro en Linea (rev. A-06) | 1991 | Compumatic / CIC Play | 4enlinea | 4enlinea | |
4enraya | 4 En Raya (set 1) | 1990 | IDSA | | | |
4enrayaa | 4 En Raya (set 2) | 1990 | IDSA | 4enraya | 4enraya | |
4in1 | 4 Fun in 1 | 1981 | Armenia / Food and Fun | | | |
4in1a | 4 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.00, PLZ-V014) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
4in1b | 4 in 1 MAME bootleg (PLZ-V001) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
4in1boot | Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.) | 2002 | K1 Soft | | | |
4nd04a | 386-4N-D04A (UMC chipset) | 199? | <unknown> | ibm5170 | ibm5170 | |
4psimasy | Mahjong 4P Shimasho (Japan) | 1994 | Sphinx / AV Japan | | | |
4roses | Four Roses (encrypted, set 1) | 1999 | <unknown> | | | |
4rosesa | Four Roses (encrypted, set 2) | 1999 | <unknown> | 4roses | 4roses | |
500gp | 500 GP (US, 5GP3 Ver. C) | 1998 | Namco | | | |
5061_3001 | Hewlett-Packard HP-5061-3001 | | | | | |
5061_3011 | Hewlett-Packard HP-5061-3011 | | | | | |
50lionrr | 50 Lions - Roaring Riches (20301311, NSW/ACT) | 2012 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
50lions | 50 Lions (10120511, NSW/ACT) | 2002 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
50lionsa | 50 Lions (10156111, ASP) | 2003 | Aristocrat | 50lions | 50lions | |
50lionsu | 50 Lions (0152077, US) | 2005 | Aristocrat | 50lions | 50lions | |
5a22 | Ricoh 5A22 | | | | | |
5acespkr | 5-Aces Poker | 198? | <unknown> | | | |
5clown | Five Clown (English, set 1) | 1993 | IGS | | | |
5clowna | Five Clown (English, set 2) | 1993 | IGS | 5clown | 5clown | |
5clownsp | Five Clown (Spanish hack) | 1993 | IGS | 5clown | 5clown | |
5drag | 5 Dragons (20161011, NSW/ACT) | 2004 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
5draga | 5 Dragons (10176611, ASP) | 2004 | Aristocrat | 5drag | 5drag | |
5dragce | 5 Dragons - Cash Express (0152309, US) | 2007 | Aristocrat | 5drag | 5drag | |
5dragnz | 5 Dragons (10178611, New Zealand) | 2005 | Aristocrat | 5drag | 5drag | |
5dragsp | 5 Dragons (20161011, NSW/ACT, Show Program) | 2004 | Aristocrat | 5drag | 5drag | |
5koi | 5 Koi - Power Pay (10250711, NSW/ACT) | 2007 | Aristocrat | aristmk6 | | |
5koia | 5 Koi - Power Pay (1J016211, ASP) | 2007 | Aristocrat | 5koi | 5koi | |
600 | 600 | 1981 | Konami | turtles | turtles | |
600cat | 600 Cellular Activation Tester | 199? | Wavetek | | | |
60in1 | 60 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.00, ICD-V000) | 2004 | bootleg | 39in1 | 39in1 | |
64street | 64th. Street: A Detective Story (World) | 1991 | Jaleco | | | |
64streetj | 64th. Street: A Detective Story (Japan, set 1) | 1991 | Jaleco | 64street | 64street | |
64streetja | 64th. Street: A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) | 1991 | Jaleco | 64street | 64street | |
68ksbc | 68k Single Board Computer | 2002 | Wichit Sirichote | | | |
705p3prg | MC68705P3 Programmer | 1984 | Motorola | 705p5prg | 705p5prg | |
705p5prg | MC68705P5 Programmer | 1984 | Motorola | | | |
705r3prg | MC68705R3 Programmer | 1984 | Motorola | 705p5prg | 705p5prg | |
705u3prg | MC68705U3 Programmer | 1984 | Motorola | 705p5prg | 705p5prg | |
720 | 720 Degrees (rev 4) | 1986 | Atari Games | | | |
720g | 720 Degrees (German, rev 2) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 | |
720gr1 | 720 Degrees (German, rev 1) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 | |
720r1 | 720 Degrees (rev 1) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 | |
720r2 | 720 Degrees (rev 2) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 | |
720r3 | 720 Degrees (rev 3) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 | |
74148 | 74148 TTL | | | | | |
7474 | 7474 TTL | | | | | |
7951om | 7951om | 1987 | Mera-Elzab | | | |
7gold | 7 Gold | 200? | <unknown> | | | |
7jigen | 7jigen no Youseitachi - Mahjong 7 Dimensions (Japan) | 1990 | Dynax | | | |
7mezzo | 7 e Mezzo | 198? | <unknown> | | | |
7ordi | 7 Ordi (Korea) | 2002 | Yun Sung | | | |
7smash | 7 Smash | 1993 | Sovic | | | |
7toitsu | Chi-Toitsu | 1988 | Yuga | mgakuen | mgakuen | |
800fath | 800 Fathoms | 1981 | Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license) | mariner | mariner | |
800fatha | 800 Fathoms (older) | 1981 | Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license) | mariner | mariner | |
86lions | 86 Lions | 1985 | Aristocrat | | | 3bagfull |
88games | '88 Games | 1988 | Konami | | | |
88in1joy | Joystick88 | 201? | Play Vision | | | |
8ball | Video Eight Ball | 1982 | Century Electronics | | | |
8ball1 | Video Eight Ball (Rev.1) | 1982 | Century Electronics | 8ball | 8ball | |
8ballact | Eight Ball Action (DK conversion) | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license) | | | |
8ballact2 | Eight Ball Action (DKJr conversion) | 1984 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license) | 8ballact | 8ballact | |
8bpm | Eight Ball Action (Pac-Man conversion) | 1985 | Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license) | 8ballact | 8ballact | |
8x300 | Signetics 8X300 | | | | | |
8x305 | Signetics 8X305 | | | | | |
93c06_16 | Serial EEPROM 93C06 (16x16) | | | | | |
93c46_16 | Serial EEPROM 93C46 (64x16) | | | | | |