Year | Manufacturer | Name | Description |
2018 | dreamGEAR | dgunl3227 | My Arcade Pac-Man Pocket Player (DGUNL-3227) |
2018 | Marcel van Kervinck / Walter Belgers | gigatron | Gigatron TTL Microcomputer |
2018 | MSI / Capcom / Sega | msi_sf2 | Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (MSI Plug & Play) (Europe) |
2016 | RFC2795 Ltd | rc2014 | RC2014 Classic |
2013 | Grant Searle | gs6502 | Simple 6502 Machine |
2011 | Grant Searle | gs6809 | Simple 6809 Machine |
2011 | IGS (Huatong license) | kov3 | Knights of Valour 3 / Sanguo Zhan Ji 3 (V104, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) |
2011 | Mr. Isizu | tvgame | Z80 TV Game System |
201? | Grant Searle | gscpm | Simple CP/M Machine |
2009 | Amcoe | fb2010 | Fruit Bonus 2010 (v. |
2009 | Amcoe | mcircus | Merry Circus (Version 1.0.2) |
2009 | Frank Cringle / Kevin Horton | zexall | Zexall (FPGA Z80 test interface) |
2009 | IGS / SNK Playmore / New Channel | kof98umh | The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match HERO (China, V100, 09-08-23) |
2008 | Igrosoft | fcockt2 | Fruit Cocktail 2 (080707 Russia) |
2008 | IGS | kov2nl | Knights of Valour 2 New Legend / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Guang Sao Yu Jun (V302, Oversea) |
2008 | Kun-Szabo Marton | homez80 | Homebrew Z80 Computer |
2008 | MAME | simldv1000 | Pioneer LDV-1000 Simulator |
2008 | MAME | simpr8210 | Pioneer PR-8210 Simulator |
2008 | Sega / M2 | fantzn2x | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version) |
2007 | Amcoe | atworld | Around The World (Version 1.4R CGA) |
2007 | Grant Searle | gsz80 | Simple Z-80 Machine |
2007 | Igrosoft | gnome_9 | Gnome (100326 World) |
2007 | Igrosoft | sweetl2 | Sweet Life 2 (071217 Russia) |
2007 | IGS | orleg2 | Oriental Legend 2 (V104, Oversea) |
2006 | Amcoe | bugfever | Bugs Fever (Version 1.7R CGA) |
2006 | Amcoe | dvisland | Devil Island (Version 1.4R CGA) |
2006 | Amcoe | fb6 | Fruit Bonus '06 - 10th anniversary (Version 1.7E CGA) |
2006 | Amcoe | fb6se | Fruit Bonus 2006 Special Edition (Version 1.4E CGA) |
2006 | Igrosoft | island2 | Island 2 (060529 World) |
2006 | Igrosoft | keks_6 | Keks (110816 World) |
2006 | Igrosoft | pirate2 | Pirate 2 (061005 World) |
2005 | <unknown> | ndxron10 | Royal on Ten (hack of Noraut Deluxe Poker) |
2005 | Amcoe | fb5 | Fruit Bonus 2005 (Version 1.5SH, set 1) |
2005 | Amcoe | funriver | Fun River (Version 1.4R CGA) |
2005 | Amcoe | moneymac | Money Machine (Version 1.7E Dual) |
2005 | Amcoe | seawld | Sea World (Version 1.6E Dual) |
2005 | Igrosoft | island | Island (050713 World) |
2005 | Igrosoft | pirate_3 | Pirate (060803 World) |
2005 | Play Vision / Taikee | racechl8 | Racing Challenge - 8 Games In 1 |
2004 | Amcoe | classice | Classic Edition (Version 1.6E) |
2004 | Amcoe | fb4 | Fruit Bonus 2004 (Version 1.5R, set 1) |
2004 | Amcoe | fb2nd | Fruit Bonus 2nd Edition (Version 1.8R, set 1) |
2004 | Amcoe | fb2gen | Fruit Bonus 2nd Generation (Version 1.8E Dual) |
2004 | Amcoe | parrot3 | Parrot Poker III (Version 2.6E Dual) |
2004 | Amcoe | robadv | Robin's Adventure (Version 1.7E Dual) |
2004 | Amcoe | robadv2 | Robin's Adventure 2 (Version 1.7E Dual) |
2004 | Amcoe | tighook | Tiger Hook (Version 2.1E Dual) |
2004 | Atari / Nice Code | afbm7800 | Atari Flashback Mini 7800 |
2004 | Capcom | hsf2 | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202) |
2004 | Igrosoft | garage_5 | Garage (050311 World) |
2004 | Igrosoft | resdnt_6 | Resident (100311 World) |
2004 | Igrosoft | rclimb_3 | Rock Climber (040827 World) |
2004 | Igrosoft | sweetl | Sweet Life (041220 World) |
2004 | Radica / Capcom / Sega | rad_sf2 | Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition [Ghouls'n Ghosts] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) |
2004 | Radica / Sega | rad_gen1 | Genesis Collection Volume 1 (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) |
2004 | Radica / Sega | rad_gen2 | Genesis Collection Volume 2 (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) |
2004 | Radica / Sega | rad_orun | Out Run 2019 (Radica Plug & Play, UK) |
2004 | Radica / Sega | rad_sonic | Super Sonic Gold (Radica Plug & Play) (USA) |
2004 | Radica / Sensible Software / Sega | rad_ssoc | Sensible Soccer plus [Cannon Fodder, Mega lo Mania] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (UK) |
2004 | Seibu Kaihatsu | feversoc | Fever Soccer |
2003 | Amcoe | anibonus | Animal Bonus (Version 1.8E Dual) |
2003 | Amcoe | abnudge | Animal Bonus Nudge (Version 2.1 Dual) |
2003 | Amcoe | anithunt | Animal Treasure Hunt (Version 1.9R, set 1) |
2003 | Amcoe | dblchal | Double Challenge (Version 1.5R, set 1) |
2003 | Amcoe | fcnudge | Fruit Carnival Nudge (Version 2.1 Dual) |
2003 | Amcoe | pirpok2 | Pirate Poker II (Version 2.4E Dual) |
2003 | Amcoe | sfbonus | Skill Fruit Bonus (Version 1.9R, set 1) |
2003 | Andrew Holme | mk1forth | Mark 1 FORTH Computer |
2003 | Astro Corp. | speeddrp | Speed Drop (Ver. 1.06, Sep 3 2003) |
2003 | Igrosoft | czmon_13 | Crazy Monkey (100311 World) |
2003 | Igrosoft | fcockt_8 | Fruit Cocktail (060111 World) |
2003 | Igrosoft | lhaunt_6 | Lucky Haunter (040825 World) |
2003 | Igrosoft | rollfr_4 | Roll Fruit (080331) |
2003 | Playmore / Capcom | svcpcb | SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, NEO-MVH MVO PCB) |
2003 | Sammy | gocowboy | Go Go Cowboy (English, prize) |
2003 | SNK Playmore | ms5pcb | Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) |
2003 | SNK Playmore | kf2k3pcb | The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) |
2002 | Amcoe | suprball | Super Ball (Version 1.3) |
2002 | Amcoe | sfruitb | Super Fruit Bonus (Version 2.5E Dual) |
2002 | Astro Corp. | skilldrp | Skill Drop Georgia (Ver. G1.01S, Oct 1 2002) |
2002 | Banpresto / Capcom / Shogakukan / ShoPro / TV Tokyo | mnrockman | Medal Network: Rockman EXE |
2002 | Comad | missw02 | Miss World 2002 |
2002 | Comad | wownfant | WOW New Fantasia (Explicit) |
2002 | Dynax / Techno-Top / Techno-Planning | daimyojn | Mahjong Daimyojin (Japan, T017-PB-00) |
2002 | Igrosoft | mfish_13 | Multi Fish (040316) |
2002 | Igrosoft | windjamr | Windjammer (021216) |
2002 | K1 Soft | 4in1boot | Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.) |
2002 | Namco | funcube5 | Funcube 5 (v1.0) |
2002 | Oriental Soft | mjsenpu | Mahjong Senpu (Japan) |
2002 | Psikyo | mjgtaste | Mahjong G-Taste |
2002 | Wichit Sirichote | 68ksbc | 68k Single Board Computer |
2002 | Yun Sung | 7ordi | 7 Ordi (Korea) |
2001 | Amcoe | pickwin | Pick 'n Win (Version 2.9E Dual) |
2001 | Amcoe | pir2001 | Pirate 2001 (Version 2.5E Dual) |
2001 | Amcoe | pir2002 | Pirate 2002 (Version 2.0E Dual) |
2001 | B.R.L. | lastfour | Last Four (09:12 16/01/2001) |
2001 | Banpresto / Eiichiro Oda / Shueisha - Fuji TV - Toho Animation | lufykzku | Otakara Itadaki Luffy Kaizoku-Dan! (Japan, v1.02) |
2001 | Cave (Capcom license) | progear | Progear (USA 010117) |
2001 | ESD | jumppop | Jumping Pop (set 1) |
2001 | ESD | swatpolc | SWAT Police |
2001 | hack (Clay Cowgill) | wmg | Williams Multigame |
2001 | Incredible Technologies | gtclassc | Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) |
2001 | Mitchell (Capcom license) | choko | Janpai Puzzle Choukou (Japan 010820) |
2001 | Mitchell (Capcom license) | pzloop2 | Puzz Loop 2 (Europe 010302) |
2001 | Namco | funcube2 | Funcube 2 (v1.1) |
2001 | Namco | funcube3 | Funcube 3 (v1.1) |
2001 | Namco | funcube4 | Funcube 4 (v1.0) |
2001 | Prince Co. | spotty | Spotty (Ver. 2.0.2) |
2001 | SemiCom | dtfamily | Diet Family |
2001 | SemiCom | finalgdr | Final Godori (Korea, version 2.20.5915) |
2001 | SemiCom | mrkicker | Mr. Kicker (F-E1-16-010 PCB) |
2001 | SemiCom | toyland | Toy Land Adventure |
2001 | Unico | aoh | Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (v0.63 - 2001/02/07) |
2001 | Video Klein | wldwitch | Wild Witch (Export, 6T/12T ver 1.84A) |
2001 | Visco | gostop | Kankoku Hanafuda Go-Stop |
2000? | IGS | cpoker2 | Champion Poker 2 (V100A) |
2000? | IGS | happyskl | Happy Skill (Italy, V611IT) |
2000? | IGS (G.F. Gioca license) | starzan | Super Tarzan (Italy, V100I) |
2000 | Afega | mangchi | Mang-Chi |
2000 | Amcoe | ch2000 | Fruit Bonus 2000 / New Cherry 2000 (Version 4.4E Dual) |
2000 | Amcoe | hldspin1 | Hold & Spin I (Version 2.7T, set 1) |
2000 | Amcoe | hldspin2 | Hold & Spin II (Version 2.8R, set 1) |
2000 | Andamiro | hammer | Hammer |
2000 | Arika | tgm2 | Tetris: The Absolute - The Grand Master 2 |
2000 | Aristocrat | coralr2 | Coral Riches II (1VXFC5472, New Zealand) |
2000 | Astro Corp. | showhand | Show Hand (Italy) |
2000 | B.R.L. | galaxi | Galaxi (v2.0) |
2000 | B.R.L. | magjoker | Magic Joker (v1.25.10.2000) |
2000 | Bandai / Banpresto | gunpey | Gunpey (Japan) |
2000 | BMC | mjmaglmp | Mahou no Lamp (v. JAA02) |
2000 | Capcom | ganbare | Ganbare! Marine Kun (Japan 2K0411) |
2000 | Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license) | 1944 | 1944: The Loop Master (Europe 000620) |
2000 | ESD | deluxe5 | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) |
2000 | ESD | hedpanic | Head Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000) |
2000 | ESD | mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000) |
2000 | ESD | tangtang | Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) |
2000 | High Video | brasil | Bra$il (Version 3) |
2000 | High Video | cfever1k | Casino Fever 1k |
2000 | High Video | cfever40 | Casino Fever 4.0 |
2000 | High Video | cfever50 | Casino Fever 5.0 |
2000 | High Video | cfever51 | Casino Fever 5.1 |
2000 | High Video | cfever61 | Casino Fever 6.1 |
2000 | High Video | ciclone | Ciclone |
2000 | High Video | girotutt | GiroTutto |
2000 | High Video | newmcard | New Magic Card |
2000 | High Video | nyjoker | New York Joker |
2000 | High Video | record | Record (Version 1) |
2000 | High Video | tour4000 | Tour 4000 |
2000 | High Video | tour4010 | Tour 4010 |
2000 | IGS | chleague | Champion League (v220I, Poker) |
2000 | Incredible Technologies | gt2k | Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) |
2000 | Midway Games Inc. | tm8k | Touchmaster 8000 (v9.04 Standard) |
2000 | Mitchell (Capcom license) | mpang | Mighty! Pang (Europe 001010) |
2000 | Namco | funcube | Funcube (v1.5) |
2000 | PlayMark SRL | number10 | Number Dieci (Poker) |
2000 | San Remo Games | galeone | Il Galeone |
2000 | SemiCom | dquizgo2 | Date Quiz Go Go Episode 2 |
2000 | SemiCom | dreamwld | Dream World |
2000 | Subsino | penbros | Penguin Brothers (Japan) |
2000 | Sun | mrdig | Mr. Dig |
2000 | Sun Mixing | puckpkmn | Puckman Pockimon Genie 2000 |
2000 | SunA | go2000 | Go 2000 |
2000 | Sure Milano | mil4000 | Millennium Nuovo 4000 (Version 2.0) |
2000 | Takumi (Capcom license) | mmatrix | Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412) |
2000 | Techno-Top | mjgnight | Mahjong Gorgeous Night (Japan, TSM003-01) |
2000 | Yun Sung | garogun | Garogun Seroyang (Korea) |
2000 | Yun Sung | pclubys | Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 1) |
200? | Amcoe | fb3g | Fruit Bonus 3G (Version 1.0.3) |
200? | Amcoe | fbdeluxe | Fruit Bonus Deluxe (Version 1.0.9) |
200? | Amcoe | getrich | Get Rich (Version 1.0.1) |
200? | Amcoe | spooky | Spooky Night 2nd Edition (Version 2.0.4) |
200? | Assogiochi Assago | top21 | Top XXI (Version 1.2) |
200? | Excalibur Electronics / Nice Code | nytsudo | The New York Times Sudoku |
200? | Nice Code | papsudok | Plug and Play Sudoku Game (NES based) |
200? | Senario / JungleTac | max10in1 | Vs Maxx 10-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games |
200? | Senario / JungleTac | maxx5in1 | Vs Maxx 5-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games |
200? | Senario / JungleTac | maxx6in1 | Vs Maxx 6-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games |
200? | Shenzhen Soyin Electric Appliance Ind. Co., Ltd. | dnce2000 | Dance 2000 / Hot 2000 (Jin Bao TV Dancing Carpet, SY-2000-04) |
1999 | Afega | popspops | Pop's Pop's |
1999 | Amcoe | act2000 | Action 2000 (Version 3.5E Dual) |
1999 | Andamiro | livequiz | Live Quiz Show |
1999 | Aristocrat | autmoon | Autumn Moon (1VXFC5488, New Zealand) |
1999 | BMC | bmcpokr | Dongfang Shenlong |
1999 | bootleg | kbash2 | Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg) |
1999 | Bordun International | mbutrfly | Magical Butterfly (version U350C, protected) |
1999 | Capcom | jojoba | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Europe 991015, NO CD) |
1999 | Capcom | jyangoku | Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527) |
1999 | CGI | cgip30cs | Credit Poker (ver.30c, standard) |
1999 | Danbi / F2 System | vamphalf | Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.1.0908) |
1999 | Dynax | jongtei | Mahjong Jong-Tei (Japan, NM532-01) |
1999 | Eolith | klondkp | KlonDike+ |
1999 | ESD | multchmp | Multi Champ (World, ver. 2.5) |
1999 | F2 System | jmpbreak | Jumping Break (set 1) |
1999 | F2 System | mosaicf2 | Mosaic (F2 System) |
1999 | F2 System | newxpang | New Cross Pang (set 1) |
1999 | F2 System | poosho | Poosho Poosho |
1999 | F2 System | solitaire | Solitaire (version 2.5) |
1999 | Hanaho Games (Capcom license) | maletmad | Mallet Madness (v2.1) |
1999 | Hewlett Packard | hp49g | HP49G |
1999 | IGS | tarzanc | Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V109C, set 1) |
1999 | In Chang Electronic Co | funybubl | Funny Bubble |
1999 | Incredible Technologies | gt99 | Golden Tee '99 (v1.00) |
1999 | JPM | coronatn | Coronation Street Quiz Game |
1999 | LAI Games | cclownz | Crazzy Clownz (Version 1.0) |
1999 | Midway Games Inc. | tm7k | Touchmaster 7000 (v8.04 Standard) |
1999 | Namco | tjumpman | Tobikose! Jumpman |
1999 | Nihon System / MOSS | pzlbowl | Puzzle De Bowling (Japan) |
1999 | Nova Desitec | play2000 | Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v7.0i) (Italy) |
1999 | Omega System | suplup | Super Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 4.0 / 990518) |
1999 | Sammy | sxyreac2 | Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Japan) |
1999 | Seibu Kaihatsu | ejsakura | E-Jan Sakurasou (Japan, SYS386F V2.0) |
1999 | SemiCom | coolmini | Cool Minigame Collection |
1999 | SemiCom / AceVer | mcheonru | Ma Cheon Ru (Korea) |
1999 | SemiCom / Exit | moremore | More More |
1999 | SemiCom / Exit | moremorp | More More Plus |
1999 | SemiCom / Exit (Trust license) | rolcrush | Rolling Crush (version 1.07.E - 1999/02/11, Trust license) |
1999 | SemiCom / XESS | gaialast | Gaia - The Last Choice of Earth |
1999 | Sielcon Games | luckybal | Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 4.01) |
1999 | Subsino | xtrain | X-Train (Ver. 1.3) |
1999 | Takumi | crusherm | Crusher Makochan (Japan) |
1999 | Takumi | korokoro | Koro Koro Quest (Japan) |
1999 | Takumi (Capcom license) | gigawing | Giga Wing (USA 990222) |
1999 | Unico | goori | Goori Goori |
1999 | Unico | silkroad | The Legend of Silkroad |
1999 | Unico | zeropnt2 | Zero Point 2 |
1999 | Yun Sung | searchey | Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian) |
1999 | Yun Sung | searchp2 | Search Eye Plus V2.0 |
1998 | <unknown> | chinatow | China Town (Ver 1B, Dino4 HW) |
1998 | <unknown> | good | Good (Korea) |
1998 | <unknown> | lunapark | Luna Park (set 1, dual program) |
1998 | <unknown> | rcdino4 | Royal Card (Italian, Dino 4 hardware, encrypted) |
1998 | Ace Enterprise | 3x3puzzl | 3X3 Puzzle (Enterprise) |
1998 | Afega (Apples Industries license) | grdnstrm | Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted) |
1998 | Afega (Tuning license) | bubl2000 | Bubble 2000 |
1998 | Amcoe | match98 | Match '98 (ver. 1.33) |
1998 | Amcoe | skill98 | Skill '98 (Talking ver. s98-1.33) |
1998 | Aristocrat | ffortune | Fantasy Fortune (1VXFC5460, New Zealand) |
1998 | Aristocrat | letsgof | Let's Go Fishing (5XF5196I02, US) |
1998 | Aristocrat | phantomp | Phantom Pays (4VXFC5431, New Zealand) |
1998 | Aristocrat | swtht2nz | Sweethearts II (1VXFC5461, New Zealand) |
1998 | Aristocrat | thundhrt | Thunder Heart (13XF528902, US) |
1998 | BMC | fengyunh | Fengyun Hui |
1998 | Capcom | mvsc | Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Europe 980123) |
1998 | Capcom | sfa3 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Europe 980904) |
1998 | Cave (Jaleco license) | uopoko | Puzzle Uo Poko (World) |
1998 | Dynax | mjchuuka | Maque Zhonghua Ernu (Taiwan) |
1998 | Electronic Projects | spool99 | Super Pool 99 (Version 0.36) |
1998 | Electronic Projects | vcarn | Video Carnival 1999 / Super Royal Card (Version 0.11) |
1998 | F2 System | bestri | Bestri (Korea, set 1) |
1998 | F2 System | crospang | Cross Pang |
1998 | Gaelco / Bit Managers | bang | Bang! |
1998 | Hanaho Games | rapidfir | Rapid Fire (v1.1, Build 239) |
1998 | IGS | genius6 | Genius 6 (V110F) |
1998 | Incredible Technologies | gt98 | Golden Tee '98 (v1.10) |
1998 | J.C.D. srl | crystal | Crystal Colours (CMC hardware) |
1998 | JCD | crystalc | Crystals Colours (Ver 1.02) |
1998 | JPM | hngmnjpm | Hangman (JPM) |
1998 | MakeSoft | gakusai2 | Mahjong Gakuensai 2 (Japan) |
1998 | Midway Games Inc. | tm4k | Touchmaster 4000 (v6.03 Standard) |
1998 | Midway Games Inc. | tm5k | Touchmaster 5000 (v7.10 Standard) |
1998 | Namco | tekkenbs | Tekken Battle Scratch |
1998 | Nihon System | mjreach1 | Mahjong Reach Ippatsu (Japan) |
1998 | P&P Marketing | sshooter | Sharpshooter (Rev 1.9) |
1998 | Psikyo | daraku | The Fallen Angels (World) / Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (Japan) |
1998 | Romtec Co. Ltd | gp98 | Grand Prix '98 (V100K, set 1) |
1998 | Sammy | sxyreact | Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Japan) |
1998 | Sandii' | apple10 | Apple 10 (Ver 1.21) |
1998 | Sandii' | snookr10 | Snooker 10 (Ver 1.11) |
1998 | SemiCom | cutefght | Cute Fighter |
1998 | SemiCom / XESS | 3in1semi | New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan) (set 1) |
1998 | Sigma / Transformer Production Company / Takara | tbeastw2 | Transformers Beast Wars II |
1998 | Sigma Inc. | sigma2k | Sigma Poker 2000 |
1998 | Subsino | saklove | Ying Hua Lian 2.0 (China, Ver. 1.02) |
1998 | Subsino (American Alpha license) | expcard | Express Card / Top Card (Ver. 1.5) |
1998 | Unico | zeropnt | Zero Point (set 1) |
1998 | Video Klein | wupndown | Witch Up & Down (Export, 6T/12T ver 1.02) |
1998 | Video System Co. | inufuku | Quiz & Variety Sukusuku Inufuku (Japan) |
1998 | Visco | ryorioh | Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh CooKing (Japan) |
1998 | World Station Co.,LTD | saiyukip | Slot Poker Saiyuki (Japan) |
1998 | Yun Sung | bombkick | Bomb Kick (set 1) |
1998 | Yun Sung | madball | Mad Ball (V2.0) |
1998 | Yun Sung | nmg5 | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 1) |
1997 | ADP | fashiong | Fashion Gambler (set 1) |
1997 | Amcoe | pokonl97 | Poker Only '97 (Talking ver. 3.3) |
1997 | Amcoe | schery97 | Skill Cherry '97 (Talking ver. sc3.52) |
1997 | Aristocrat | wildone | Wild One (4VXEC5357, New Zealand) |
1997 | Barko | onetwo | One + Two |
1997 | BFM/ELAM | gldncrwn | Golden Crown (Dutch, Game Card 95-752-011) |
1997 | C.M.C. | elephfam | Elephant Family (Italian, new) |
1997 | C.M.C. | tortufam | Tortuga Family (Italian) |
1997 | Capcom | batcir | Battle Circuit (Europe 970319) |
1997 | Capcom | csclub | Capcom Sports Club (Europe 971017) |
1997 | Capcom | mshvsf | Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Europe 970625) |
1997 | Capcom | sgemf | Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (USA 970904) |
1997 | Capcom | vhunt2 | Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929) |
1997 | Capcom | vsav2 | Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913) |
1997 | Capcom | vsav | Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Europe 970519) |
1997 | Comad | wbbc97 | Beach Festival World Championship 1997 |
1997 | Comad | fantsia2 | Fantasia II (Explicit) |
1997 | Comad | supmodl2 | Super Model II |
1997 | Deniam | logicpr2 | Logic Pro 2 (Japan) |
1997 | Dongsung / Para | gotcha | Got-cha Mini Game Festival |
1997 | Dynax | janptrsp | Janputer Special (Japan) |
1997 | Dynax | mjmyorntr | Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Returns (Japan, v1.00) |
1997 | Dynax / Shinwhajin | kotbinsp | Kkotbinyeo Special (Korea) |
1997 | F2 System | pitapat | Pitapat Puzzle (set 1) |
1997 | Gaelco / OMK | snowboar | Snow Board Championship (Version 2.1) |
1997 | Hobbitron T.K.Trading Co. Ltd. | tomagic | Tom Tom Magic |
1997 | ICE / The Game Room | eggventr | Egg Venture (Release 10) |
1997 | IGS | sdmg2 | Chaoji Da Manguan II (China, V754C, set 1) |
1997 | IGS | drgnwrld | Dragon World (World, V040O) |
1997 | IGS | jbell | Jingle Bell (v200US) |
1997 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0838s | Player's Edge Plus (X000838S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots |
1997 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0998s | Player's Edge Plus (X000998S+XS000006) Triple Triple Diamond Slots |
1997 | Incredible Technologies | gt97 | Golden Tee '97 (v1.30) |
1997 | Incredible Technologies | shufshot | Shuffleshot (v1.40) |
1997 | Inter Geo | musclem | Muscle Master |
1997 | Jaleco / The Tetris Company | tetrisp2 | Tetris Plus 2 (World, V2.8) |
1997 | JPM | scrabble | Scrabble (rev. F) |
1997 | LAI Games | ripribit | Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5) |
1997 | Midway | offroadc | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) |
1997 | Midway | rmpgwt | Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3) |
1997 | Midway Games Inc. | tm3k | Touchmaster 3000 (v5.02 Standard) |
1997 | Nakanihon / Dynax | hkagerou | Hana Kagerou (Japan) |
1997 | Namco | sws97 | Super World Stadium '97 (Japan) |
1997 | Namco | tekkencw | Tekken Card World |
1997 | Oksan / F2 System | heuksun | Heuk Sun Baek Sa (Korea) |
1997 | Psikyo | soldivid | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness |
1997 | Salter Fitness / Gaelco | sltpcycl | Pro Cycle Tele Cardioline (Salter Fitness Bike V.1.0, Checksum 02AB) |
1997 | Salter Fitness / Gaelco | sltpstep | Pro Stepper Tele Cardioline (Salter Fitness Stepper V.1.0, Checksum F208) |
1997 | Sammy | hypreac2 | Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 (Japan) |
1997 | SemiCom | cookbib3 | Cookie & Bibi 3 |
1997 | SemiCom | suhosong | Su Ho Seong (Korea) |
1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | pzlbreak | Puzzle Break (set 1) |
1997 | SemiCom / Tirano | twinkle | Twinkle (set 1) |
1997 | Sigma | b3rinsya | Burning Sanrinsya - Burning Tricycle |
1997 | Sigma | sushimar | Itazura Daisuki! Sushimaru Kun |
1997 | Sigma | dodghero | Minna Atsumare! Dodge Hero |
1997 | Sigma | pepsiman | PEPSI Man |
1997 | Sigma | ucytokyu | Uchuu Tokkyuu Medalian |
1997 | Sigma / Banpresto | gegege | GeGeGe no Kitarou Youkai Slot |
1997 | Subsino | mtrain | Magic Train (Ver. 1.4) |
1997 | Unico | burglarx | Burglar X |
1997 | Visco | jsk | Joryuu Syougi Kyoushitsu (Japan) |
1997 | Visco | koikois2 | Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda (Japan) |
1997 | Visco / Datt Japan | mslider | Monster Slider (Japan) |
1997 | World Station Co.,LTD | umipoker | Umi de Poker / Marine Paradise (Japan, newer) |
1997 | Yun Sung | shocking | Shocking |
1996? | Sammy | meosism | Meosis Magic (Japan) |
1996 | <unknown> | supergm3 | Super Game III |
1996 | Ace | tqst | Treasure Quest |
1996 | Amcoe | nc96 | New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.63, C1 PCB) |
1996 | Amcoe | nfb96 | New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.63, C1 PCB) |
1996 | Amcoe | roypok96 | Royal Poker '96 (set 1, v97-3.5) |
1996 | Aristocrat | 3bagfull | 3 Bags Full (5VXFC790, Victoria) |
1996 | Aristocrat | arcwins | Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | cgold2 | Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | dblagent | Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | fhunter | Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I01, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | goldenc | Golden Canaries (1VXFC5462, New Zealand) |
1996 | Aristocrat | kgbird | K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | gambler | The Gambler (11XF528902, US) |
1996 | Aristocrat | topgear | Top Gear (4VXFC969, New Zealand) |
1996 | Atari Games | freezeat | Freeze (Atari) (prototype, English voice, 96/10/25) |
1996 | Banpresto / Kunihiko Tashiro+Goodhouse | bangball | Bang Bang Ball (v1.05) |
1996 | BFM/ELAM | pyramid | Pyramid (Dutch, Game Card 95-750-898) |
1996 | BFM/ELAM | sltblgpo | Slots (Belgian Cash, Game Card 95-750-938) |
1996 | BFM/ELAM | sltblgtk | Slots (Belgian Token, Game Card 95-750-943) |
1996 | bootleg / Midway | mk3mdb | Mortal Kombat 3 (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1996 | C.M.C. | bottle10 | Bottle 10 (Italian, set 1) |
1996 | C.M.C. | cuoreuno | Cuore 1 (Italian, set 1) |
1996 | C.M.C. | pool10 | Pool 10 (Italian, set 1) |
1996 | C.M.C. | potgame | Pot Game (Italian) |
1996 | Capcom | ddsom | Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960619) |
1996 | Capcom | mpumpkin | Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712) |
1996 | Capcom | megaman2 | Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708) |
1996 | Capcom | qndream | Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 960826) |
1996 | Capcom | sfa2 | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Europe 960229) |
1996 | Capcom | sfz2al | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826) |
1996 | Capcom | spf2t | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Europe 960529) |
1996 | Capcom | xmvsf | X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Europe 961004) |
1996 | Comad | missw96 | Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000A PCB, set 1) |
1996 | Comad | smissw | Super Miss World |
1996 | D.G.R.M. | blackt96 | Black Touch '96 |
1996 | Deniam | croquis | Croquis (Korea) |
1996 | Deniam | karianx | Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0) |
1996 | Dooyong | popbingo | Pop Bingo |
1996 | Dynax | hanakanz | Hana Kanzashi (Japan) |
1996 | Dynax | janptr96 | Janputer '96 (Japan) |
1996 | Dynax | majrjhdx | Mahjong Raijinhai DX (Ver. D105) |
1996 | Dynax (Nakanihon license) | akamaru | Panel & Variety Akamaru Q Joushou Dont-R |
1996 | Dynax / Sigma | dtoyoken | Mahjong Dai Touyouken (Japan) |
1996 | Dynax / Sigma | janshinp | Mahjong Janshin Plus (Japan) |
1996 | Etona | mouja | Mouja (Japan) |
1996 | Excellent System | aquarium | Aquarium (US) |
1996 | Excellent System | mir7hg | Miracle Seven - Heaven's Gate (Japan, v1.0.2) |
1996 | Fuuki | pbancho | Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 1) |
1996 | Gaelco | maniacsq | Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) |
1996 | Hanaho Games | ghoshunt | Ghost Hunter |
1996 | I.G.T. International Games Trade | soccer10 | Soccer 10 (ver. 16.44) |
1996 | ICE | mouseatk | Mouse Attack |
1996 | IGS | lhb2 | Lung Fu Bong II (Hong Kong, V185H) |
1996 | IGS | spk306us | Super Poker (v306US) |
1996 | IGS | xymg | Xingyun Man Guan (China, V651C) |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0014 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0014) Super Joker Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0021 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0021) Red White & Blue Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0040 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0040) Jackpot Jungle Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0042 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0042) Double Diamond Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0047 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0047) Wild Cherry Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0048 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0048) Double Jackpot Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0070 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0070) Hurricane Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0090 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0090) Gold, Silver & Bronze Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0239 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0239) Jackpot Jewels Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0275 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0275) 4th of July Slots (set 1) |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0291 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0291) Haywire Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0308 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0308) Double Jackpot Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0358 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0358) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0366 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0366) Double Diamond Deluxe Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0425 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0425) Sizzling Sevens Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0470 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0470) Triple Diamond Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0623 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0623) Black Cherry Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0629 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0629) Double Hot Peppers Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0708 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0708) Double Cherry Bar Slots |
1996 | IGT - International Game Technology | peps0716 | Player's Edge Plus (PS0716) River Gambler Slots |
1996 | Impera | magicrd2 | Magic Card II (Bulgarian) |
1996 | Island Design | tutstomb | Tut's Tomb |
1996 | JPM | trivialp | Trivial Pursuit (New Edition) (prod. 1D) |
1996 | Konami | tgtpanic | Target Panic |
1996 | Maboroshi Ware | mj4simai | Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan) |
1996 | Metro | balcube | Bal Cube |
1996 | Midway | crusnwld | Cruis'n World (v2.5) |
1996 | Midway | nbahangt | NBA Hangtime (ver L1.3 10/10/96) |
1996 | Midway / Incredible Technologies | pubball | Power Up Baseball (prototype) |
1996 | Midway Games Inc. | tm2k | Touchmaster 2000 Plus (v4.63 Standard) |
1996 | Midway Games Inc. / CES Inc. | tm | Touchmaster (v3.00 Euro) |
1996 | Mitchell | osman | Osman (World) |
1996 | Namco | paccarn | Pac-Carnival |
1996 | Namco | paceight | Pac-Eight |
1996 | Namco | pacslot | Pac-Slot |
1996 | Namco | sws96 | Super World Stadium '96 (Japan) |
1996 | New Impeuropex Corp. | sgsafari | Super Gran Safari (ver. 3.11) |
1996 | Nichibutsu | niyanpai | Niyanpai (Japan) |
1996 | P&P Marketing | policetr | Police Trainer (Rev 1.3B, Rev 0.3 PCB) |
1996 | Playmark | excelsr | Excelsior (set 1) |
1996 | Playmark | luckboom | Lucky Boom |
1996 | Playmark | spacewin | Scacco Matto / Space Win |
1996 | Playmark | shinygld | Shiny Golds |
1996 | Playmark | sderby | Super Derby (Playmark, v.07.03) |
1996 | Promat? | flagrall | '96 Flag Rally |
1996 | Psikyo | tengai | Tengai (World) |
1996 | San Remo Games | number1 | Number One |
1996 | Sega | ultracin | Waku Waku Ultraman Racing |
1996 | SemiCom | carket | Carket Ball |
1996 | SemiCom | cookbib2 | Cookie & Bibi 2 (English, set 1) |
1996 | SemiCom | toppyrap | Toppy & Rappy |
1996 | SemiCom | wondl96 | Wonder League '96 (Korea) |
1996 | SemiCom / Tirano | sdfight | SD Fighters (Korea) |
1996 | Seta | nratechu | Neratte Chu |
1996 | SoftClub | toto | Come Back Toto |
1996 | Subsino | sharkpy | Shark Party (Italy, v1.3) |
1996 | Subsino | smoto20 | Super Rider (Italy, v2.0) |
1996 | Subsino | wtrnymph | Water-Nymph (Ver. 1.4) |
1996 | Sun Mixing | sbubsm | Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Mega Drive clone hardware) |
1996 | SunA (Unico license) | bssoccer | Back Street Soccer (KRB-0031 PCB) |
1996 | SunA (Unico license) | uballoon | Ultra Balloon |
1996 | System-99 User Group | ti99_4p | SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) |
1996 | The Game Room | lethalj | Lethal Justice (Version 2.3) |
1996 | Unico | fncywld | Fancy World - Earth of Crisis |
1996 | Unico | magipur | Magic Purple |
1996 | Video Klein | wtchjack | Witch Jack (Export, 6T/12T ver 0.87-89) |
1996 | Webak Elektronik | goldnjkr | Golden Joker (Ver 16.06UNG-25, set 1) |
1996 | Wonwoo Systems | dominob | Domino Block |
1996 | Yun Sung | penky | Penky |
1996 | Yun Sung | tgtbal96 | Target Ball '96 |
1996 | Yuvo | calcune | Calcune (Japan, prototype) |
1995 | A.W.P. Games | magic10 | Magic's 10 (ver. 16.55) |
1995 | ABM Games | musicsrt | Music Sort (ver. 2.02) |
1995 | Afega | dolmen | Dolmen |
1995 | Afega | twinactn | Twin Action |
1995 | Akor | stvboy | Super TV Boy (PAL) |
1995 | American Alpha | stbsub | Treasure Bonus (Subsino, v1.6) |
1995 | American Alpha | victor6 | Victor 6 (v2.3N) |
1995 | American Sammy | keroppi | Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0) |
1995 | American Sammy | zombraid | Zombie Raid (9/28/95, US) |
1995 | Aristocrat | blkrhino | Black Rhino (4VXFC830, NSW) |
1995 | Aristocrat | eforest | Enchanted Forest (4VXFC818, NSW) |
1995 | Aristocrat | wtiger | White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) |
1995 | Atlus | plegends | Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95.06.20) |
1995 | Banpresto | gdfs | Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Japan) |
1995 | Banpresto / Pandorabox | metmqstr | Metamoqester (World) |
1995 | Barko | intrgirl | Intergirl |
1995 | Barko Corp. | honeydol | Honey Doll |
1995 | Barko Corp. | twinadv | Twin Adventure (World) |
1995 | BFM/ELAM | paradice | Paradice (Dutch, Game Card 95-750-615) |
1995 | BFM/ELAM | slotsnl | Slots (Dutch, Game Card 95-750-368) |
1995 | bootleg | leader | Leader (version Z 2E, Greece) |
1995 | Bordun International | butrfly | Butterfly Video Game (version A00) |
1995 | Bordun International | madzoo | Mad Zoo (version U450C) |
1995 | Bordun International | skylncr | Sky Lancer (Bordun, version U450C) |
1995 | Capcom | cybots | Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Europe 950424) |
1995 | Capcom | msh | Marvel Super Heroes (Europe 951024) |
1995 | Capcom | megaman | Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006) |
1995 | Capcom | nwarr | Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Europe 950316) |
1995 | Capcom | qtono2j | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123) |
1995 | Capcom | sfa | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Europe 950727) |
1995 | Capcom | sfzch | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020) |
1995 | Capcom / Incredible Technologies | sftm | Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12) |
1995 | D.G.R.M. | pokechmp | Poke Champ (set 1) |
1995 | Data East Corporation | chainrec | Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25) |
1995 | Data East Corporation | wcvol95 | World Cup Volley '95 (Asia v1.0) |
1995 | Dynax | ddenlovj | Don Den Lover Vol. 1 - Shiro Kuro Tsukeyo! (Japan) |
1995 | Dynax | mjschuka | Mahjong Super Dai Chuuka Ken (Japan, D115) |
1995 | Dynax | mjdchuka | Maque Da Zhonghua Quan (Taiwan, D111) |
1995 | Elettronica Video-Games | twinbrat | Twin Brats (set 1) |
1995 | Excellent System | fever13 | Fever 13 (Japan, v1.3) |
1995 | Fuuki | gogomile | Susume! Mile Smile / Go Go! Mile Smile (newer) |
1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | biomtoy | Biomechanical Toy (ver. 1.0.1885, checksum 69f5e032) |
1995 | Gaelco / Zeus | lastkm | Last KM (ver 1.0.0275, checksum 13bff751, prototype) |
1995 | Gamart | ttchamp | Table Tennis Champions |
1995 | Gameace | hotbody | Hot Body I |
1995 | Gazelle (Banpresto license) | sailormn | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Europe) |
1995 | Hewlett Packard | hp38g | HP38G |
1995 | IGS | lhb | Long Hu Bang (China, V035C) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc766 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0766 A5W-A6F) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc801 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0801 A5W-A6F) 10's or Better |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc802 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0802 A5W-A6F) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc803 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0803 A5W-A6F) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc804 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0804 A5W-A6F) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc806 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0806 A5W-A6F) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc818 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0818 A5W-A6F) Joker Poker (Aces or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc819 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0819 A5W-A6F) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc822 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0822 A5W-A6F) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pekoc825 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0825 A59-A7C) White Hot Aces |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0002p | Player's Edge Plus (X000002P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0006p | Player's Edge Plus (X000006P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0014p | Player's Edge Plus (X000014P+XP000055) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0040p | Player's Edge Plus (X000040P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0042p | Player's Edge Plus (X000042P+XP000038) 10's or Better |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0045p | Player's Edge Plus (X000045P+XP000038) 10's or Better |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0046p | Player's Edge Plus (X000046P+XP000038) 10's or Better |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0053p | Player's Edge Plus (X000053P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Aces or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0054p | Player's Edge Plus (X000054P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0055p | Player's Edge Plus (X000055P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0057p | Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0060p | Player's Edge Plus (X000060P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0124p | Player's Edge Plus (X000124P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0126p | Player's Edge Plus (X000126P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0127p | Player's Edge Plus (X000127P+XP000038) Deuces Joker Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0150p | Player's Edge Plus (X000150P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0158p | Player's Edge Plus (X000158P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0171p | Player's Edge Plus (X000171P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0188p | Player's Edge Plus (X000188P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0190p | Player's Edge Plus (X000190P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0197p | Player's Edge Plus (X000197P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0203p | Player's Edge Plus (X000203P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0224p | Player's Edge Plus (X000224P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0225p | Player's Edge Plus (X000225P+XP000079) Deuces Joker Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0242p | Player's Edge Plus (X000242P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0265p | Player's Edge Plus (X000265P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0291p | Player's Edge Plus (X000291P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0403p | Player's Edge Plus (X000403P+XP000013) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0417p | Player's Edge Plus (X000417P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0426p | Player's Edge Plus (X000426P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0430p | Player's Edge Plus (X000430P+XP000079) Deuces Joker Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0434p | Player's Edge Plus (X000434P+XP000038) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0444p | Player's Edge Plus (X000444P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0447p | Player's Edge Plus (X000447P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0449p | Player's Edge Plus (X000449P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0451p | Player's Edge Plus (X000451P+XP000038) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0452p | Player's Edge Plus (X000452P+XP000038) Double Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0454p | Player's Edge Plus (X000454P+XP000038) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0455p | Player's Edge Plus (X000455P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0458p | Player's Edge Plus (X000458P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Aces or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0459p | Player's Edge Plus (X000459P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0508p | Player's Edge Plus (X000508P+XP000038) Loose Deuce Deuces Wild! Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0514p | Player's Edge Plus (X000514P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0515p | Player's Edge Plus (X000515P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0516p | Player's Edge Plus (X000516P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0536p | Player's Edge Plus (X000536P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0537p | Player's Edge Plus (X000537P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0550p | Player's Edge Plus (X000550P+XP000119) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0556p | Player's Edge Plus (X000556P+XP000038) Deuces Joker Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0557p | Player's Edge Plus (X000557P+XP000119) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0568p | Player's Edge Plus (X000568P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0578p | Player's Edge Plus (X000578P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0581p | Player's Edge Plus (X000581P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0588p | Player's Edge Plus (X000588P+XP000038) Joker Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0725p | Player's Edge Plus (X000725P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0726p | Player's Edge Plus (X000726P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0727p | Player's Edge Plus (X000727P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0763p | Player's Edge Plus (X000763P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex0764p | Player's Edge Plus (X000764P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2001p | Player's Edge Plus (X002001P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2002p | Player's Edge Plus (X002002P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2004p | Player's Edge Plus (X002004P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2010p | Player's Edge Plus (X002010P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2016p | Player's Edge Plus (X002016P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2017p | Player's Edge Plus (X002017P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2018p | Player's Edge Plus (X002018P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2021p | Player's Edge Plus (X002021P+XP000038) Lucky Deal Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2024p | Player's Edge Plus (X002024P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2025p | Player's Edge Plus (X002025P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2026p | Player's Edge Plus (X002026P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2027p | Player's Edge Plus (X002027P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2028p | Player's Edge Plus (X002028P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2029p | Player's Edge Plus (X002029P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2031p | Player's Edge Plus (X002031P+XP000038) Lucky Deal Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2033p | Player's Edge Plus (X002033P+XP000038) White Hot Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2034p | Player's Edge Plus (X002034P+XP000038) White Hot Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2035p | Player's Edge Plus (X002035P+XP000038) White Hot Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2036p | Player's Edge Plus (X002036P+XP000038) White Hot Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2037p | Player's Edge Plus (X002037P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2038p | Player's Edge Plus (X002038P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2039p | Player's Edge Plus (X002039P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2040p | Player's Edge Plus (X002040P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2042p | Player's Edge Plus (X002042P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2043p | Player's Edge Plus (X002043P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2044p | Player's Edge Plus (X002044P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2045p | Player's Edge Plus (X002045P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2046p | Player's Edge Plus (X002046P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2066p | Player's Edge Plus (X002066P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2067p | Player's Edge Plus (X002067P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2068p | Player's Edge Plus (X002068P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2069p | Player's Edge Plus (X002069P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2070p | Player's Edge Plus (X002070P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2111p | Player's Edge Plus (X002111P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (with Seq Royal Flush) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2121p | Player's Edge Plus (X002121P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2127p | Player's Edge Plus (X002127P+XP000043) Double Bonus Poker featuring 'Your Property' Royals |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2133p | Player's Edge Plus (X002133P+XP000043) Faces 'n' Deuces Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2134p | Player's Edge Plus (X002134P+XP000043) Faces 'n' Deuces Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2143p | Player's Edge Plus (X002143P+XP000043) Joker's Revenge Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2149p | Player's Edge Plus (X002149P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2150p | Player's Edge Plus (X002150P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2152p | Player's Edge Plus (X002152P+XP000043) Blackjack Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2172p | Player's Edge Plus (X002172P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2173p | Player's Edge Plus (X002173P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2178p | Player's Edge Plus (X002178P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2179p | Player's Edge Plus (X002179P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2180p | Player's Edge Plus (X002180P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2211p | Player's Edge Plus (X002211P+XP000043) Double Double Bonus with 3 Jacks Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2236p | Player's Edge Plus (X002236P+XP000043) Double Double Bonus with 3 Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2240p | Player's Edge Plus (X002240P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2241p | Player's Edge Plus (X002241P+XP000079) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2244p | Player's Edge Plus (X002244P+XP000079) Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2245p | Player's Edge Plus (X002245P+XP000055) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2247p | Player's Edge Plus (X002247P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2250p | Player's Edge Plus (X002250P+XP000050) Shockwave Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2251p | Player's Edge Plus (X002251P+XP000050) Shockwave Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2252p | Player's Edge Plus (X002252P+XP000050) Shockwave Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2270p | Player's Edge Plus (X002270P+XP000053) Jackpot Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2272p | Player's Edge Plus (X002272P+XP000055) Black Jack Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2275p | Player's Edge Plus (X002275P+XP000055) Black Jack Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2276p | Player's Edge Plus (X002276P+XP000055) Black Jack Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2278p | Player's Edge Plus (X002278P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2279p | Player's Edge Plus (X002279P+XP000057) Ace$ Bonus |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2283p | Player's Edge Plus (X002283P+XP000057) Barbaric Decues Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2284p | Player's Edge Plus (X002284P+XP000057) Barbaric Decues Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2287p | Player's Edge Plus (X002287P+XP000057) No Faces Pay the Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2297p | Player's Edge Plus (X002297P+XP000053) Jackpot Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2302p | Player's Edge Plus (X002302P+XP000038) Bonus Poker Deluxe |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2303p | Player's Edge Plus (X002303P+XP000038) White Hot Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2306p | Player's Edge Plus (X002306P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2307p | Player's Edge Plus (X002307P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2308p | Player's Edge Plus (X002308P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2309p | Player's Edge Plus (X002309P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2310p | Player's Edge Plus (X002310P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2312p | Player's Edge Plus (X002312P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker Plus |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2314p | Player's Edge Plus (X002314P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker Plus |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2315p | Player's Edge Plus (X002315P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker Plus |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2374p | Player's Edge Plus (X002374P+XP000038) Super Aces Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2376p | Player's Edge Plus (X002376P+XP000038) Super Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2377p | Player's Edge Plus (X002377P+XP000038) Super Double Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2386p | Player's Edge Plus (X002386P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2412p | Player's Edge Plus (X002412P+XP000096) Standard Draw with 5 decks (Two Pair or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2419p | Player's Edge Plus (X002419P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2420p | Player's Edge Plus (X002420P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2421p | Player's Edge Plus (X002421P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2440p | Player's Edge Plus (X002440P+XP000053) Deuces Wild Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2461p | Player's Edge Plus (X002461P+XP000055) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2478p | Player's Edge Plus (X002478P+XP000154) Joker Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2479p | Player's Edge Plus (X002479P+XP000154) Joker Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2480p | Player's Edge Plus (X002480P+XP000154) Joker Poker (Aces or Better) - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pex2485p | Player's Edge Plus (X002485P+XP000154) Standard Draw Poker - French |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm001p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00001P+XMP00003) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm004p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00004P+XMP00002) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm005p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00005P+XMP00004) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm007p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00007P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm008p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00008P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexm013p | Player's Edge Plus (XM00013P+XMP00025) Multi-Poker |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp011 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00011) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2298) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp013 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00013) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2346) - Spanish |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp014 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00014) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2352) - International |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp017 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00017) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2298) |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp022 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00022) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2346) - Spanish |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp026 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00026) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2346) - Spanish |
1995 | IGT - International Game Technology | pexmp030 | Player's Edge Plus (XMP00030) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2451) |
1995 | Incredible Technologies | gt3d | Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N) |
1995 | Incredible Technologies | wcbowl | World Class Bowling (v1.66) |
1995 | Invi Image | egghunt | Egg Hunt |
1995 | JPM | monopldx | Monopoly Deluxe (JPM) (Version 6) (SYSTEM5 VIDEO) |
1995 | Kaneko | gtmr2 | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) |
1995 | Konami | tsukande | Tsukande Toru Chicchi |
1995 | Make Software / Elf / Media Trading | dokyusei | Mahjong Doukyuusei |
1995 | Make Software / Elf / Media Trading | dokyusp | Mahjong Doukyuusei Special |
1995 | Metro / Banpresto | pururun | Pururun (set 1) |
1995 | Midway | openice | 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21) |
1995 | Midway | wwfmania | WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30 08/10/95) |
1995 | Mijin | wlstar | Wonder League Star - Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) |
1995 | Min Corp. | dblpoint | Double Point |
1995 | Mitchell | charlien | Charlie Ninja |
1995 | Mitchell | pang3 | Pang! 3 (Europe 950601) |
1995 | Namco | jumbogod | Jumbo Godzilla |
1995 | Namco | machbrkr | Mach Breakers (World, MB2) |
1995 | Namco | sws95 | Super World Stadium '95 (Japan) |
1995 | New Dream Games | mortalr | Mortal Race |
1995 | Nichibutsu / Yubis | musobana | Musoubana (Japan) |
1995 | Pacific Gaming Pty Ltd. | hotchili | Hot Chilli (95103, v0104) |
1995 | Playmark | bigtwin | Big Twin |
1995 | Playmark | hotmind | Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware) |
1995 | Playmark | magicstk | Magic Sticks |
1995 | Promat (Tuning license) | maddonna | Mad Donna (Tuning, set 1) |
1995 | Proyesel | topdrive | Top Driving (version 1.1) |
1995 | Sammy | hypreact | Mahjong Hyper Reaction (Japan) |
1995 | SemiCom | cookbib | Cookie & Bibi (set 1) |
1995 | SemiCom | htchctch | Hatch Catch |
1995 | SemiCom | hyperpac | Hyper Pacman |
1995 | Sigma Inc. | sigmapkr | Sigma Poker |
1995 | Sphinx | otatidai | Disco Mahjong Otachidai no Okite (Japan) |
1995 | Spirit | dunhuang | Mahjong Dunhuang |
1995 | Sun Mixing | topshoot | Top Shooter |
1995 | Sunwise | burgkids | Burger Kids (Japan) |
1995 | Sunwise | othldrby | Othello Derby (Japan) |
1995 | Sunwise | pyutakun | Pyuuta-kun (Japan) |
1995 | TCH / Proyesel | kickgoal | Kick Goal (set 1) |
1995 | Tecmo | ginkun | Ganbare Ginkun |
1995 | Tecmo | nouryoku | Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai |
1995 | Time Warner Interactive | fishfren | Fishin' Frenzy (prototype) |
1995 | Yun Sung | magix | Magix / Rock |
1995 | Yun Sung / Soft Vision | cannball | Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, horizontal) |
1994? | Yun Sung | rocktris | Rock Tris |
1994 | <unknown> | sgmt1 | Super Game Mega Type 1 |
1994 | ABM & Gecas | blmbycar | Blomby Car (Version 1P0) |
1994 | ADP | skattv | Skat TV |
1994 | Allumer | magspeed | Magical Speed |
1994 | American Sammy | orbs | Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?) |
1994 | Aristocrat | grnlizrd | Green Lizard (4VXFC811, NSW) |
1994 | Art & Magic | cheesech | Cheese Chase |
1994 | Art & Magic | stonebal | Stone Ball (4 Players, v1-20 13/12/1994) |
1994 | Athena | kiwame | Pro Mahjong Kiwame |
1994 | Atlus | naname | Naname de Magic! (Japan) |
1994 | Atlus | pwrinst2 | Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1) |
1994 | Banpresto | gundamex | Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue |
1994 | BFM/ELAM | pokio | Pokio (Dutch, Game Card 95-750-278) |
1994 | bootleg | barekch | Bare Knuckle (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1994 | bootleg | barek2ch | Bare Knuckle II (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1994 | bootleg | scmaster | Super Cherry Master (v1.0) |
1994 | bootleg / Capcom | ssf2mdb | Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1994 | bootleg / Sega | barek2mb | Bare Knuckle II (bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1994 | bootleg / Sega | barek3mb | Bare Knuckle III (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1994 | Capcom | avsp | Alien vs. Predator (Europe 940520) |
1994 | Capcom | armwar | Armored Warriors (Europe 941024) |
1994 | Capcom | dstlk | Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Europe 940705) |
1994 | Capcom | pnickj | Pnickies (Japan 940608) |
1994 | Capcom | pokonyan | Pokonyan! Balloon (Japan 940322) |
1994 | Capcom | ringdest | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Europe 940902) |
1994 | Capcom | ssf2t | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223) |
1994 | Capcom | wofch | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031) |
1994 | Capcom | xmcota | X-Men: Children of the Atom (Europe 950331) |
1994 | Capcom / Togo / Sigma | kenseim | Ken Sei Mogura: Street Fighter II (Japan 940418, Ver 1.00) |
1994 | Chain Leisure | clpoker | Poker Genius |
1994 | Chain Leisure Co., Ltd | jackhous | Jack House |
1994 | Coastal Amusements | fredmem | Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (World?, Ticket version, 3/17/95) |
1994 | Comad | lvgirl94 | Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94) |
1994 | Compile (Sega license) | puyopuy2 | Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) |
1994 | Data East Corporation | joemacr | Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27) |
1994 | Dooyong | gundl94 | Gun Dealer '94 |
1994 | Dynax | hginga | Hanafuda Hana Ginga (Japan) |
1994 | Dynax | mjreach | Mahjong Reach (Ver. 1.00) |
1994 | Dynax | mjmyuniv | Mahjong The Mysterious Universe (Japan, D85) |
1994 | Dynax | mjmyster | Mahjong The Mysterious World (Japan, set 1) |
1994 | Dynax | hparadis | Super Hana Paradise (Japan) |
1994 | Electronic Devices Italy / Ecogames S.L. Spain | stlforce | Steel Force |
1994 | Entretenimientos GEMINIS | bs94 | Buena Suerte '94 |
1994 | Excellent System | lastbank | Last Bank (v1.16) |
1994 | Face | cultures | Jibun wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen |
1994 | First Amusement | metlsavr | Metal Saver |
1994 | Fortex Ltd. | fortecrd | Forte Card (Ver 110, Spanish) |
1994 | Fujic / AV Japan | mjegolf | Mahjong Erotica Golf (Japan) |
1994 | Gaelco | aligator | Alligator Hunt (World, protected) |
1994 | Gaelco | targeth | Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 5152) |
1994 | Gameace | suprtrio | Super Trio |
1994 | hack | headonch | Monita to Rimoko no Head On Channel (prototype, hack) |
1994 | Hanafram | snowbro2 | Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram) |
1994 | IGS | aliencha | Alien Challenge (World) |
1994 | IGT - International Game Technology | pebe0013 | Player's Edge Plus (BE0013) Blackjack |
1994 | IGT - International Game Technology | peke1001 | Player's Edge Plus (KE1001) Keno |
1994 | Impera | magicrd1 | Magic Card (v1.10 14.09.94) |
1994 | Irem | gunforc2 | Gun Force II (US) |
1994 | Irem (Data East Corporation license) | dsoccr94 | Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware) |
1994 | JPM | monopoly | Monopoly (JPM) (Version 4H) (SYSTEM5 VIDEO) |
1994 | Kaneko | gtmr | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (Taiwan 94/07/18) |
1994 | Kaneko | bonkadv | B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin |
1994 | Kaneko | bloodwar | Blood Warrior |
1994 | Metro | dharma | Dharma Doujou |
1994 | Metro | gunmast | Gun Master |
1994 | Metro | lastfort | Last Fortress - Toride (Japan, VG420 PCB) |
1994 | Midas | stoffy | Super Toffy |
1994 | Midway | crusnusa | Cruis'n USA (v4.5) |
1994 | Midway | mk3 | Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1) |
1994 | Midway | nbajamte | NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 3/23/94) |
1994 | Midway | revx | Revolution X (rev 1.0 6/16/94) |
1994 | Midway | umk3 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) |
1994 | Min Corp. | gumbo | Gumbo |
1994 | Min Corp. | msbingo | Miss Bingo |
1994 | Mitchell | mirage | Mirage Youjuu Mahjongden (Japan) |
1994 | Moloney Manufacturing Inc. / Creative Electronics and Software | tapatune | Tap a Tune |
1994 | Namco | gslgr94u | Great Sluggers '94 |
1994 | Namco | vshoot | J-League Soccer V-Shoot (Japan) |
1994 | Namco | ptblank | Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B, set 1) |
1994 | Namco | outfxies | The Outfoxies (World, OU2) |
1994 | Nichibutsu | mhhonban | Mahjong Housoukyoku Honbanchuu (Japan) |
1994 | Nichibutsu / Yoshimoto Kougyou | yosimoto | Mahjong Yoshimoto Gekijou (Japan) |
1994 | NIX | genix | Genix Family |
1994 | NIX | pirates | Pirates (set 1) |
1994 | PAL System | majorpkr | Major Poker (set 1, v2.0) |
1994 | Para | puzzlove | PuzzLove |
1994 | Playmark | hrdtimes | Hard Times (set 1) |
1994 | Playmark | powerbal | Power Balls |
1994 | Promat | maya | Maya (set 1) |
1994 | Psikyo | btlkroad | Battle K-Road |
1994 | Rare / Electronic Arts | btoads | Battletoads |
1994 | Raster Elite | tickee | Tickee Tickats |
1994 | Sega | potopoto | Poto Poto (Japan, Rev A) |
1994 | Sega | ichir | Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R (World) |
1994 | Sega | qgh | Quiz Ghost Hunter (Japan, ROM Based) |
1994 | Sega | stkclmns | Stack Columns (World) |
1994 | Sega | mahmajn2 | Tokoro San no MahMahjan 2 (Japan, ROM Based) |
1994 | Sega | toryumon | Toryumon |
1994 | Sega | zunkyou | Zunzunkyou no Yabou (Japan) |
1994 | SemiCom | magicbal | Magicball Fighting (Korea) |
1994 | Seta | mayjisn2 | Mayjinsen 2 |
1994 | Sphinx | psailor1 | Bishoujo Janshi Pretty Sailor 18-kin (Japan) |
1994 | Sphinx | psailor2 | Bishoujo Janshi Pretty Sailor 2 (Japan) |
1994 | Sphinx / AV Japan | imekura | Imekura Mahjong (Japan) |
1994 | Sphinx / AV Japan | 4psimasy | Mahjong 4P Shimasho (Japan) |
1994 | Sphinx / AV Japan | mscoutm | Mahjong Scout Man (Japan) |
1994 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | bloodstm | Blood Storm (v2.22) |
1994 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | pairs | Pairs (V1.2, 09/30/94) |
1994 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | pairsred | Pairs Redemption (V1.0, 10/25/94) |
1994 | SunA | bestbest | Best Of Best |
1994 | SunA | sunaq | SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) |
1994 | Sunsoft / Atlus | heberpop | Hebereke no Popoon (Japan) |
1994 | Sunwise | pwrkick | Power Kick (Japan) |
1994 | Taito Corporation | pbobble | Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System) |
1994 | Taito Corporation | spacedx | Space Invaders DX (US, v2.1) |
1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | opwolf3 | Operation Wolf 3 (World) |
1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | slapshot | Slap Shot (Ver 3.0 O) |
1994 | TCH | speedspn | Speed Spin |
1994 | Technosoft / Jaleco | magerror | Magical Error wo Sagase |
1994 | TeleVideo | tv995 | TeleVideo 995-65 |
1994 | Ten-Level | bowmen | Bowmen |
1994 | Unico | drgnmst | Dragon Master (set 1) |
1994 | Video Klein | witchjol | Jolli Witch (Export, 6T/12T ver 1.57D) |
1994 | Visco | drifto94 | Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan) |
1994 | Visco | eto | Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) |
1994 | Visco | renju | Renju Kizoku - Kira Kira Gomoku Narabe |
1994 | Winkysoft (Banpresto license) | denjinmk | Denjin Makai (set 1) |
1994 | Yun Sung (Escape license) | cdracula | Castle Of Dracula |
1993? | IGS | cpoker | Champion Poker (v220I) |
1993? | IGS | pktet346 | PK Tetris (v346I) |
1993? | Sunsoft / Epoch | doraemon | Doraemon no Eawase Montage (prototype) |
1993 | <unknown> | blktch2 | Black Touch II (Korea) |
1993 | <unknown> | brasil93 | Brasil 93 |
1993 | <unknown> | sloco93 | Super Loco 93 (Spanish, set 1) |
1993 | ADP | quickjac | Quick Jack |
1993 | Amatic Trading | jokercrd | Joker Card 300 (Ver.A267BC, encrypted) |
1993 | Apple | ultramhm | Ultra Maru-hi Mahjong (Japan) |
1993 | Aristocrat | teqsun | Tequila Sunrise (1VXFC613, NSW) |
1993 | Art & Magic | ultennis | Ultimate Tennis |
1993 | Atari Games | beathead | BeatHead (prototype) |
1993 | Atari Games | cybstorm | Cyberstorm (prototype) |
1993 | Atari Games | strtdriv | Street Drivin' (prototype) |
1993 | Athena | atehate | Athena no Hatena? |
1993 | Atlus | ohmygod | Oh My God! (Japan) |
1993 | Atlus | patapata | Pata Pata Panic |
1993 | Atlus | powerins | Power Instinct (USA) |
1993 | Banpresto | godzilla | Godzilla (Japan) |
1993 | Banpresto | kamenrid | Masked Riders Club Battle Race / Kamen Rider Club Battle Racer |
1993 | Banpresto | grainbow | SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Japan) |
1993 | Banpresto | macross2 | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II |
1993 | Banpresto | utoukond | Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan) |
1993 | Banpresto / Allumer | msgundam | Mobile Suit Gundam |
1993 | BFM/ELAM | qntoond | Quintoon (Dutch, Game Card 95-750-243) |
1993 | bootleg / Konami | srmdb | Sunset Riders (scrambled bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1993 | bootleg / Sega | aladmdb | Aladdin (bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1993 | bootleg / Sega | jparkmb | Jurassic Park (bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1993 | bootleg / Sega | sonic2mb | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (bootleg of Mega Drive version) |
1993 | Capcom | dino | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201) |
1993 | Capcom | ddtod | Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Europe 940412) |
1993 | Capcom | ecofghtr | Eco Fighters (World 931203) |
1993 | Capcom | mbombrd | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206) |
1993 | Capcom | slammast | Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713) |
1993 | Capcom | ssf2 | Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005) |
1993 | Capcom | punisher | The Punisher (World 930422) |
1993 | Cheil Computer System | brixian | Brixian |
1993 | Coastal Amusements | cecmatch | ChuckECheese's Match Game |
1993 | Comad | jumpkids | Jump Kids |
1993 | Comad | zerozone | Zero Zone |
1993 | Cosmo Electronics Corporation | pkscram | PK Scramble |
1993 | Data East Corporation | hvysmsh | Heavy Smash (Europe version -2) |
1993 | Dooyong (NTC license) | sadari | Sadari (Japan, NTC license) |
1993 | Dynax | mjelctrn | Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 4, Japan) |
1993 | Dynax | mjmyorn2 | Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 ~ Exotic Dream ~ (Japan, v1.00) |
1993 | Ecogames | twins | Twins (newer) |
1993 | E-Scape EnterMedia (Bundra license) | 9ballsht | 9-Ball Shootout (set 1) |
1993 | Fujic | gal10ren | Mahjong Gal 10-renpatsu (Japan) |
1993 | Fujic | renaiclb | Mahjong Ren-ai Club (Japan) |
1993 | Fun Tech Corporation | fts2in1 | Super Two In One |
1993 | Fun World | jokercrdf | Joker Card (encrypted) |
1993 | Fun World | megacard | Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) |
1993 | Fun World | powercrd | Power Card (Ver 0263, encrypted) |
1993 | Fun World | vegasslw | Royal Vegas Joker Card (slow deal) |
1993 | Gaelco | wrally | World Rally (version 1.0, checksum 0E56) |
1993 | HAR Management | lottof2 | Lotto Fun 2 |
1993 | Hewlett Packard | hp48gx | HP48GX |
1993 | IGS | grndtour | Grand Tour (V100U) |
1993 | IGS | jackie | Happy Jackie (v110U) |
1993 | IGS | iqblock | IQ-Block (V100U) |
1993 | Irem | inthunt | In The Hunt (World) |
1993 | Irem | riskchal | Risky Challenge |
1993 | Irem America | ssoldier | Superior Soldiers (US) |
1993 | Jaleco | chimerab | Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 1) |
1993 | Jaleco | peekaboo | Peek-a-Boo! (Japan, ver. 1.1) |
1993 | Jeil Computer System | finalttr | Final Tetris |
1993 | Konami | fuusenpn | Fuusen Pentai |
1993 | Konami | qgakumon | Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA1 Type H) |
1993 | Konami | shuriboy | Shuriken Boy |
1993 | Konami | waijockey | Wai Wai Jockey |
1993 | Metro / Able Corp. | poitto | Poitto! (revision D) |
1993 | Microhard | roldfrog | The Return of Lady Frog (set 1) |
1993 | Midas | toffy | Toffy |
1993 | Midway | jdreddp | Judge Dredd (rev TA1 7/12/92, location test) |
1993 | Midway | mk2 | Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1) |
1993 | Midway | nbajam | NBA Jam (rev 3.01 4/07/93) |
1993 | Namco | emeralda | Emeraldia (World) |
1993 | Namco | gslugrsj | Great Sluggers (Japan) |
1993 | Namco | quiztou | Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou!! (Japan) |
1993 | Namco | numanath | Numan Athletics (World) |
1993 | Namco | sws93 | Super World Stadium '93 (Japan) |
1993 | Namco | tinklpit | Tinkle Pit (Japan) |
1993 | NDK / Data East | dreambal | Dream Ball (Japan V2.4) |
1993 | Nichibutsu | mkeibaou | Mahjong Keibaou (Japan) |
1993 | Nichibutsu | sailorws | Mahjong Sailor Wars (Japan set 1) |
1993 | Nichibutsu | wcatcher | Mahjong Wakuwaku Catcher (Japan) |
1993 | Nichibutsu / AV Japan | mjlaman | Mahjong La Man (Japan) |
1993 | Nichibutsu / AV Japan / Miki Syouji | pachiten | Medal Mahjong Pachi-Slot Tengoku (Japan) |
1993 | Nippon Data Kiki / Star Fish | dfruit | Fruit Dream (Japan, Ver. 1.20) |
1993 | NIX? | hotblock | Hot Blocks - Tetrix II (set 1) |
1993 | NMK | quizpani | Quiz Panicuru Fantasy |
1993 | Playmark | drtomy | Dr. Tomy |
1993 | Playmark | sslam | Super Slam (set 1) |
1993 | Poby / Virus | news | News (set 1) |
1993 | Sammy | survarts | Survival Arts (World) |
1993 | Sega | sonicfgt | SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter (World) |
1993 | Seta | srmp4 | Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan) |
1993 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | hardyard | Hard Yardage (v1.20) |
1993 | Sunsoft | shangha3 | Shanghai III (World) |
1993 | Sunsoft / Atlus | oisipuzl | Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka |
1993 | Taito Corporation | cachat | Cachat (Japan) |
1993 | Taito Corporation | qcrayon2 | Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan) |
1993 | Taito Corporation | qcrayon | Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan) |
1993 | Taito Corporation | qzshowby | Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Japan) |
1993 | Tamtex | matchit2 | Match It II |
1993 | Technos Japan | shadfrce | Shadow Force (World, Version 3) |
1993 | Technosoft | hyprduel | Hyper Duel (Japan set 1) |
1993 | Tecmo | qzkklgy2 | Quiz Kokology 2 |
1993 | Toaplan / Atari | kbash | Knuckle Bash |
1993 | Toaplan / Taito | enmadaio | Enma Daio (Japan) |
1993 | Video System Co. | taotaido | Tao Taido (2 button version) |
1993 | Visco | keithlcy | Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy (Japan) |
1993 | Windom | jituroku | Jitsuroku Maru-chi Mahjong (Japan) |
1993 | Wing Co., Ltd. | bingowng | Bingo (set 1) |
1993 | Wintechno | mcatadv | Magical Cat Adventure |
1992? | <unknown> | bowlgum | Bowling Gum |
1992? | <unknown> | chicgum | Chic Gum Video |
1992? | Paradise Automatique / TourVisión | tourpgum | unknown Paradise Automatique / TourVisión bowling themed poker game with gum prizes (France) |
1992? | Windom | jogakuen | Mahjong Jogakuen (Japan) |
1992 | <unknown> | multigam | Multi Game (set 1) |
1992 | A.I (Atlus license) | blazeon | Blaze On (World) |
1992 | Allumer | rezon | Rezon |
1992 | Atari Games | arcadecl | Arcade Classics (prototype) |
1992 | Atari Games | dangerex | Danger Express (prototype) |
1992 | Atari Games | guardian | Guardians of the 'Hood |
1992 | Atari Games | relief | Relief Pitcher (Rev D, 07 Jun 1992 / 28 May 1992) |
1992 | Atari Games | sparkz | Sparkz (prototype) |
1992 | Banpresto | umanclub | Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! |
1992 | Bonanza Enterprises, Ltd | bejpoker | Bonanza's Joker Poker |
1992 | Bundra Games / Incredible Technologies | neckneck | Neck-n-Neck (v1.2) |
1992 | Capcom | cworld2j | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) |
1992 | Capcom | qad | Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701) |
1992 | Capcom | sf2ce | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) |
1992 | Capcom | sf2hf | Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209) |
1992 | Capcom | wof | Warriors of Fate (World 921031) |
1992 | Catalina | coolpool | Cool Pool |
1992 | Comad | supduck | Super Duck |
1992 | Compile / Sega | puyo | Puyo Puyo (World) |
1992 | Data East Corporation | pktgaldx | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Europe v3.00) |
1992 | Dyna | cmv4 | Cherry Master (ver.4, set 1) |
1992 | Dynax | htengoku | Hanafuda Hana Tengoku (Japan) |
1992 | Dynax | cafetime | Mahjong Cafe Time |
1992 | Dynax | quiztvqq | Quiz TV Gassyuukoku Q&Q (Japan) |
1992 | East Technology | ballbros | Balloon Brothers |
1992 | EIM | quiz18k | Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin |
1992 | Excellent System | d9final | Dream 9 Final (v2.24) |
1992 | Face | quizdna | Quiz DNA no Hanran (Japan) |
1992 | Face | gekiretu | Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble (Japan) |
1992 | FM Work | fball | Fire Ball (FM Work) |
1992 | Fun World | multiwin | Multi Win (Ver.0167, encrypted) |
1992 | Gaelco | maniacsp | Maniac Square (ver 1.0, checksum b602, prototype) |
1992 | Gaelco | squash | Squash (ver. 1.0, checksum 015aef61) |
1992 | Gaelco | thoop | Thunder Hoop (ver. 1, checksum 02a09f7d) |
1992 | Gaelco / OMK Software | splash | Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World) |
1992 | Gamart (Electronic Devices Italy license) | diverboy | Diver Boy |
1992 | hack | ssonicbr | SegaSonic Bros. (prototype, hack) |
1992 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | sshangha | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World) |
1992 | Irem | bbmanw | Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest |
1992 | Irem | hook | Hook (World) |
1992 | Irem | majtitl2 | Major Title 2 (World, set 1) |
1992 | Irem | mysticri | Mystic Riders (World) |
1992 | Irem | quizf1 | Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) |
1992 | Irem | rtypeleo | R-Type Leo (World) |
1992 | Irem | uccops | Undercover Cops (World) |
1992 | Jaleco | bigstrik | Big Striker |
1992 | Jaleco | soldam | Soldam |
1992 | Kaneko | brapboys | B.Rap Boys (World) |
1992 | Kaneko | shogwarr | Shogun Warriors (World) |
1992 | Konami | hexion | Hexion (Japan ver JAB) |
1992 | Metro | pangpoms | Pang Pom's |
1992 | Midway | mk | Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93) |
1992 | Midway | totcarn | Total Carnage (rev LA1 03/10/92) |
1992 | Mitchell | karatour | The Karate Tournament |
1992 | Nakanihon / East Technology (Taito license) | mmpanic | Monkey Mole Panic (USA) |
1992 | Namco | bkrtmaq | Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-Q Dai Bouken (Japan) |
1992 | Namco | bubbletr | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) |
1992 | Namco | cgangpzl | Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (US) |
1992 | Namco | exvania | Exvania (World) |
1992 | Namco | knckhead | Knuckle Heads (World) |
1992 | Namco | luckywld | Lucky & Wild |
1992 | Namco | swcourt | Super World Court (World) |
1992 | Namco | sws | Super World Stadium (Japan) |
1992 | Namco | sws92 | Super World Stadium '92 (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu | koinomp | Mahjong Koi no Magic Potion (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu | mjkoiura | Mahjong Koi Uranai (Japan set 1) |
1992 | Nichibutsu | patimono | Mahjong Pachinko Monogatari (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu / Kawakusu | cmehyou | Mahjong Circuit no Mehyou (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu / Kawakusu | mmehyou | Medal Mahjong Circuit no Mehyou (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu / Yubis | mjuraden | Mahjong Uranai Densetsu (Japan) |
1992 | Nichibutsu / Yubis / AV Japan | janbari | Mahjong Janjan Baribari (Japan) |
1992 | Nics | drgnbowl | Dragon Bowl (set 1, encrypted program) |
1992 | NMK / Tecmo | sabotenb | Saboten Bombers (set 1) |
1992 | Oksan | pass | Pass |
1992 | Sega | tantr | Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) |
1992 | Sega | quizmeku | Quiz Mekurumeku Story (Japan, ROM Based) |
1992 | Sega | mahmajn | Tokoro San no MahMahjan (Japan, ROM Based) |
1992 | Sega | wwanpanm | Waku Waku Anpanman (Rev A) |
1992 | Sega | wwmarine | Waku Waku Marine |
1992 | Sega | wwallyj | Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, 2 players) (FD1094 317-0197B) |
1992 | Seo Jin | multigm2 | Multi Game 2 |
1992 | Seo Jin | multigm3 | Multi Game III |
1992 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gpgolf | Golden Par Golf (Joystick, V1.1) |
1992 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg2 | Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V2.2) |
1992 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | timekill | Time Killers (v1.32) |
1992 | Subsino | tisub | Treasure Island (Subsino, set 1) |
1992 | Success | dcon | D-Con |
1992 | TAD Corporation | heatbrl | Heated Barrel (World version 3) |
1992 | TAD Corporation | legionna | Legionnaire (World) |
1992 | Taito Corporation | qjinsei | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) |
1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | deadconx | Dead Connection (World) |
1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | dinorex | Dino Rex (World) |
1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | euroch92 | Euro Champ '92 (World) |
1992 | Taito Corporation Japan | silentd | Silent Dragon (World) |
1992 | Tecmo | qzkklogy | Quiz Kokology |
1992 | Tecmo (NMK license) | riot | Riot (NMK) |
1992 | TeleVideo | tv990 | TeleVideo 990 |
1992 | The Game Room | ddungeon | Dangerous Dungeons (set 1) |
1992 | The Game Room | darktowr | Dark Tower |
1992 | Topis Corp | gfire2 | Golden Fire II |
1992 | Tung Sheng Electronics | multigmt | Multi Game (Tung Sheng Electronics) |
1992 | U.S. Games, Inc. | usgames | Games V25.4X |
1992 | UPL | strahl | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (World) |
1992 | Vic Tokai (Excellent System license) | witch | Witch |
1992 | Video Klein | wstrike | Witch Strike (Export, 6T/12T ver 1.01A) |
1992 | Yung Yu / CYE | gluck2 | Good Luck II |
1991? | Mitchell | mjikaga | Mahjong Ikaga Desu ka (Japan) |
1991 | <unknown> | poker91 | Poker 91 |
1991 | Alba | hana6pt2 | Hana Awase 6 Part II |
1991 | Alba | yumefuda | Yumefuda |
1991 | Atari Games | batman | Batman |
1991 | Atari Games | marblmd2 | Marble Madness II (prototype) |
1991 | Atari Games | offtwall | Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) |
1991 | Banpresto / Bandai | sdgndmps | SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui |
1991 | Banpresto / Bandai | ultraman | Ultraman (Japan) |
1991 | bootleg (Tuning) | dicegame | Dice - The Dice Game! |
1991 | Capcom | captcomm | Captain Commando (World 911202) |
1991 | Capcom | knights | Knights of the Round (World 911127) |
1991 | Capcom | qsangoku | Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) |
1991 | Capcom | qtono1 | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) |
1991 | Capcom | sf2 | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522) |
1991 | Capcom | kod | The King of Dragons (World 910805) |
1991 | Capcom | 3wonders | Three Wonders (World 910520) |
1991 | Comad | bballs | Bouncing Balls |
1991 | Corsica | tonypok | Poker Master (Tony-Poker V3.A, hack?) |
1991 | Data East USA | lemmings | Lemmings (US prototype) |
1991 | Dyna | cmast91 | Cherry Master '91 (ver.1.30) |
1991 | Dyna | cmaster | Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 1) |
1991 | Dyna | cutyline | Cuty Line (ver.1.01) |
1991 | Dynax | hanayara | Hana wo Yaraneba! (Japan) |
1991 | Dynax | mjangels | Mahjong Angels - Comic Theater Vol.2 (Japan) |
1991 | Dynax | mjcomv1 | Mahjong Comic Gekijou Vol.1 (Japan) |
1991 | Dynax | mjdialq2 | Mahjong Dial Q2 (Japan set 1) |
1991 | Dynax | tenkai | Mahjong Tenkaigen (Japan) |
1991 | Dynax | mjvegasa | Mahjong Vegas (Japan, unprotected) |
1991 | Dynax | yarunara | Mahjong Yarunara (Japan) |
1991 | Dynax | warahana | Warai no Hana Tenshi (Japan) |
1991 | East Coast Coin Company | tstrike | Thunder Strike (set 1) |
1991 | East Technology | selfeena | Sel Feena |
1991 | Gaelco | bigkarnk | Big Karnak (ver. 1.0, checksum 1e38c94) |
1991 | Gaelco | mastboy | Master Boy (Spanish, rev A) |
1991 | Home Data | mjkinjas | Mahjong Kinjirareta Asobi (Japan) |
1991 | Impera | lucky7i | Lucky 7 (Impera, V04/91a, set 1) |
1991 | Impera | pokeri | Poker (Impera, V11/90b) |
1991 | Inter Games | intrgmes | Joker Card (Inter Games) |
1991 | Irem | bmaster | Blade Master (World) |
1991 | Irem | cosmccop | Cosmic Cop (World) |
1991 | Irem | gunforce | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) |
1991 | Irem | hasamu | Hasamu (Japan) |
1991 | Irem | ltswords | Lightning Swords (World) |
1991 | Irem (licensed from Hudson Soft) | dynablst | Dynablaster / Bomber Man |
1991 | Jaleco | 64street | 64th. Street: A Detective Story (World) |
1991 | Jaleco | avspirit | Avenging Spirit |
1991 | Jaleco | edf | E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (set 1) |
1991 | Jaleco | inyourfa | In Your Face (North America, prototype) |
1991 | Kaneko | mgcrystl | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) |
1991 | Kaneko | berlwall | The Berlin Wall |
1991 | Konami | esckids | Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players) |
1991 | Konami | mariorou | Mario Roulette |
1991 | Konami | mogura | Mogura Desse (Japan) |
1991 | Konami | quickp5 | Quick Pick 5 |
1991 | Konami | rollerg | Rollergames (US) |
1991 | Konami | tmnt2 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA) |
1991 | Konami | simpsons | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) |
1991 | Konami | thndrx2 | Thunder Cross II (World) |
1991 | Konami | tsupenta | Tsurikko Penta |
1991 | Konami | vendetta | Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T) |
1991 | Leland Corporation | brutforc | Brute Force |
1991 | Leland Corporation | indyheat | Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (rev 1) |
1991 | Matoba | mjprivat | Mahjong Private (Japan) |
1991 | Midway | strkforc | Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91) |
1991 | Midway | shimpact | Super High Impact (rev LA1 09/30/91) |
1991 | Midway | term2 | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA4 08/03/92) |
1991 | Namco | sgunner2 | Steel Gunner 2 (US) |
1991 | Namco | tankfrce | Tank Force (US, 2 Players) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | hanaoji | Hana to Ojisan (ver 1.01, 1991/12/09) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | mjgottsu | Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji (Japan) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | mjlstory | Mahjong Jikken Love Story (Japan) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | vanilla | Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome (Japan) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | mjgottub | Medal Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji (Japan) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | ngpgal | Nekketsu Grand-Prix Gal (Japan) |
1991 | Nichibutsu | qmhayaku | Quiz-Mahjong Hayaku Yatteyo! (Japan) |
1991 | NMK | ddealer | Double Dealer |
1991 | NMK | hachamf | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) |
1991 | NMK | gakupara | Quiz Gakuen Paradise (Japan, ver. 1.04) |
1991 | Palco | agress | Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Japan) |
1991 | Philko | dfjail | The Destroyer From Jail (Korea) |
1991 | Rare | xtheball | X the Ball |
1991 | Sega | cltchitr | Clutch Hitter (US) (FD1094 317-0176) |
1991 | Sega | ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) |
1991 | Sega | dcclub | Dynamic Country Club (World, ROM Based) |
1991 | Sega | qrouka | Quiz Rouka Ni Tattenasai (Japan, ROM Based) |
1991 | Sega | rchase | Rail Chase (World) |
1991 | Sega | ribbit | Ribbit! |
1991 | Sega | strkfgtr | Strike Fighter (World) |
1991 | Sega | twinsqua | Twin Squash |
1991 | Sega | soniccar | Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car |
1991 | Sega / Westone | riotcity | Riot City (Japan) |
1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | arlingtn | Arlington Horse Racing (v1.40-D) |
1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | ninclown | Ninja Clowns (27 oct 91) |
1991 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | rimrockn | Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.2) |
1991 | Subsino | crsbingo | Poker Carnival |
1991 | Subsino / Buffy | victor5 | Victor 5 |
1991 | Success / Sega | cotton | Cotton (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0181a) |
1991 | Success / Taiyo Jidoki | ppj | Pyon Pyon Jump (V1.40, Japan) |
1991 | SunA | hardhea2 | Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.4) |
1991 | TAB Austria | royalcrd | Royal Card (German, set 1) |
1991 | Taito Corporation | qzchikyu | Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) |
1991 | Taito Corporation | qzquest | Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan) |
1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | metalb | Metal Black (World) |
1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | pulirula | PuLiRuLa (World, dual PCB) |
1991 | Taito Corporation Japan | solfigtr | Solitary Fighter (World) |
1991 | Technos Japan (Tecmo license) | wwfwfest | WWF WrestleFest (World) |
1991 | Toaplan | pipibibs | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1) |
1991 | Toaplan | tekipaki | Teki Paki |
1991 | TVG | falcnwld | Falcons Wild - Wild Card 1991 (TVG) |
1991 | UCMC/IWC | pokeriwc | Poker UCMC/IWC (ver 162.03) |
1991 | UPL | blkheart | Black Heart |
1991 | Video Klein | witchgme | Witch Game (Video Klein, set 1) |
1991 | Video Klein? | witchcrd | Witch Card (Video Klein CPU box, set 1) |
1991 | Video System Co. | fromance | Idol-Mahjong Final Romance (Japan) |
1991 | Video System Co. | karatblz | Karate Blazers (World, set 1) |
1991 | Video System Co. | nmsengen | Nekketsu Mahjong Sengen! AFTER 5 (Japan) |
1991 | Video System Co. | pspikes | Power Spikes (World) |
1991 | Video System Co. | welltris | Welltris (World?, 2 players) |
1991 | Visco | ponchin | Mahjong Pon Chin Kan (Japan set 1) |
1990? | Electronic Devices Italy / 3D Games England | mugsmash | Mug Smashers |
1990 | <unknown> | bsuerte | Buena Suerte (Spanish, set 1) |
1990 | Atari Games | hydra | Hydra |
1990 | Atari Games | pitfight | Pit Fighter (rev 9) |
1990 | Atari Games | racedriv | Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 5) |
1990 | Atari Games | rampart | Rampart (Trackball) |
1990 | Atari Games | shuuz | Shuuz (version 8.0) |
1990 | Atari Games | thunderj | ThunderJaws (rev 3) |
1990 | Blitz System | megadpkr | Mega Double Poker (conversion kit, version 2.3 MD) |
1990 | bootleg (Paradise Electronics) | akamj | Aka Mahjong (Double Bet, ver 1 16) |
1990 | Capcom | hatena | Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken (Japan 900228) |
1990 | Capcom | cawing | Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) |
1990 | Capcom | msword | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) |
1990 | Capcom | mtwins | Mega Twins (World 900619) |
1990 | Capcom | nemo | Nemo (World 901130) |
1990 | Coinmaster | jpcoin2 | Joker Poker (Coinmaster, Amusement Only) |
1990 | Comad | pushman | Pushman (Korea, set 1) |
1990 | Dooyong | yamyam | Yam! Yam!? |
1990 | Dynax | hjingi | Hana Jingi (Japan set 1) |
1990 | Dynax | mcnpshnt | Mahjong Campus Hunting (Japan) |
1990 | Dynax | mjifb | Mahjong If...? |
1990 | East Technology / Technos Japan | ddragon3 | Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (US) |
1990 | Elektronika | ms0515 | MS 0515 |
1990 | Fun World | funquiza | Fun World Quiz (German, 12-11-1990) |
1990 | Fun World | funquizb | Fun World Quiz (German, 27-04-1990) |
1990 | Gaelco | xorworld | Xor World (prototype) |
1990 | Hewlett Packard | hp48sx | HP48SX |
1990 | Home Data | lemnangl | Mahjong Lemon Angel (Japan) |
1990 | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | palamed | Palamedes (US) |
1990 | IDSA | 4enraya | 4 En Raya (set 1) |
1990 | Irem | hharry | Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) |
1990 | Irem | majtitle | Major Title (World) |
1990 | Jaleco | rodland | Rod-Land (World, set 1) |
1990 | Kaneko (Namco license) | airbustr | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World) |
1990 | Konami | aliens | Aliens (World set 1) |
1990 | Konami | parodius | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 1) |
1990 | Konami | punkshot | Punk Shot (US 4 Players) |
1990 | Konami | suratk | Surprise Attack (World ver. K) |
1990 | Leland Corporation | ataxx | Ataxx (rev 5) |
1990 | Leland Corporation | pigout | Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (rev 2?) |
1990 | Leland Corporation | wsf | World Soccer Finals (rev 4) |
1990 | Merit | iowapp | Iowa Premium Player (2131-21, U5-1) |
1990 | Midway | pigskin | Pigskin 621AD (rev 1.1K 8/01/90) |
1990 | Midway | trog | Trog (rev LA5 3/29/91) |
1990 | Mitchell | spang | Super Pang (World 900914) |
1990 | Myarc / Ron G. Walters | genmod | Geneve 9640 Mod |
1990 | Namco | boxyboy | Boxy Boy (World, SB2) |
1990 | Namco | gollygho | Golly! Ghost! |
1990 | Namco | kyukaidk | Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (Rev B)) |
1990 | Namco | pistoldm | Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan) |
1990 | Namco | rthun2 | Rolling Thunder 2 |
1990 | Namco | sgunner | Steel Gunner (Rev B) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | chinmoku | Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai (Japan 900511) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | club90s | Mahjong CLUB 90's (set 1) (Japan 900919) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | ntopstar | Mahjong Nerae! Top Star (Japan) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | pstadium | Mahjong Panic Stadium (Japan) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | mladyhtr | Mahjong The Lady Hunter (Japan 900509) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | triplew2 | Mahjong Triple Wars 2 (Japan) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | maiko | Maikobana (Japan 900802) |
1990 | Nichibutsu | mmaiko | Maikobana (Japan 900911, medal) |
1990 | Nintendo | drmario | Vs. Dr. Mario |
1990 | Novomatic | ampoker2 | American Poker II |
1990 | Philko | atomicp | Atomic Point (Korea) |
1990 | Philko | snapper | Snapper (Korea) |
1990 | Sega | abcop | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) |
1990 | Sega | astorm | Alien Storm (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0154) |
1990 | Sega | bnzabros | Bonanza Bros (US, Floppy DS3-5000-07d? Based) |
1990 | Sega | borench | Borench (set 1) |
1990 | Sega | columns | Columns (World) |
1990 | Sega | columns2 | Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (World) |
1990 | Sega | dotrikun | Dottori Kun (new version) |
1990 | Sega | gloc | G-LOC Air Battle (World) |
1990 | Sega | lghost | Laser Ghost (World) (FD1094 317-0166) |
1990 | Sega | mwalk | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (FD1094/8751 317-0159) |
1990 | Sega | roughrac | Rough Racer (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-06b) |
1990 | Sega / Westone | aurail | Aurail (set 3, US) (unprotected) |
1990 | Seta (Visco license) | jockeyc | Jockey Club (v1.18) |
1990 | Space | mosaic | Mosaic |
1990 | Strata / Incredible Technologies | gtg | Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) |
1990 | Subsino / Buffy | victor21 | Victor 21 |
1990 | Success / Sega | ryukyu | RyuKyu (Rev A, Japan) (FD1094 317-5023A) |
1990 | Success / Taiyo Jidoki | kurukuru | Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon (Japan) |
1990 | TAD Corporation | bloodbro | Blood Bros. (World?) |
1990 | Taito America Corporation | dleague | Dynamite League (US) |
1990 | Taito Corporation | koshien | Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) |
1990 | Taito Corporation | mjnquest | Mahjong Quest (Japan) |
1990 | Taito Corporation | minivadr | Mini Vaders |
1990 | Taito Corporation | quizhq | Quiz H.Q. (Japan) |
1990 | Taito Corporation | qtorimon | Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) |
1990 | Taito Corporation | yuyugogo | Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan) |
1990 | Taito Corporation / Wave | scessjoe | Success Joe (World) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | footchmp | Football Champ / Euro Football Champ (World) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | growl | Growl (World, Rev 1) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | liquidk | Liquid Kids (World) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | spacegun | Space Gun (World) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | ninjak | The Ninja Kids (World) |
1990 | Taito Corporation Japan | thundfox | Thunder Fox (World, rev 1) |
1990 | Technos Japan | ctribe | The Combatribes (US, rev 2, set 1) |
1990 | Technosoft / Sega | tfrceac | Thunder Force AC |
1990 | Toaplan | demonwld | Demon's World (World) / Horror Story (Japan) (set 1) |
1990 | Toaplan | snowbros | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1) |
1990 | UCMC/IWC | cas21iwc | Casino 21 UCMC/IWC (ver 30.08) |
1990 | UPL | mustang | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990) |
1990 | UPL (American Sammy license) | bioship | Bio-ship Paladin |
1990 | Video System Co. | hatris | Hatris (US) |
1990 | Video System Co. | daiyogen | Mahjong Daiyogen (Japan) |
1990 | Video System Co. | pipedrm | Pipe Dream (World) |
1990 | Visco | mjyuugi | Mahjong Yuugi (Japan set 1) |
1990 | V-System Co. | spinlbrk | Spinal Breakers (World) |
1990 | Williams | hiimpact | High Impact Football (rev LA5 02/15/91) |
1990 | Williams | smashtv | Smash T.V. (rev 8.00) |
1990 | Yuga | marukin | Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 911128) |
199? | <unknown> | inca | Inca |
199? | <unknown> | unkpacg | unknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 1) |
199? | <unknown> | unksig | unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (encrypted, set 1) |
199? | bootleg | chry10 | Cherry 10 (bootleg with PIC16F84) |
199? | bootleg | chrygld | Cherry Gold I (set 1) |
199? | bootleg | gallag50 | Gallag Video Game / Petalouda (Butterfly, x50) |
199? | bootleg | neraidou | Neraidoula |
199? | bootleg (SGS) | cpokerpk | Champion Italian PK (bootleg, blue board) |
199? | Bordun International | sstar97 | Super Star 97 / Ming Xing 97 (version V153B) |
199? | Cyberdyne Systems | fl7_3121 | Flaming 7 (W4 Hardware, Red, White & Blue 7's + Hollywood Nights) |
199? | DellFern Ltd. | df_djpkr | Double Joker Poker (45%-75% payout) |
199? | Dyna | ncb3 | Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 1) |
199? | Elettronica Video-Games | mwarr | Mighty Warriors (24/1) |
199? | Elettronica Video-Games | pzletime | Puzzle Time (prototype) |
199? | Fun World | funquiz | Fun World Quiz (German) |
199? | Hot-B Co., Ltd. | cubybop | Cuby Bop (location test) |
199? | IGS | goldstar | Golden Star |
199? | Impera | jolyjokr | Jolly Joker (98bet, set 1) |
199? | Impera | puzzleme | Puzzle Me! |
199? | Incredible Technologies | shoottv | Must Shoot TV (prototype) |
199? | Mega Soft | gratispk | Gratis Poker (V.204, set 1) |
199? | Sigma | jwildb52 | Joker's Wild (B52 system, BP55114-V1104, Ver.054NMV) |
199? | Systema? | tvboy | TV Boy (PAL) |
199? | Veltmeijer | cardline | Card Line |
199? | Video Klein | witchryl | Witch Royal (Export version 2.1) |
199? | Webak Elektronik | fruitstb | Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.2.00ITL) |
199? | Yang Gi Co Ltd. | blktouch | Black Touch (Korea) |
199? | Yun Sung | magicbub | Magic Bubble |
1989? | <unknown> | phpython | Python (Photon System) |
1989 | <unknown> | brasil89 | Brasil 89 (set 1) |
1989 | Alpha Denshi Co. | gangwars | Gang Wars |
1989 | Ameri | amerdart | Ameri Darts (set 1) |
1989 | Anime Tec | omotesnd | Omotesandou (Japan 890215) |
1989 | Atari Games | badlands | Bad Lands |
1989 | Atari Games | eprom | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1) |
1989 | Atari Games | guts | Guts n' Glory (prototype) |
1989 | Atari Games | klax | Klax (version 6) |
1989 | Atari Games | stunrun | S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 6) |
1989 | Atari Games | skullxbo | Skull & Crossbones (rev 5) |
1989 | Athena (Visco license) | wits | Wit's (Japan) |
1989 | Athena / Seta | drgnunit | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon |
1989 | Bally Midway | archrivl | Arch Rivals (rev 4.0 6/29/89) |
1989 | Best System | daisyari | Daisyarin (Japan) |
1989 | bootleg (Forte II Games) | pesadelo | Pesadelo (bootleg of Konami Knightmare) |
1989 | Brooks | mjnanpas | Mahjong Nanpa Story (Japan 890713) |
1989 | Capcom | cbasebal | Capcom Baseball (Japan) |
1989 | Capcom | cworld | Capcom World (Japan) |
1989 | Capcom | dokaben | Dokaben (Japan) |
1989 | Capcom | dokaben2 | Dokaben 2 (Japan) |
1989 | Capcom | dynwar | Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?) |
1989 | Capcom | ffight | Final Fight (World, set 1) |
1989 | Capcom | strider | Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2) |
1989 | Capcom | unsquad | U.N. Squadron (USA) |
1989 | Capcom | willow | Willow (World) |
1989 | Casino Electronics Inc. | comg6004 | CEI 60.04 (CEI 906-III Poker, Schedule 09F) |
1989 | Digital Soft | idhimitu | Idol no Himitsu (Japan 890304) |
1989 | Digital Soft | bananadr | Mahjong Banana Dream (Japan 891124) |
1989 | Duintronic | buccanrs | Buccaneers (set 1) |
1989 | Dynax | drgpunch | Dragon Punch (Japan) |
1989 | Dynax | mjderngr | Mahjong Derringer (Japan) |
1989 | Dynax | mjfriday | Mahjong Friday (Japan) |
1989 | Dynax | gekisha | Mahjong Gekisha (Japan) |
1989 | East Technology | gigandes | Gigandes |
1989 | East Technology | kyustrkr | Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker |
1989 | Exidy | yukon | Yukon (version 2.0) |
1989 | Face | mgakuen2 | Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou no Fukushuu |
1989 | GameTek | wfortune | Wheel Of Fortune (set 1) |
1989 | Green Soft | abunai | Abunai Houkago - Mou Matenai (Japan 890325) |
1989 | Home Data | mjkojink | Mahjong Kojinkyouju (Private Teacher) (Japan) |
1989 | Home Data | vitaminc | Mahjong Vitamin C (Japan) |
1989 | Home Data | mjyougo | Mahjong-yougo no Kisotairyoku (Japan) |
1989 | Irem | dbreed | Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware) |
1989 | Irem | loht | Legend of Hero Tonma (World) |
1989 | Irem | rtype2 | R-Type II (World) |
1989 | Irem | xmultipl | X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) |
1989 | Jaleco | hachoo | Hachoo! (World, set 1) |
1989 | Jaleco | jitsupro | Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) |
1989 | Jaleco | stdragon | Saint Dragon (set 1) |
1989 | Jaleco | astyanax | The Astyanax (EPROM version) |
1989 | Kaneko | djboy | DJ Boy (World) |
1989 | KH Video | diamrun | Diamond Run |
1989 | Konami | blockhl | Block Hole |
1989 | Konami | bottom9 | Bottom of the Ninth (version T) |
1989 | Konami | crimfght | Crime Fighters (World 2 players) |
1989 | Konami | cuebrick | Cue Brick (World, version D) |
1989 | Konami | gradius3 | Gradius III (World, version R) |
1989 | Konami | mia | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T) |
1989 | Konami | spy | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) |
1989 | Konami | tmnt | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players, version X) |
1989 | Leland Corporation | offroad | Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (rev 4) |
1989 | Leland Corporation | offroadt | Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road Track-Pak (rev 4?) |
1989 | Merit | casino5 | Casino Five (3315-02, U5-2B) |
1989 | Miki Syouji | mjcamera | Mahjong Camera Kozou (Japan 881109, newer hardware) |
1989 | Miki Syouji | kaguya2 | Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2 (Japan 890829) |
1989 | MIPS | rc2030 | RC2030 |
1989 | MIPS | rs2030 | RS2030 |
1989 | Mitchell | pang | Pang (World) |
1989 | Mitchell | pkladies | Poker Ladies |
1989 | Namco | burnforc | Burning Force (Japan, new version (Rev C)) |
1989 | Namco | finehour | Finest Hour (Japan) |
1989 | Namco | marvland | Marvel Land (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | gionbana | Gionbana (Japan 890120) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | mgion | Gionbana (Japan 890207, medal) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | mjfocus | Mahjong Focus (Japan 890313) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | mgmen89 | Mahjong G-MEN'89 (Japan 890425) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | triplew1 | Mahjong Triple Wars (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | uchuuai | Mahjong Uchuu yori Ai wo komete (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | mcontest | Miss Mahjong Contest (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | pairsnb | Pairs (Nichibutsu) (Japan 890822) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | scandal | Scandal Mahjong (Japan 890213) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | skyrobo | Sky Robo |
1989 | Nichibutsu | tokyogal | Tokyo Gal Zukan (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu | togenkyo | Tougenkyou (Japan 890418) |
1989 | Nichibutsu / T.R.Tec | galkaika | Mahjong Gal no Kaika (Japan) |
1989 | Nichibutsu / T.R.Tec | galkoku | Mahjong Gal no Kokuhaku (Japan) |
1989 | Philko | xyonix | Xyonix |
1989 | Philko (Poara Enterprises license) | twinfalc | Twin Falcons |
1989 | Premier Technology | exterm | Exterminator |
1989 | Sega | eswat | Cyber Police ESWAT (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0130) |
1989 | Sega | fpoint | Flash Point (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0127A) |
1989 | Sega | goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 6, US) (8751 317-123A) |
1989 | Sega | loffire | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World) (FD1094 317-0136) |
1989 | Sega | mvp | MVP (set 2, US) (FD1094 317-0143) |
1989 | Sega | rachero | Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) |
1989 | Sega | shdancer | Shadow Dancer (World) |
1989 | Sega | sgmast | Super Masters Golf (World?, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-05d?) |
1989 | Sega | toutrun | Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade) (FD1094 317-0118) |
1989 | Sega / Elorg | bloxeed | Bloxeed (Japan) (FD1094 317-0139) |
1989 | Sega / Sunsoft | tturf | Tough Turf (set 2, Japan) (8751 317-0104) |
1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | dynduke | Dynamite Duke (Europe, 03SEP89) |
1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu | dbldynj | The Double Dynamites (Japan, 13NOV89) |
1989 | SNK | bbusters | Beast Busters (World) |
1989 | SNK | ikari3 | Ikari III - The Rescue (World version 1, 8-Way Joystick) |
1989 | SNK | mechatt | Mechanized Attack (World) |
1989 | SNK | prehisle | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) |
1989 | SNK | streetsm | Street Smart (US version 2) |
1989 | SunA | sparkman | Spark Man (v2.0, set 1) |
1989 | Sunsoft | shangha2 | Shanghai II (Japan, set 1) |
1989 | Sunsoft / Sega | bayroute | Bay Route (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0116) |
1989 | TAD Corporation | toki | Toki (World, set 1) |
1989 | Taito America Corporation | cameltry | Cameltry (World, YM2610) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | crimec | Crime City (World) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | dondokod | Don Doko Don (World, rev 1) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | insectx | Insector X (World) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | megablst | Mega Blast (World) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | plotting | Plotting (World set 1) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | puzznic | Puzznic (World) |
1989 | Taito Corporation Japan | viofight | Violence Fight (World) |
1989 | Taito Europe Corporation | rambo3 | Rambo III (Europe) |
1989 | Tamtex | matchit | Match It |
1989 | Technos Japan | wwfsstar | WWF Superstars (Europe) |
1989 | Technos Japan / California Dreams | blockout | Block Out (set 1) |
1989 | Tecmo | wildfang | Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight (World?) |
1989 | Toaplan | zerowing | Zero Wing (2P set) |
1989 | Toaplan (Taito license) | hellfire | Hellfire (2P set) |
1989 | VEB Polytechnik Karl-Marx-Stadt | polyplay2 | Poly-Play (ZRE-PP) |
1989 | Video System Co. | mfunclub | Mahjong Fun Club - Idol Saizensen (Japan) |
1989 | Video System Co. | mjnatsu | Mahjong Natsu Monogatari (Japan) |
1989 | V-System Co. | svolley | Super Volleyball (Japan) |
1989 | Wing Co., Ltd. | lucky8 | New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) |
1989 | Yankee Game Technology | grmatch | Grudge Match (Yankee Game Technology) |
1988? | Visco Games | thedealr | The Dealer (Visco) |
1988 | <unknown> | jpjcoin | Jackpot Joker Poker (Version 88V 01) |
1988 | Apple | otonano | Otona no Mahjong (Japan 880628) |
1988 | Atari Games | harddriv | Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 7) |
1988 | Atari Games | atetris | Tetris (set 1) |
1988 | Atari Games | vindictr | Vindicators (rev 5) |
1988 | Atari Games | vindctr2 | Vindicators Part II (rev 3) |
1988 | Bally Midway | blasted | Blasted |
1988 | bootleg (Screen) | pengadvb | Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version, encrypted) |
1988 | Capcom | forgottn | Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) |
1988 | Capcom | ghouls | Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) |
1988 | Capcom (Romstar license) | f1dream | F-1 Dream |
1988 | Casino Electronics Inc. | comg5107 | CEI 51.07 (CEI 906-III Poker, Schedule 05F) |
1988 | Casino Electronics Inc. | comg5108 | CEI 51.08 (CEI 906-III Poker, Schedule 05F) |
1988 | Daiichi Denshi | orangec | Orange Club - Maruhi Kagai Jugyou (Japan 880213) |
1988 | Data East Corporation | chelnov | Atomic Runner Chelnov (World) |
1988 | Data East Corporation | cobracom | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 5) |
1988 | Data East Corporation | stadhero | Stadium Hero (Japan) |
1988 | Data East USA | baddudes | Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US, revision 1) |
1988 | Dynax | mjapinky | Almond Pinky (Japan) |
1988 | Dynax | hanamai | Hana no Mai (Japan) |
1988 | Dynax | majs101b | Mahjong Studio 101 (Japan) |
1988 | Exidy | showdown | Showdown (version 5.0) |
1988 | Exidy | whodunit | Who Dunit (version 9.0) |
1988 | Home Data | mjclinic | Mahjong Clinic (Japan, set 1) |
1988 | Home Data | mjhokite | Mahjong Hourouki Okite (Japan) |
1988 | Home Data | mjjoship | Mahjong Joshi Pro-wres -Give up 5 byou mae- (Japan) |
1988 | Home Data | lastapos | The Last Apostle Puppetshow |
1988 | Irem | kikcubic | Meikyu Jima (Japan) |
1988 | Irem | nspirit | Ninja Spirit (World) |
1988 | Irem | vigilant | Vigilante (World, Rev E) |
1988 | Jaleco | kickoff | Kick Off: Jaleco Cup (Japan) |
1988 | Jaleco | lomakai | Legend of Makai (World) |
1988 | Jaleco | kazan | Ninja Kazan (World) |
1988 | Jaleco | p47 | P-47: The Phantom Fighter (World) |
1988 | Kaneko / Taito | hvyunit | Heavy Unit (World) |
1988 | Kaneko / Taito Corporation Japan | kabukiz | Kabuki-Z (World) |
1988 | Konami | 88games | '88 Games |
1988 | Konami | combatsc | Combat School (joystick) |
1988 | Konami | hcastle | Haunted Castle (version M) |
1988 | Konami | hotchase | Hot Chase (set 1) |
1988 | Konami | kittenk | Kitten Kaboodle |
1988 | Konami | fround | The Final Round (version M) |
1988 | Konami | mainevt | The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y) |
1988 | Konami | thunderx | Thunder Cross (set 1) |
1988 | Konami | vulcan | Vulcan Venture (new) |
1988 | Leland Corporation | strkzone | Strike Zone Baseball |
1988 | Leland Corporation | viper | Viper (rev 3) |
1988 | Miki Syouji | kaguya | Mahjong Kaguyahime (Japan 880521) |
1988 | Miki Syouji | taiwanmb | Taiwan Mahjong (Japan 881208) |
1988 | Namco | bakutotu | Bakutotsu Kijuutei |
1988 | Namco | berabohm | Chou Zetsurinjin Berabowman (Japan, Rev C) |
1988 | Namco | faceoff | Face Off (Japan 2 Players) |
1988 | Namco | mmaze | Marchen Maze (Japan) |
1988 | Namco | mirninja | Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 1) |
1988 | Namco | ordyne | Ordyne (World) |
1988 | Namco | wldcourt | Pro Tennis World Court (Japan) |
1988 | Namco | ws | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) |
1988 | Namco | splatter | Splatter House (World, new version (SH3)) |
1988 | Nichibutsu | bikkuri | Bikkuri Pro Wrestling (Japan 881221, Ver 1.05) |
1988 | Nichibutsu | cclimbr2 | Crazy Climber 2 (Japan) |
1988 | Nichibutsu | hanamomo | Mahjong Hana no Momoko gumi (Japan 881201) |
1988 | Nichibutsu | mjsikaku | Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880908) |
1988 | Nichibutsu | korinai | Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen (Japan 880425) |
1988 | Noraut Ltd. | norautp | Noraut Poker |
1988 | Noraut Ltd. | norautrh | Noraut Red Hot Joker Poker |
1988 | Panac | kanatuen | Kanatsuen no Onna (Japan 880905) |
1988 | Philko (Sharp Image license) | turtship | Turtle Ship (North America) |
1988 | PM / Beck Elektronik | caspoker | Casino Poker (Ver PM88-01-21, German) |
1988 | Sega | altbeast | Altered Beast (set 8) (8751 317-0078) |
1988 | Sega | ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0096) |
1988 | Sega | exctleag | Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) |
1988 | Sega | fantzn2 | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (MC-8123, 317-0057) |
1988 | Sega | gforce2 | Galaxy Force 2 |
1988 | Sega | hotrod | Hot Rod (World, 3 Players, Turbo set 1, Floppy Based) |
1988 | Sega | pdrift | Power Drift (World, Rev A) |
1988 | Sega | tetrisse | Tetris (Japan, System E) |
1988 | Sega | tetris | Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A) (FD1094 317-0093) |
1988 | Sega | ufosensi | Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (MC-8123, 317-0064) |
1988 | Sega / Westone | wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B) (8751 317-0098) |
1988 | Seibu Kaihatsu | deadang | Dead Angle |
1988 | Seta | srmp3 | Super Real Mahjong Part 3 (Japan) |
1988 | SNK | countryc | Country Club |
1988 | SNK | fsoccer | Fighting Soccer (version 4) |
1988 | SNK | fitegolf | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (World?) |
1988 | SNK | pow | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1) |
1988 | SSI | ssipkr24 | SSI Poker (v2.4) |
1988 | Status Games | supertr3 | Super Triv III |
1988 | SunA | hardhead | Hard Head |
1988 | Sunsoft | vsfdf | Vs. Freedom Force |
1988 | System Service | idolmj | Idol-Mahjong Housoukyoku (Japan) |
1988 | TAD Corporation | cabal | Cabal (World, Joystick) |
1988 | Taito Corporation | rbislande | Rainbow Islands - Extra Version |
1988 | Taito Corporation | superman | Superman (World) |
1988 | Taito Corporation | syvalion | Syvalion (Japan) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | bonzeadv | Bonze Adventure (World, rev 1) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | chukatai | Chuka Taisen (World) (P0-028-A PCB) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | finalb | Final Blow (World) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | kurikint | Kuri Kinton (World) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | nastar | Nastar (World) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | othunder | Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | raimais | Raimais (World, rev 1) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | recordbr | Recordbreaker (World) |
1988 | Taito Corporation Japan | tnzs | The NewZealand Story (World, new version) (P0-043A PCB) |
1988 | Technos Japan | ddragon2 | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (World) |
1988 | Technos Japan | vball | U.S. Championship V'ball (US) |
1988 | Technos Japan (Taito / Romstar license) | chinagat | China Gate (US) |
1988 | Tecmo | backfirt | Back Fire (Tecmo, bootleg) |
1988 | Tecmo | shadoww | Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) |
1988 | Tecmo | silkworm | Silk Worm (World) |
1988 | U.S. Games, Inc. | superten | Super Ten V8.3 |
1988 | UPL | arkarea | Ark Area |
1988 | Victory L.L.C. | mayumi | Kiki-Ippatsu Mayumi-chan |
1988 | Vision Electronics | alpha1v | Alpha One (Vision Electronics) |
1988 | V-System Co. | ojankohs | Ojanko High School (Japan) |
1988 | White Board | sjryuko | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-5021) |
1988 | Williams | narc | Narc (rev 7.00) |
1988 | Wing Co., Ltd. | lucky74 | Lucky 74 (bootleg, set 1) |
1988 | Yuga | mgakuen | Mahjong Gakuen |
1987? | Konami | kontest | Konami Test Board (GX800, Japan) |
1987 | <unknown> | brasil87 | Brasil 87 |
1987 | <unknown> | pokermon | Mundial/Mondial (Italian/French) |
1987 | Academysoft-Elorg | vstetris | Vs. Tetris |
1987 | Atari Games | blstroid | Blasteroids (rev 4) |
1987 | Atari Games | xybots | Xybots (rev 2) |
1987 | Bally Midway | grudge | Grudge Match (v00.90, prototype) |
1987 | Bally Midway | rescraid | Rescue Raider (5/11/87) (non-cartridge) |
1987 | Bally Midway | spyhunt2 | Spy Hunter II (rev 2) |
1987 | Bally Midway | stargrds | Star Guards |
1987 | Bally Midway | xenophob | Xenophobe |
1987 | Bally/Sente (Maibesa license) | triviaes | Trivial Pursuit (Volumen III, Spanish, Maibesa license) |
1987 | BP EVM | vesta | PK8000 Vesta |
1987 | Capcom | bionicc | Bionic Commando (Euro) |
1987 | Capcom | blktiger | Black Tiger |
1987 | Capcom | sf | Street Fighter (US, set 1) |
1987 | Capcom | tigeroad | Tiger Road (US) |
1987 | Central Denshi | mjgaiden | Mahjong Gaiden (Japan 870803) |
1987 | China Jiangmen Computer Equipment Factory | h01jce | H-01 JCE |
1987 | Cinematronics | basebal2 | Baseball: The Season II |
1987 | Data East Corporation | csilver | Captain Silver (World) |
1987 | Data East Corporation | garyoret | Garyo Retsuden (Japan) |
1987 | Data East Corporation | meikyuh | Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan) |
1987 | Data East Corporation | pcktgal | Pocket Gal (Japan) |
1987 | Data East Corporation | oscar | Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0) |
1987 | Data East USA | karnov | Karnov (US, rev 6) |
1987 | Data East USA | ghostb | The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2) |
1987 | Digital Denshi | swinggal | Swing Gal (Japan 871221) |
1987 | Dyna Electronics | hnayayoi | Hana Yayoi (Japan) |
1987 | Dynax | mjdiplob | Mahjong Diplomat (Japan) |
1987 | Dynax | makaijan | Makaijan (Japan) |
1987 | Dynax | tontonb | Tonton (Japan) |
1987 | Dynax | untoucha | Untouchable (Ver. 2.10) |
1987 | Enerdyne Technologies Inc. | amspdwy | American Speedway (set 1) |
1987 | Excellent System | keirinou | Keirin Ou |
1987 | Exidy | hitnmiss | Hit 'n Miss (version 3.0) |
1987 | Gaelco (Covielsa license) | mastboyo | Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Covielsa, set 1) |
1987 | HAR Management | lottofun | Lotto Fun |
1987 | Hit Gun Co, LTD | theboat | The Boat |
1987 | Home Data | mhgaiden | Mahjong Hourouki Gaiden (Japan) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepk1024 | Player's Edge (PK1024-PC095) Aces and Faces Bonus Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peip0028 | Player's Edge Plus (IP0028) Joker Poker - French |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peip0031 | Player's Edge Plus (IP0031) Standard Draw Poker - French |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peip0041 | Player's Edge Plus (IP0041) Double Deuces Wild Poker - French |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peivc006 | Player's Edge Plus (IVC006) Clear EEPROM Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0001 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0001) Standard Draw Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0048 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0048) Joker Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0054 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0054) Deuces Wild Poker (El Cortez) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0120 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0120) Wild Sevens Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0127 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0127) Deuces Joker Wild Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0158 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0232 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0232) Patriot Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0250 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0250) Double Down Stud Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0294 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0294) Aces and Faces Bonus Joker Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0295 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0295) Super Deuces Wild Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0434 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0434) Bonus Poker Deluxe (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0450 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0450) Loose Deuce Deuces Wild! Poker |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0452 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0452) Double Deuces Wild Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0514 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0514) Double Bonus Poker (set 1) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | pepp0542 | Player's Edge Plus (PP0542) One Eyed Jacks Wild Poker (CG2243) |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset001 | Player's Edge Plus (SET001) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset004 | Player's Edge Plus (SET004) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset012 | Player's Edge Plus (SET012) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset022 | Player's Edge Plus (SET022) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset033 | Player's Edge Plus (SET033) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset038 | Player's Edge Plus (SET038) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset100 | Player's Edge Plus (SET100) Set Chip |
1987 | IGT - International Game Technology | peset117 | Player's Edge Plus (SET117) Set Chip |
1987 | Irem | bchopper | Battle Chopper (World) |
1987 | Irem | rtype | R-Type (World) |
1987 | Jaleco | ginganin | Ginga Ninkyouden (set 1) |
1987 | Jugend+Technik | jtc | CompJU+TEr |
1987 | Konami | blkpnthr | Black Panther |
1987 | Konami | devilw | Devil World |
1987 | Konami | hcrash | Hyper Crash (version D) |
1987 | Konami | cstlevna | Vs. Castlevania |
1987 | Konami | topgun | Vs. Top Gun |
1987 | Kyugo | airwolf | Airwolf |
1987 | Leland Corporation / Tradewest | dblplay | Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby |
1987 | Manfred Kramer | kramermc | Kramer MC |
1987 | Merit | dtrvwz5 | Deluxe Trivia ? Whiz Edition 5 (6221-70, U5-0A) |
1987 | MNG | op5cards | Open 5 Cards |
1987 | Myarc | geneve | Geneve 9640 |
1987 | Namco | shadowld | Shadowland (YD3) |
1987 | Namco / Data East USA | tkoboxng | Vs. T.K.O. Boxing |
1987 | Nichibutsu | iemoto | Iemoto (Japan 871020) |
1987 | Nichibutsu | kozure | Kozure Ookami (Japan) |
1987 | Nichibutsu | ojousan | Ojousan (Japan 871204) |
1987 | Nichibutsu | seiha | Seiha (Japan 870725) |
1987 | Nichibutsu | terraf | Terra Force |
1987 | Nihon System (United Artists license) | pbillrd | Perfect Billiard |
1987 | Ocean Software Limited | nvs_platoon | Vs. Platoon |
1987 | Pacific Educational Systems | pes | VPU-01 Speech box |
1987 | Sanritsu | chinsan | Ganbare Chinsan Ooshoubu (MC-8123A, 317-5012) |
1987 | Sega | aburner | After Burner |
1987 | Sega | aburner2 | After Burner II |
1987 | Sega | aliensyn | Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) |
1987 | Sega | bullet | Bullet (FD1094 317-0041) |
1987 | Sega | dunkshot | Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022) |
1987 | Sega | hwchamp | Heavyweight Champ (set 1) |
1987 | Sega | opaopa | Opa Opa (MC-8123, 317-0042) |
1987 | Sega | sdi | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, newer, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) |
1987 | Sega | shinobi | Shinobi (set 6, System 16A) (unprotected) |
1987 | Sega | shangon | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (unprotected) |
1987 | Sega | suprleag | Super League (FD1094 317-0045) |
1987 | Sega | thndrbld | Thunder Blade (upright) (FD1094 317-0056) |
1987 | Sega / Westone | wbml | Wonder Boy: Monster Land (Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) |
1987 | Seta | srmp1 | Super Real Mahjong Part 1 (Japan) |
1987 | Seta | srmp2 | Super Real Mahjong Part 2 (Japan) |
1987 | Silicon Graphics | pi4d50 | Professional IRIS 4D/50 |
1987 | Silicon Graphics | pi4d70 | Professional IRIS 4D/70 |
1987 | SNK | psychos | Psycho Soldier (US) |
1987 | Success / Taiyo Jidoki | tonton | Waku Waku Doubutsu Land TonTon (Japan) |
1987 | Taito America Corporation | mlanding | Midnight Landing (Germany) |
1987 | Taito Corporation | exzisus | Exzisus (Japan, dedicated) |
1987 | Taito Corporation | plumppop | Plump Pop (Japan) |
1987 | Taito Corporation | rbisland | Rainbow Islands (rev 1) |
1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | rastan | Rastan (World Rev 1) |
1987 | Taito Corporation Japan | topspeed | Top Speed (World, rev 1) |
1987 | Tecfri | sauro | Sauro (set 1) |
1987 | Tecfri | trckydoc | Tricky Doc (set 1) |
1987 | Technos Japan | spdodgeb | Super Dodge Ball (US) |
1987 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | ddragon | Double Dragon (World set 1) |
1987 | Toaplan / Taito Corporation Japan | wardner | Wardner (World) |
1987 | U.S. Games, Inc. | usg32 | Super Duper Casino (California V3.2) |
1987 | UPL | mnight | Mutant Night |
1987 | UPL | ninjakd2 | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1) |
1987 | Visco | themj | The Mah-jong (Japan, set 1) |
1987 | V-System Co. | ccasino | Chinese Casino (Japan) |
1987 | V-System Co. | ojanko2 | Ojanko Yakata 2bankan (Japan) |
1987 | V-System Co. | rabiolep | Rabio Lepus (Japan) |
1987 | White Board | dakkochn | DakkoChan House (MC-8123B, 317-5014) |
1987 | Zenitone | v4dealem | Deal 'Em (MPU4 Conversion Kit, v7.0) |
1986? | Xex | mjclub | Mahjong Club (Japan) |
1986 | <unknown> | brasil86 | Brasil 86 |
1986 | Admiral / Novomatic | novoplay | Novo Play Multi Card / Club Card |
1986 | Ainsworth Nominees P.L. | cgold | Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, US) |
1986 | Ainsworth Nominees P.L. | fvrpitch | Fever Pitch (2VXEC534, NSW) |
1986 | Ainsworth Nominees P.L. | gldnpkr | Golden Poker (8VXEC037, New Zealand) |
1986 | Ainsworth Nominees P.L. | gtroppo | Gone Troppo (1VXEC542, New Zealand) |
1986 | Alba | rmhaijin | Real Mahjong Haihai Jinji Idou Hen (Japan) |
1986 | Allumer / Taito America Corporation | gladiatr | Gladiator (US) |
1986 | Atari Games | 720 | 720 Degrees (rev 4) |
1986 | Atari Games | csprint | Championship Sprint (rev 3) |
1986 | Atari Games | gaunt2 | Gauntlet II |
1986 | Atari Games | ssprint | Super Sprint (rev 4) |
1986 | Bally Midway | maxrpm | Max RPM (ver 2) |
1986 | Bally Midway | powerdrv | Power Drive |
1986 | Bally Midway | rampage | Rampage (Rev 3, 8/27/86) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | nametune | Name That Tune (Bally, 3/31/86) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | nstocker | Night Stocker (10/6/86) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | shrike | Shrike Avenger (prototype) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | spiker | Spiker (6/9/86) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | stompin | Stompin' (4/4/86) |
1986 | Bally/Sente | sfootbal | Street Football (11/12/86) |
1986 | Big Apple Games / Merit | misdraw | Michigan Super Draw (2131-16, U5-2) |
1986 | Big Apple Games / Merit | bigappg | The Big Apple (2131-13, U5-0) |
1986 | Capcom | trojan | Trojan (US set 1) |
1986 | Central Denshi | apparel | Apparel Night (Japan 860929) |
1986 | Cinematronics | dangerz | Danger Zone (rev 2) |
1986 | Coreland / Sega | brain | Brain |
1986 | Data East Corporation | compgolf | Competition Golf Final Round (World?, revision 3) |
1986 | Data East Corporation | exprraid | Express Raider (World, Rev 4) |
1986 | Data East Corporation | sidepckt | Side Pocket (World) |
1986 | Data East USA | brkthru | Break Thru (US) |
1986 | Data East USA | shackled | Shackled (US) |
1986 | Dyna Computer | jangtaku | Jang Taku (V 1.3) |
1986 | Dyna Electronics | dondenmj | Don Den Mahjong (Japan) |
1986 | Dyna Electronics | jongshin | Jong Shin (Japan) |
1986 | Dyna Electronics | suzume | Watashiha Suzumechan (Japan) |
1986 | Escape (Sega license) | wboy | Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) |
1986 | Exidy | chiller | Chiller (version 3.0) |
1986 | Exidy | claypign | Clay Pigeon (version 2.0) |
1986 | Exidy | topsecex | Top Secret (Exidy) (version 1.0) |
1986 | GM Shoji | sprcros2 | Super Cross II (Japan, set 1) |
1986 | Jaleco | momoko | Momoko 120% (Japanese text) |
1986 | Kaneko / Taito | pbillian | Prebillian |
1986 | Konami | ddribble | Double Dribble |
1986 | Konami | ironhors | Iron Horse (version K) |
1986 | Konami | jailbrek | Jail Break |
1986 | Konami | mrgoemon | Mr. Goemon (Japan) |
1986 | Konami | rockrage | Rock'n Rage (World) |
1986 | Konami | salamand | Salamander (version D) |
1986 | Konami | vsgradus | Vs. Gradius (US, set GR E) |
1986 | Konami | goonies | Vs. The Goonies (set E) |
1986 | Konami | wecleman | WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.01) |
1986 | Kyugo / Sega | legend | Legend |
1986 | Merit | matchem | Match'em Up (6221-51, U5-1) |
1986 | Merit | phrcraze | Phraze Craze (6221-40, U5-3A, Expanded Questions) |
1986 | Namco | genpeitd | Genpei ToumaDen |
1986 | Namco | hopmappy | Hopping Mappy |
1986 | Namco | rthunder | Rolling Thunder (rev 3) |
1986 | Namco | skykiddx | Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1) |
1986 | Namco | roishtar | The Return of Ishtar |
1986 | Namco | tceptor | Thunder Ceptor |
1986 | Namco | toypop | Toypop |
1986 | Namco | rbibb | Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball (set 1) |
1986 | Namco | supxevs | Vs. Super Xevious |
1986 | Nichibutsu | citylove | City Love (Japan 860908) |
1986 | Nichibutsu | crystalg | Crystal Gal (Japan 860512) |
1986 | Nichibutsu | crystal2 | Crystal Gal 2 (Japan 860620) |
1986 | Nichibutsu | secolove | Second Love (Japan 861201) |
1986 | Nintendo | vsgshoe | Vs. Gumshoe (set GM5) |
1986 | Nintendo | suprmrio | Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E) |
1986 | Public Software / Paradais | ippatsu | Ippatsu Gyakuten (Japan) |
1986 | Sanritsu / Sega | robowres | Robo Wres 2001 |
1986 | Seattle Computer | scp300f | SCP-300F |
1986 | Sega | alexkidd | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected) |
1986 | Sega | bodyslam | Body Slam (8751 317-0015) |
1986 | Sega | calorie | Calorie Kun vs Moguranian |
1986 | Sega | enduror | Enduro Racer (Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) |
1986 | Sega | fantzone | Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected) |
1986 | Sega | outrun | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) |
1986 | Sega | quartet | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194) |
1986 | Sega | slapshtr | Slap Shooter |
1986 | Sega | transfrm | Transformer |
1986 | Senko Industries (Status license from Shinkai Inc.) | racknrol | Rack + Roll |
1986 | SNK | athena | Athena |
1986 | Status Games | supertr2 | Super Triv II |
1986 | Success / Fujiwara | sothello | Super Othello |
1986 | System Make | big10a | Big 10 (1986, System Make) |
1986 | Taito Corporation | bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) |
1986 | Taito Corporation | kicknrun | Kick and Run (World) |
1986 | Tatsumi | lockon | Lock-On (rev. E) |
1986 | Technos Japan (Taito America license) | renegade | Renegade (US) |
1986 | Technos Japan (Taito license) | xsleena | Xain'd Sleena (World) |
1986 | Tecmo | rygar | Rygar (US set 1) |
1986 | Tecmo | solomon | Solomon's Key (US) |
1986 | Tecmo | nvs_mightybj | Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan) |
1986 | Toaplan | mjsister | Mahjong Sisters (Japan) |
1986 | Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Kitkorp license) | grdian | Guardian (US) |
1986 | USSR | dvk_ksm | DVK KSM |
1986 | VEB Polytechnik Karl-Marx-Stadt | polyplay | Poly-Play (ZRE) |
1986 | Visco | rmhaisei | Real Mahjong Haihai Seichouhen (Japan) |
1986 | V-System Co. | ojankoc | Ojanko Club (Japan, Program Ver. 1.3, set 1) |
1986 | V-System Co. | ojankoy | Ojanko Yakata (Japan) |
1985 | Alba | rmhaihai | Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, newer) |
1985 | Ampro Computers | lb186 | Little Board/186 |
1985 | Amusement | roylcrdn | Royal Card (Nichibutsu HW) |
1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | Gauntlet (rev 14) |
1985 | Bally | dpoker | Draw Poker (Bally, 03-20) |
1985 | Bally Midway | sarge | Sarge |
1985 | Bally/Sente | gimeabrk | Gimme A Break (7/7/85) |
1985 | Bally/Sente | minigolf | Mini Golf (set 1) |
1985 | Bally/Sente | teamht | Team Hat Trick (11/16/84) |
1985 | Bally/Sente | toggle | Toggle (prototype) |
1985 | Cal Omega / Casino Electronics Inc. | comg239 | Cal Omega - Game 23.9 (Gaming Draw Poker) |
1985 | Cal Omega / Casino Electronics Inc. | comg240 | Cal Omega - Game 24.0 (Gaming Draw Poker, hold) |
1985 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg246 | Cal Omega - Game 24.6 (Hotline) |
1985 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg272a | Cal Omega - Game 27.2 (Keno, amusement) |
1985 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg272b | Cal Omega - Game 27.2 (Keno, gaming) |
1985 | Capcom | gng | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) |
1985 | Capcom | sectionz | Section Z (US) |
1985 | China H Computer Company | h01b | H-01B |
1985 | China State-owned 830 Factory | nf500a | NF500A |
1985 | Cinematronics | cerberus | Cerberus |
1985 | Cinematronics | mayhem | Mayhem 2002 |
1985 | Cinematronics | powrplay | Power Play |
1985 | Cinematronics | wseries | World Series: The Season (rev 1) |
1985 | Coinmaster | jpcoin | Joker Poker (Coinmaster set 1) |
1985 | Coreland / Sega | 4dwarrio | 4-D Warriors (315-5162) |
1985 | Coreland / Sega | imsorry | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) |
1985 | Coreland / Sega | myhero | My Hero (US, not encrypted) |
1985 | Data East Corporation | metlclsh | Metal Clash (Japan) |
1985 | Data East USA | shootout | Shoot Out (US) |
1985 | Duncan Brown | alienar | Alien Arena |
1985 | Entertainment Sciences | turbosub | Turbo Sub (prototype rev. TSCA) |
1985 | Ericsson Information System | epc | Ericsson PC |
1985 | Exidy | combat | Combat (version 3.0) |
1985 | Exidy | cracksht | Crackshot (version 2.0) |
1985 | Institut Ivo Lola Ribar | lola8 | Lola 8 |
1985 | Intel | basic52 | MCS BASIC 52 |
1985 | Jaleco | citycon | City Connection (set 1) |
1985 | Jaleco | jajamaru | Vs. Ninja Jajamaru Kun (Japan) |
1985 | Konami | gwarrior | Galactic Warriors |
1985 | Konami | gberet | Green Beret |
1985 | Konami | konamigt | Konami GT |
1985 | Konami | pingpong | Konami's Ping-Pong |
1985 | Konami | nemesis | Nemesis (ROM version) |
1985 | Konami | yiear | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (version I) |
1985 | Kyugo / Sega | flashgal | Flashgal (set 1) |
1985 | Merit | tictac | Tic Tac Trivia (6221-23, U5-0C, 07/07/86) |
1985 | Merit | trvwz | Trivia ? Whiz (6221-00) |
1985 | Merit | trvwz3 | Trivia ? Whiz Edition 3 (6221-05, U5-0D) |
1985 | Merit | trvwz4 | Trivia ? Whiz Edition 4 (6221-10, U5-0A) |
1985 | Namco | aliensec | Alien Sector |
1985 | Namco | metrocrs | Metro-Cross (set 1) |
1985 | Namco | skykid | Sky Kid (new version) |
1985 | Namco | btlecity | Vs. Battle City |
1985 | Namco | starlstr | Vs. Star Luster |
1985 | Namco | vsskykid | Vs. Super SkyKid |
1985 | Nasco Japan | crgolfhi | Crowns Golf in Hawaii |
1985 | Nichibutsu | magmax | Mag Max (set 1) |
1985 | Nichibutsu | pastelg | Pastel Gal (Japan 851224) |
1985 | Nichibutsu | threeds | Three Ds - Three Dealers Casino House (set 1) |
1985 | Nintendo | duckhunt | Vs. Duck Hunt (set DH3 E) |
1985 | Nintendo | hogalley | Vs. Hogan's Alley (set HA4-1 E-1) |
1985 | Nintendo | vssoccer | Vs. Soccer (set SC4-2 A) |
1985 | Nintendo / Broderbund Software Inc. | bnglngby | Vs. Raid on Bungeling Bay (RD4-2 B) |
1985 | Radio | tp1985 | TV Test Pattern Generator 1985 |
1985 | Sega | chwrestl | Champion Pro Wrestling |
1985 | Sega | choplift | Choplifter (8751 315-5151) |
1985 | Sega | dokidoki | Doki Doki Penguin Land |
1985 | Sega | hangon | Hang-On (Rev A) |
1985 | Sega | hangonjr | Hang-On Jr. (Rev. B) |
1985 | Sega | hvymetal | Heavy Metal (315-5135) |
1985 | Sega | pitfall2 | Pitfall II (315-5093) |
1985 | Sega | seganinj | Sega Ninja (315-5102) |
1985 | Sega | shtngmst | Shooting Master (8751 315-5159a) |
1985 | Sega | sharrier | Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) |
1985 | Sega | teddybb | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) |
1985 | Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license) | kncljoe | Knuckle Joe (set 1) |
1985 | Seoul Coin Corp. | quizo | Quiz Olympic (set 1) |
1985 | SMS Manufacturing Corp. | smsjoker | Joker Poker With Hi-Lo Double-Up |
1985 | SMS Manufacturing Corp. | secondch | Second Chance |
1985 | SMS Manufacturing Corp. | sureshot | Sure Shot |
1985 | SNK | canvas | Canvas Croquis |
1985 | Status Games | sextriv | Sex Triv |
1985 | Status Games | statriv4 | Triv Four |
1985 | Success | big10 | Big 10 (1985, Success) |
1985 | Sun Electronics | ikki | Ikki (Japan) |
1985 | TAB Austria | jollycrd | Jolly Card (German, set 1) |
1985 | Taito Corporation | ksayakyu | Kusayakyuu |
1985 | Taito Corporation | skydest | Sky Destroyer (Japan) |
1985 | Taiyo System (Data East license) | shangkid | Shanghai Kid |
1985 | Tehkan | gridiron | Gridiron Fight |
1985 | Tehkan | lvcards | Lovely Cards |
1985 | Tehkan | ponttehk | Pontoon (Tehkan) |
1985 | Tehkan | tehkanwc | Tehkan World Cup (set 1) |
1985 | Tesla | sapi1 | SAPI-1 ZPS 1 |
1985 | Universal | idsoccer | Indoor Soccer (set 1) |
1985 | UPL | pkunwar | Penguin-Kun Wars (US) |
1985 | UPL | raiders5 | Raiders5 |
1985 | Williams | spdball | Speed Ball - Contest at Neonworld (prototype) |
1985 | Wing Co., Ltd. | luckygrl | Lucky Girl (Wing) |
1985 | Zilec-Zenitone (Konami license) | wizzquiz | Wizz Quiz (Konami version) |
1984 | Atari | jedi | Return of the Jedi |
1984 | Atari Games | paperboy | Paperboy (rev 3) |
1984 | Bally Midway | crater | Crater Raider |
1984 | Bally Midway | demoderb | Demolition Derby |
1984 | Bally Midway | timber | Timber |
1984 | Bally Midway | zwackery | Zwackery |
1984 | Bally/Sente | cshift | Chicken Shift (11/23/84) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | gghost | Goalie Ghost |
1984 | Bally/Sente | hattrick | Hat Trick (11/12/84) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | otwalls | Off the Wall (Sente) (10/16/84) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | sentetst | Sente Diagnostic Cartridge |
1984 | Bally/Sente | snakjack | Snacks'n Jaxson |
1984 | Bally/Sente | snakepit | Snake Pit |
1984 | Bally/Sente | stocker | Stocker (3/19/85) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | triviasp | Trivial Pursuit (All Star Sports Edition) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | triviabb | Trivial Pursuit (Baby Boomer Edition) (3/20/85) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | triviag2 | Trivial Pursuit (Genus II Edition) (3/22/85) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | triviag1 | Trivial Pursuit (Think Tank - Genus Edition) (2/12/85) |
1984 | Bally/Sente | triviayp | Trivial Pursuit (Young Players Edition) (3/29/85) |
1984 | Bonanza Enterprises, Ltd | sminiboy | Super Mini-Boy |
1984 | Cal Omega / Casino Electronics Inc. | comg175 | Cal Omega - Game 17.51 (Gaming Draw Poker, Sch 07-0T) |
1984 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg204 | Cal Omega - Game 20.4 (Super Blackjack) |
1984 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg208 | Cal Omega - Game 20.8 (Winner's Choice) |
1984 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg236 | Cal Omega - Game 23.6 (Hotline) |
1984 | Candela Data AB | can09t | Candela CAN09 |
1984 | Capcom | higemaru | Pirate Ship Higemaru |
1984 | Capcom | sonson | Son Son |
1984 | Coinmaster | cdrawpkr | Draw Poker (Joker Poker V.01) |
1984 | Coreland / Sega | bullfgt | Bullfight (315-5065) |
1984 | Digital Controls Inc. | ltcasin2 | Little Casino II (v30.0) |
1984 | Eckhard Schiller | bcs3 | BCS 3 rev 2.4 |
1984 | Exidy | cheyenne | Cheyenne (version 1.0) |
1984 | Frank Heyder | ac1 | Amateurcomputer AC1 Berlin |
1984 | Galanthis Inc. | bonuspkr | Bonus Poker |
1984 | Gottlieb | argusg | Argus (Gottlieb, prototype) |
1984 | IGT - International Game Technology | fortune1 | Fortune I (PK485-S) Draw Poker |
1984 | Irem | wilytowr | Wily Tower |
1984 | Itisa | squaitsa | Squash (Itisa) |
1984 | Jaleco / Casio | wwjgtin | Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! |
1984 | Konami (Centuri license) | hyperspt | Hyper Sports |
1984 | Merit | mroundup | The Round Up |
1984 | Meyco Games, Inc. | gldarrow | Golden Arrow (Standard G8-03) |
1984 | Microkey | primoa32 | Primo A-32 |
1984 | Midcoin | wallc | Wall Crash (set 1) |
1984 | Mylstar | 3stooges | The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1) |
1984 | Mylstar | wizwarz | Wiz Warz (prototype) |
1984 | Namco | drgnbstr | Dragon Buster |
1984 | Namco | pacland | Pac-Land (World) |
1984 | Nasco Japan | crgolf | Crowns Golf (834-5419-04) |
1984 | National Semiconductor | db32016 | DB32016 |
1984 | Nichibutsu | jngolady | Jangou Lady (Japan) |
1984 | Nichibutsu / Alice | itaten | Itazura Tenshi (Japan) |
1984 | Nintendo | cluclu | Vs. Clu Clu Land |
1984 | Nintendo | excitebk | Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E) |
1984 | Nintendo | iceclimb | Vs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 B-1) |
1984 | Nintendo | vspinbal | Vs. Pinball (US, set PN4 E-1) |
1984 | Nintendo | smgolf | Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F) |
1984 | Paradise Co. Ltd. | fghtbskt | Fighting Basketball |
1984 | Royal Denshi | cntrygrl | Country Girl (Japan set 1) |
1984 | Sanritsu / Sega | appoooh | Appoooh |
1984 | Sanritsu / Sega | bankp | Bank Panic |
1984 | SCCH | llc1 | LLC-1 |
1984 | Sega | chboxing | Champion Boxing |
1984 | Sega | flicky | Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051) |
1984 | Sega | spatter | Spatter (315-5096) |
1984 | Seta Kikaku | speedatk | Speed Attack! (Japan) |
1984 | SMS Manufacturing Corp. | sms4in1 | 4-in-1 (version SWS1-052587) |
1984 | SMS Manufacturing Corp. | trvhang | Trivia Hangup (question set 1) |
1984 | SNK | sgladiat | Gladiator 1984 |
1984 | SNK | madcrash | Mad Crasher |
1984 | SNK | mainsnk | Main Event (1984) |
1984 | Status Games | bigcsino | Big Casino |
1984 | Status Games | hangman | Hangman |
1984 | Status Games | trivquiz | Triv Quiz |
1984 | Status Games | statriv2 | Triv Two |
1984 | Sun Electronics | strnskil | Strength & Skill |
1984 | Taito Corporation | cyclemb | Cycle Maabou (Japan) |
1984 | Taito Corporation | fieldday | Field Day |
1984 | Taito Corporation | kikstart | Kick Start: Wheelie King |
1984 | Taito Corporation | sfposeid | Sea Fighter Poseidon |
1984 | Taito Corporation | lkage | The Legend of Kage (rev 2) |
1984 | Technos Japan | dogfgt | Acrobatic Dog-Fight |
1984 | The Open University | hektor3 | Hektor III |
1984 | Universal | dorunrun | Do! Run Run (set 1) |
1984 | Universal | kickridr | Kick Rider |
1984 | Universal | dowild | Mr. Do's Wild Ride |
1984 | UPL (Taito license) | ninjakun | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken |
1984 | Williams | inferno | Inferno (Williams) |
1984 | Williams | tshoot | Turkey Shoot (prototype) |
1983 | <unknown> | silverga | Silver Game |
1983 | ACL Manufacturing | kingpin | Kingpin |
1983 | ACL Manufacturing | maxideal | Maxi-Dealer |
1983 | Alpha Denshi Co. (Sega license) | champbas | Champion Base Ball |
1983 | Alpha Denshi Co. (Sega license) | champbb2 | Champion Base Ball Part-2 (set 1) |
1983 | Atari | cloak | Cloak & Dagger (rev 5) |
1983 | Atari | cloud9 | Cloud 9 (prototype) |
1983 | Atari | ccastles | Crystal Castles (version 4) |
1983 | Atari | firebeas | Firebeast (prototype) |
1983 | Atari | irobot | I, Robot |
1983 | Bally Midway | dotron | Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83) |
1983 | Bally Midway | tapper | Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84) |
1983 | Bonanza Enterprises, Ltd | miniboy7 | Mini-Boy 7 (set 1) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg157 | Cal Omega - Game 15.7 (Double-Draw Poker) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg159 | Cal Omega - Game 15.9 (Wild Double-Up) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg168 | Cal Omega - Game 16.8 (Keno) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg170 | Cal Omega - Game 17.0 (Amusement Poker) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg172 | Cal Omega - Game 17.2 (Double Double Poker) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg183 | Cal Omega - Game 18.3 (Pixels) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg184 | Cal Omega - Game 18.4 (Pixels) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg185 | Cal Omega - Game 18.5 (Pixels) |
1983 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg186 | Cal Omega - Game 18.6 (Pixels) |
1983 | Dave Nutting Associates / Bally Midway | profpac | Professor Pac-Man |
1983 | David Greaves | chaos | Chaos 2 |
1983 | Entertainment Enterprises, Ltd. | mv4in1 | Mini Vegas 4in1 |
1983 | Enter-Tech, Ltd. | jjpoker | Jackpot Joker Poker (set 1) |
1983 | Exidy | crossbow | Crossbow (version 2.0) |
1983 | Exidy | fax | FAX |
1983 | Game-A-Tron | bingo | Bingo |
1983 | Game-A-Tron | poker41 | Four In One Poker |
1983 | Game-A-Tron | pulltabs | Pull Tabs |
1983 | Intel | isbc2861 | iSBC 286/10 |
1983 | Intel | isbc28612 | iSBC 286/12 |
1983 | Irem | 10yard | 10-Yard Fight (World, set 1) |
1983 | Irem | troangel | Tropical Angel |
1983 | Jaleco | chameleo | Chameleon |
1983 | Jem / Dyna Corp | seljan | Sel-Jan (Japan) |
1983 | Konami | trackfld | Track & Field |
1983 | Logitec | macha | Monoshiri Quiz Oshaberi Macha (Japan) |
1983 | Model Racing | dribling | Dribbling (set 1) |
1983 | Morrow Designs | mdt60 | MDT 60 Video Display Terminal |
1983 | Mylstar | screwloo | Screw Loose (prototype) |
1983 | Namco | liblrabl | Libble Rabble |
1983 | Namco | polepos2 | Pole Position II (Japan) |
1983 | Nichibutsu | dacholer | Dacholer |
1983 | Nichibutsu | jangou | Jangou (Japan) |
1983 | Nichibutsu | kickboy | Kick Boy |
1983 | Nihon Game (Nichibutsu license) | sfx | SF-X |
1983 | Nintendo of America | mario | Mario Bros. (US, Revision G) |
1983 | Orca / Thunderbolt | espial | Espial (Europe) |
1983 | Qume | qvt102 | QVT-102 |
1983 | Sigma | akazukin | Akazukin (Japan) |
1983 | Sun Electronics | markham | Markham |
1983 | Taito America Corporation | changela | Change Lanes |
1983 | Taito Corporation | chaknpop | Chack'n Pop |
1983 | Taito Corporation | elevator | Elevator Action (BA3, 4 PCB version, 1.1) |
1983 | Taito Corporation | tinstar | The Tin Star (A10, 4 PCB version) |
1983 | Tecfri | ambush | Ambush |
1983 | Texas Instruments | ti99_224 | TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (24 KiB ROM) |
1983 | Texas Instruments | ti99_232 | TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (32 KiB ROM) |
1983 | UPL | nova2001 | Nova 2001 (Japan) |
1983 | Williams / Vid Kidz | blaster | Blaster |
1982 | Alpha Denshi Co. (Tehkan license) | shougi | Shougi |
1982 | Alpha Denshi Co. (Tehkan license) | shougi2 | Shougi Part II |
1982 | Atari | akkaarrh | Akka Arrh (prototype) |
1982 | Atari | liberatr | Liberator (version 2) |
1982 | Atari | runaway | Runaway (Atari, prototype) |
1982 | Bally Midway | domino | Domino Man (set 1) |
1982 | Bally Midway | kroozr | Kozmik Kroozr |
1982 | Bally Midway | wacko | Wacko |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg107 | Cal Omega - Game 10.7c (Big Game) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg125 | Cal Omega - Game 12.5 (Bingo) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg127 | Cal Omega - Game 12.7 (Keno) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg128 | Cal Omega - Game 12.8 (Arcade Game) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg134 | Cal Omega - Game 13.4 (Nudge) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg145 | Cal Omega - Game 14.5 (Pixels) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg176 | Cal Omega - Game 17.6 (Nudge) |
1982 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg181 | Cal Omega - Game 18.1 (Nudge) |
1982 | Cat's | namenayo | Namennayo (Japan) |
1982 | Corona Co, LTD. | winner82 | Winners Circle (82) |
1982 | Corvus Systems | concept | Concept |
1982 | Didact AB | e100 | Esselte 100 |
1982 | Digital Controls Inc. | ltcasino | Little Casino (set 1) |
1982 | Digital Research Computers | zrt80 | ZRT-80 |
1982 | Exidy | hardhat | Hard Hat |
1982 | Exidy | pepper2 | Pepper II (version 8) |
1982 | Exidy | teetert | Teeter Torture (prototype) |
1982 | Exidy | victory | Victory |
1982 | General Computer Corporation (Atari license) | foodf | Food Fight (rev 3) |
1982 | Gottlieb | insector | Insector (prototype) |
1982 | Irem | mpatrol | Moon Patrol |
1982 | Iskra | hr84 | HR-84 |
1982 | Jozsef and Endre Lukacs | homelab2 | Homelab 2 / Aircomp 16 |
1982 | Kawakusu (Video Optics license) | desertdn | Desert Dan |
1982 | Logitec Corp. (Nichibutsu USA license) | radrad | Radical Radial (US) |
1982 | Matsushita | myb3k | MyBrain 3000 |
1982 | NABU | nabupc | NABU PC |
1982 | Namco | polepos | Pole Position (World) |
1982 | Nihon Game | monsterz | Monster Zero (set 1) |
1982 | Nintendo | popeye | Popeye (revision D) |
1982 | Nippon Mail Service | mmahjong | Micom Mahjong |
1982 | Omnibyte | ob68k1a | OB68K1A Single Board Computer |
1982 | Orca | changes | Changes |
1982 | Orca | marineb | Marine Boy |
1982 | Orca | bounty | The Bounty (set 1) |
1982 | Pacific Novelty | natodef | NATO Defense |
1982 | Pacific Polytechnical Corp. | leprechn | Leprechaun (set 1) |
1982 | Pacific Polytechnical Corp. (Tong Electronic license) | piratetr | Pirate Treasure |
1982 | Radio Shack | trs80dt1 | TRS-80 DT-1 Data Terminal |
1982 | Sanyo | phc20 | PHC-20 |
1982 | Sega | suprloco | Super Locomotive (Rev.A) |
1982 | Seta Kikaku | hanaawas | Hana Awase |
1982 | Sharp | mz80a | MZ-80A |
1982 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | ponpoko | Ponpoko |
1982 | Stern Electronics | darkplnt | Dark Planet |
1982 | Stern Electronics | frenzy | Frenzy (revision RA1) |
1982 | Taito America Corporation | kram | Kram (rev 1) |
1982 | Taito America Corporation | zookeep | Zoo Keeper (set 1) |
1982 | Taito Corporation | junglek | Jungle King (Japan) |
1982 | Taito Corporation | timetunl | Time Tunnel |
1982 | Tehkan | swimmer | Swimmer (set 1) |
1982 | The Open University | hektor2 | Hektor II |
1982 | Tuni Electro Service | elgrande | El Grande - 5 Card Draw (New) |
1982 | Votrax | votrpss | Personal Speech System |
1982 | Williams | bubbles | Bubbles |
1982 | Williams | joust | Joust (Green label) |
1982 | Williams | splat | Splat! |
1982 | Williams / Vid Kidz | robotron | Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label) |
1982 | Yachiyo Electronics | mole | Mole Attack |
1981 | Atlantis Computers | mcg85 | MCG-85 |
1981 | Bonanza Enterprises, Ltd | goldnpkr | Golden Poker Double Up (Big Boy) |
1981 | bootleg (Paradise Denshi Ltd. / Mes) | janputer | New Double Bet Mahjong (bootleg of Royal Mahjong, set 1) |
1981 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg074 | Cal Omega - Game 7.4 (Gaming Poker, W.Export) |
1981 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg076 | Cal Omega - Game 7.6 (Arcade Poker) |
1981 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg079 | Cal Omega - Game 7.9 (Arcade Poker) |
1981 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg080 | Cal Omega - Game 8.0 (Arcade Black Jack) |
1981 | Cal Omega Inc. | comg094 | Cal Omega - Game 9.4 (Keno) |
1981 | Dave Nutting Associates / Bally Midway | robby | The Adventures of Robby Roto! |
1981 | Exidy | mtrap | Mouse Trap (version 5) |
1981 | Exidy | venture | Venture (version 5 set 1) |
1981 | Konami | stratgyx | Strategy X |
1981 | Marion Systems | ms68k | MS68K |
1981 | Namco | bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 5) |
1981 | Nichibutsu | friskyt | Frisky Tom (set 1) |
1981 | Nichibutsu | mshuttle | Moon Shuttle (US? set 1) |
1981 | Nichibutsu | royalmj | Royal Mahjong (Japan, v1.13) |
1981 | Nintendo | skyskipr | Sky Skipper |
1981 | Orca | rpatrol | River Patrol (Japan) |
1981 | Pacific Novelty | thief | Thief |
1981 | PM / Beck Elektronik | pmpoker | PlayMan Poker (German) |
1981 | Research Machines | rm480z | LINK 480Z (set 1) |
1981 | Status Games | statusbj | Status Black Jack (V1.0c) |
1981 | Status Games | funcsino | Status Fun Casino (V1.3s) |
1981 | Status Games | tripdraw | Tripple Draw (V3.1 s) |
1981 | Stern Electronics | moonwarp | Moon War (prototype on Frenzy hardware) |
1981 | Taito Corporation | spaceskr | Space Seeker |
1981 | TeleVideo Systems | tv910 | TeleVideo Model 910 |
1981 | Universal | cavenger | Cosmic Avenger |
1981 | Universal | snapjack | Snap Jack |
1981 | Williams / Vid Kidz | stargate | Stargate |
1981 | Wyse Technology | wy100 | WY-100 |
1980 | Atari | soccer | Atari Soccer |
1980 | Atari | missile | Missile Command (rev 3, A035467-02/04 PCBs) |
1980 | Atari | warlords | Warlords |
1980 | California Computer Systems | ccs2810 | CCS Model 2810 CPU card |
1980 | Centuri (Game Plan license) | killcom | Killer Comet |
1980 | Centuri (Game Plan license) | megatack | Megatack (set 1) |
1980 | Dave Nutting Associates / Midway | ebases | Extra Bases |
1980 | David Griffiths | dg680 | DG680 with DGOS-Z80 1.4 |
1980 | Digital Microsystems | zsbc3 | ZSBC-3 |
1980 | Midway | spacezap | Space Zap (Midway) |
1980 | Motorola | uchroma68 | Micro Chroma 68 |
1980 | Nichibutsu | cclimber | Crazy Climber (US set 1) |
1980 | Pacific Novelty | sharkatt | Shark Attack |
1980 | Philips | p2000t | Philips P2000T |
1980 | Southwest Technical Products | swtpc8212 | SWTPC 8212 Video Terminal |
1980 | Stern Electronics | berzerk | Berzerk (revision RC31A) |
1980 | Tandy Radio Shack | trsvidtx | Videotex |
1980 | Telercas Oy | tmc2000 | Telmac 2000 |
1980 | USSR | ie15 | 15IE-00-013 |
1980 | Votrax | votrtnt | Type 'N Talk |
1980 | Williams | defender | Defender (Red label) |
198? | <unknown> | 7mezzo | 7 e Mezzo |
198? | <unknown> | bchancep | Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 1) |
198? | <unknown> | bchanceq | Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 2) |
198? | <unknown> | maverik | Maverik |
198? | <unknown> | nevadafw | Nevada (French, encrypted) |
198? | <unknown> | ns8lines | New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4) |
198? | <unknown> | icproul | Roulette (ICP-1 PCB) |
198? | <unknown> | royale | Royale (set 1) |
198? | <unknown> | saloon | Saloon (French, encrypted) |
198? | <unknown> | cmpacman | Super Pacman (v1.2) + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.31, unencrypted, set 1) |
198? | <unknown> | cmtetris | Tetris + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.01, unencrypted, set 1) |
198? | <unknown> | unkitpkr | unknown Italian poker game |
198? | <unknown> | videtron | Videotron Poker (cards selector, set 1) |
198? | Amstar? | adpoker | Amstar Draw Poker |
198? | Avenir Amusement Inc. | lependu | Le Pendu (Bilingue, Version 04) |
198? | bootleg | pottnpkr | Jack Potten's Poker (set 1) |
198? | Cal Omega Inc. | comg903d | Cal Omega - System 903 Diag.PROM |
198? | Cal Omega Inc. | comg905d | Cal Omega - System 905 Diag.PROM |
198? | Corsica | cmv801 | Cherry Master (Corsica, ver.8.01) |
198? | IGS | csk227it | Champion Skill (with Ability) |
198? | IGS | igs_ncs | New Champion Skill (v100n) |
198? | Isermatic France S.A. | legrandc | Le Grandchamps |
198? | Mainline London | mainline | Mainline Double Joker Poker |
198? | Noraut Ltd. | norautdx | Noraut Deluxe Poker (console) |
198? | Noraut Ltd. | norautjo | Noraut Joker Poker (original) |
198? | Noraut Ltd. | norautra | Noraut Red Hot Joker Poker (alt HW) |
198? | P&A Games | magicfly | Magic Fly |
198? | Playtronic SRL | truco | Truco-Tron |
198? | Sisteme France | pokersis | Good Luck! poker (Sisteme France) |
198? | TAB Austria | ladylinr | Lady Liner (set 1) |
198? | Terminal | bilyard | Billiard |
198? | Terminal | gorodki | Gorodki |
198? | Terminal | konek | Konek-Gorbunok |
198? | Terminal | sosterm | S.O.S. |
198? | Terminal | koroleva | Snezhnaja Koroleva |
198? | Texas Instruments | evmbug | TMAM 6095 |
198? | Video Fun Games Ltd. | genie | Genie (ICP-1, set 1) |
198? | Video Fun Games Ltd. | norautpl | Noraut Joker Poker (Prologic HW) |
198? | Voyageur de L'Espace Inc. | codemagik | Code Magik (Ver 5.5) / Super 7 (stealth game) |
198? | Voyageur de L'Espace Inc. | lespendu | Le Super Pendu (V1, words set #1) |
198? | Voyageur de L'Espace Inc. | lespenduj | Le Super Pendu (V1, words set #2) |
1979 | Atari | abaseb | Atari Baseball (set 1) |
1979 | Atari | bsktball | Atari Basketball |
1979 | Cromemco | mcb216 | MCB-216 |
1979 | Elanco | agvision | AgVision |
1979 | Exidy | fireone | Fire One |
1979 | Exidy | starfire | Star Fire (set 1) |
1979 | Exidy | starfir2 | Star Fire 2 |
1979 | Heath Company | h19 | H-19 Terminal |
1979 | Heath Company | h89 | H-89 |
1979 | HP | hp64k | HP 64000 |
1979 | Intel | imds2 | Intellec MDS-II |
1979 | Motorola | exorterm155 | EXORterm 155 |
1979 | Netronics | exp85 | Explorer/85 |
1979 | Sharp | mz80kj | MZ-80K (Japanese) |
1979 | Signetics | pipbug | PIPBUG |
1978 | Atari | atarifb | Atari Football (revision 2) |
1978 | Atari | avalnche | Avalanche |
1978 | Atari | orbit | Orbit |
1978 | Atari | skydiver | Sky Diver |
1978 | Atari | tourtabl | Tournament Table (set 1) |
1978 | Atari (Kee Games) | sprint1 | Sprint 1 |
1978 | Atari (Kee Games) | ultratnk | Ultra Tank |
1978 | Intel | isbc8030 | iSBC 80/30 |
1978 | International Business Machines | ibm5110 | IBM 5110 |
1978 | Meadows Games, Inc. | deadeye | Dead Eye |
1978 | Midway / Taito | einning | Extra Inning / Ball Park II |
1978 | Mirco Games | super21 | Super Twenty One |
1978 | Netronics | elf2 | Elf II |
1978 | Ohio Scientific | sb2m600b | Superboard II Model 600 (Rev. B) |
1978 | Research Machines | rm380zf | RM-380Z, COS 4.0B/F |
1978 | Research Machines | rm380z | RM-380Z, COS 4.0B/M |
1977 | Atari | canyon | Canyon Bomber |
1977 | Atari | destroyr | Destroyer (Atari, version O2) |
1977 | Atari | dominos | Dominos |
1977 | Atari | poolshrk | Poolshark |
1977 | Atari | sprint4 | Sprint 4 (Rev 03) |
1977 | Atari | sprint8 | Sprint 8 |
1977 | Atari | triplhnt | Triple Hunt |
1977 | Atari (Kee Games) | dragrace | Drag Race |
1977 | Central Data | cd2650 | 2650 Computer System |
1977 | Dave Nutting Associates / Midway | boothill | Boot Hill |
1977 | Heath Company | h8 | Heathkit H8 Digital Computer |
1977 | Midway | dplay | Double Play |
1977 | Southwest Technical Products Corporation | swtpc | SWTPC 6800 Computer System (with SWTBUG) |
1977 | Xerox | alto2 | Alto-II |
1976 | Atari | flyball | Flyball (rev 2) |
1976 | Atari (Kee Games) | tank8 | Tank 8 (set 1) |
1976 | Dave Nutting Associates / Midway | 280zzzap | 280-ZZZAP |
1976 | Heath Company | et3400 | Heathkit Model ET-3400 Microprocessor Trainer |
1976 | Hewlett-Packard | hp2641 | HP 2641A |
1976 | Hewlett-Packard | hp2645 | HP 2645A |
1976 | Meadows Games, Inc. | bbonk | Bigfoot Bonkers |
1976 | Meadows Games, Inc. | lazercmd | Lazer Command |
1976 | Midway | maze | Amazing Maze |
1976 | PolyMorphic Systems | poly88 | Poly-88 |
1976 | Ramtek | hitme | Hit Me (set 1) |
1976 | Tandberg | tdv2115l | TDV-2115L |
1975 | Dave Nutting Associates / Midway | gunfight | Gun Fight (set 1) |
1975 | Intel | isbc8010 | iSBC 80/10 |
1975 | Intel | sdk80 | SDK-80 |
1975 | International Business Machines | ibm5100 | IBM 5100 |
1975 | Motorola | exorciser | M6800 EXORciser (M68SDT) |
1975 | Motorola | mekd1 | MEK6800D1 |
1975 | RCA | microkit | COSMAC Microkit |
1974? | Intel | intlc440 | INTELLEC 4/MOD 40 |
1974 | Atari | rebound | Rebound (Rev B) |
1974 | Business Computer Corporation | busicom | Busicom 141-PF |
1974 | Microsystems International Ltd | mod8 | MOD-8 |
1973? | Intel | intlc44 | INTELLEC 4/MOD 4 |
1973 | Atari | pongd | Pong Doubles |
1972 | Atari | pong | Pong (Rev E) |
197? | Henry Colford | pimps | P.I.M.P.S. |
19?? | <unknown> | phklad | Klad / Labyrinth (Photon System) |
19?? | <unknown> | pokerout | Potten's Poker stealth with Breakout front game |
19?? | <unknown> | phtetris | Tetris (Photon System) |
19?? | bootleg | black | Czernyj Korabl (Arcade bootleg of ZX Spectrum 'Blackbeard') |
19?? | bootleg | kok | Povar / Sobrat' Buran / Agroprom (Arcade multi-game bootleg of ZX Spectrum 'Cookie', 'Jetpac' & 'Pssst') |
19?? | BS Electronics | carrera | Carrera (Version 6.7) |
19?? | Capital Radio Engineering Institute | crei680 | CREI 680 |
19?? | CGI | cgidjp | Double Joker Poker (CGI) |
19?? | D.R. Korea | tetrsark | Tetris (D.R. Korea, set 1, encrypted) |
19?? | Duintronic | smotor | Super Motor (prototype) |
19?? | Electronic Devices Italy | fantland | Fantasy Land (set 1) |
19?? | Intel | ipb | iPB |
19?? | International Games | borntofi | Born To Fight (set 1) |
19?? | International Games | wheelrun | Wheels Runner |
19?? | PAL System Co, Ltd. | chance32 | Chance Thirty Two |
???? | Yun Sung | wondstck | Wonder Stick (set 1) |